Examples of the the word, aptitude , in a Sentence Context

The word ( aptitude ), is the 12746 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Schools run with public funding and which can select up to 10 % of pupils by, aptitude , Moreover, in the UK 36 Local Education Authorities retain selection by ability
  2. User interface, and it is most suitable for upgrades between major releases. *, aptitude ,is the most versatile package management tool and the preferred APT front-end
  3. Father began to teach him Latin, until he discovered the boy's preference and, aptitude ,for mathematical studies. The young Ampere, however,soon resumed his Latin
  4. 12. It comprises eight grades, the first of which is facultative. Based on an, aptitude ,test, the 8th grade teacher's recommendation and the opinion of the pupil's
  5. Persons, married life is undoubtedly advisable unless they have a special, aptitude ,for celibacy" Baba also asserted that" The value of celibacy lies in the
  6. Young age, he was apprenticed in the studio of Agostinho Carrack. However, his, aptitude , for sculpture led him to work for Giulio Cesare Convent (1577—1640),an
  7. Only a C in music in eighth grade. When his music teacher told him he had no, aptitude ,for singing, he brought in his guitar the next day and sang a recent hit,"
  8. He was so foreign. We thought him peculiar. " Her father did have a natural, aptitude ,for drawing and the sisters were charmed by his whimsical sketches of animals.
  9. A career that Fall said in his memoir that he had" no interest in and no, aptitude ,for. " He applied for a job with the CIA, but was rejected because of his
  10. In his Politicos where Gnostic epistle was also used to indicate one's, aptitude , The terms do not appear to indicate any mystic, esoteric or hidden meaning in
  11. Wolfe to make his famous stealth attack on the Plains of Abraham. Cook's, aptitude ,for surveying was put to good use mapping the jagged coast of Newfoundland in
  12. There he befriended Henry Moves, a young blind man who showed precocious, aptitude , As well as teaching Moves, Smith secured the patronage of David Hume and
  13. Becoming an engineer and throughout his life displayed extraordinary technical, aptitude , Acceding to his father's wishes, Rommel instead joined the local 124th
  14. Wanted to do but had been too busy to attempt. He then discovers he has a great, aptitude ,for music and becomes a decent guitar player by summer's end. One year later
  15. S view, professionalism was considered less praiseworthy than" unforced, aptitude ,", and possibly Scott was influenced by Markham's belief. In the first of the
  16. On a combination of the characters' statistics and the players' role playing, aptitude , sometimes with audience voting. Every year, there are growing numbers of
  17. Of teaching so late in life, but as a lecturer he was not successful: he had no, aptitude ,for digesting facts and suiting them to the level of comprehension of his
  18. The United Kingdom under the rule of a government favoring intelligence and, aptitude ,(merit) above all. The essay is written in the first-person by a fictional
  19. Knowledge usually associated with helicopters. Most services demand great, aptitude ,and extensive training for Harrier pilots, as well as experience in piloting
  20. A Doctorate in Medicine, a subject in which he had little knowledge or previous, aptitude , He planned to spread the Gospel by the example of his Christian labor of
  21. Experiential input of the external environment. The link between human innate, aptitude ,to language and heredity has been at the core of the debate opposing Norm
  22. Initially uneasy about raising a super-powered boy, Lois has shown immense, aptitude ,of being 'Mommy Lois '. However, following a devastating battle with God, Chris
  23. But refined breed such as the Andalusian developed as riding horses with an, aptitude ,for dressage, Other horse breeds developed specifically for light agricultural
  24. While studying at the Gelehrtenschule DES Johannes in Hamburg, he showed an, aptitude ,for sciences as well as languages, learning Arabic and Sanskrit. He studied
  25. Early career With many early evidences of literary capacity and political, aptitude , Blaine graduated from at Washington College (now Washington and Jefferson College
  26. Type of film in his first two years at Biography, but had little interest or, aptitude ,for the genre. From 1910 he let Frank Powell, and then Mack Sennett direct the
  27. 28 August 1827 – 25 February 1910),and in his early teens showed a strong, aptitude ,for mathematics and geometry. By the age of 18 he had completed the equivalent
  28. Of selling them, and founded the Hughes Tool Company in 1909. Showing great, aptitude ,in engineering at an early age, Hughes built Houston's first radio transmitter
  29. Such as Enrico Fermi, have been successful in both roles. Lacking an, aptitude ,or interest in experimental work, many theorists have earned a reputation for
  30. Stereoisomer in the presence of a nearby chiral center * Inductive reasoning, aptitude , an aptitude or personality characteristic The International Astronomical Union
  31. And then at the Alexandria Academy, free for local boys, where he showed an, aptitude ,for mathematics. Although brought up to be a practicing Christian, he was not
  32. Upon certain merits which could range from intelligence to morality to general, aptitude ,to specific knowledge. Supporters of meritocracies do not necessarily agree on
  33. Level up. When leveling up, the Pokémon's statistics (" stats" ) of battling, aptitude ,increase, such as Attack and Speed. From time to time the Pokémon may also
  34. For the new armed forces thoroughly. Recruits had to pass a literacy test,an, aptitude ,test, a drug test and an HIV test, and their names and faces are put on posters
  35. Developed in the Iberian Peninsula as riding horses that also had a great, aptitude ,for dressage, Ponies of all breeds originally developed mainly from the need
  36. In the presence of a nearby chiral center * Inductive reasoning aptitude ,an, aptitude ,or personality characteristic The International Astronomical Union (IAU) is a
  37. That host their own syndicated cooking shows are famed for their culinary, aptitude ,are thus called celebrity chefs. A few humanitarian and religious leaders such
  38. And philosophical" turn of mind, but " He lacked energy and had no great, aptitude ,for affairs ". His mother Eunice Jane Laird was more driven, possessing " very
  39. Ability, particularly his son Blaine. The young Pascal showed an amazing, aptitude ,for mathematics and science. Particularly of interest to Pascal was a work of
  40. Professional schools as well as the assessment of student achievement, student, aptitude , and the performance of teachers and K–12 schools. Increasingly, I–O
  41. Grammar school. He exhibited great manual dexterity, engineering skills and an, aptitude ,for mathematics, while Latin and Greek failed to interest him. When he was
  42. Press,1980). Although links between the genetic setup of humans and, aptitude ,to language have been suggested at that time and in later discussions, we are
  43. Productive years, a period that greatly enriched Gibbon's already immense, aptitude ,for scholarship and erudition: he read Latin literature; travelled throughout
  44. To give him advanced instruction in those areas in which he had displayed an, aptitude , Recognized as a mathematical prodigy, he began to study advanced calculus
  45. Skis. At school, Nansen worked adequately without showing any particular, aptitude , Through such experiences Nansen developed a marked degree of self-reliance. He
  46. Sculptor who made his career in France. As a child he displayed an, aptitude ,for carving wooden farm tools. Formal studies took him first to Bucharest, then
  47. On his major philosophical works. The young scholar Kant showed a great, aptitude ,to study at an early age. He was first sent to Collegium Fredericianum and then
  48. And uncle with the wish to fly military helicopters. After passing the initial, aptitude ,test, he was to undertake a month-long course; depending on whether he
  49. Of a soccer match ”. One reviewer declared that Fellini had“ not the slightest, aptitude ,for cinema direction ”. In 1953,I Villon found favor with the critics and
  50. Frame and sharp-cut features. Assessment He was a man of strong will, of great, aptitude ,for controversy, and considerable learning, and thus exercised a decided

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