Examples of the the word, liberalize , in a Sentence Context
The word ( liberalize ), is the 12758 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Would never approve the Canal treaties unless Corridos made some effort to, liberalize ,his rule. Following a large state funeral, Torrijos was briefly buried in a
- Bloom Demand) has vehemently opposed recent government moves to abrogate and, liberalize ,laws from the British Raj era that banned homosexuality. Some secular Muslim
- In general the advice of economists is not to impose price controls but to, liberalize ,prices by assuming that the economy will adjust and abandon unprofitable
- Telecommunications (ENTER) authority, which is developing the regulations to, liberalize ,the telecommunications sector in the region by 2004. Economic statistics GDP:
- Party, winning almost half the seats in the Congress. Anna moved to further, liberalize ,the economy, with a program of privatization, labor market reform, and measures
- Since the 1990s toward fiscal sustainability, as well as measures taken to, liberalize ,and open the economy, have significantly boosted the country’s competitiveness
- As the Prague Spring. During this time, Dubček and other reformers sought to, liberalize ,the Communist regime, creating " socialism with a human face ". Though this
- During this period, the World Bank and ITU had advised the Indian Government to, liberalize ,long distance services in order to release the monopoly of the state owned Dot
- Parliamentary system, Frederick and his wife planned to rule as consorts and, liberalize ,Germany through the appointment of more liberal ministers. They intended to
- Depressed by the Great Depression. However, no one country was willing to, liberalize ,its tariff rates unilaterally. Between 1934 and 1945,the executive branch
- Mantra of the 'Washington Consensus' was" stabilize, privatize,and, liberalize ,". A number of labor market reforms were enacted, including the establishment
- Beverages were illegal within the town. In 1996 residents of the town voted to, liberalize ,the laws and the sales of wine coolers and beer were permitted in the town's
- Court's ruling in Roe v. Wade as terminating a nascent, democratic movement to, liberalize ,abortion laws which might have built a more durable consensus in support of
- And Naked Lunch were the focus of obscenity trials that ultimately helped to, liberalize ,publishing in the United States. The members of the Beat Generation developed a
- Court, criticized the decision for terminating a nascent democratic movement to, liberalize ,abortion law. Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox wrote:" Roe’s failure to
- Telecommunications (ENTER) authority, which is developing the regulations to, liberalize ,the telecommunications sector in the region by 2004. Primary industries
- Attitude towards liberalization, following its promise to the European Union to, liberalize ,markets by 2010. All other forms of fixed-line communications are provided by
- The Eastern Europe, North Korea kept planning highly centralized and refused to, liberalize ,economic management. In the mid-1980s,the speculation that North Korea would
- In both Germany and Britain hoped that as emperor, Frederick III would move to, liberalize ,the German Empire. Frederick and Victoria were great admirers of the Prince
- Mid-1980s. In 1986,the government launched a structural adjustment program to, liberalize ,prices, reduce tariffs, and reorient Tunisia toward a market economy. Tunisia
- Done as an attempt to put Malaysia in as center for Islamic banking and also to, liberalize ,the financial sector. Oil and gas Malaysia has a vibrant oil and gas industry.
- Expulsion, Khartoum agreed to make token payments on its arrears to the Fund, liberalize ,exchange rates, and reduce subsidies, measures it has partially implemented.
- International Monetary Fund attempted to reform the foreign exchange system, liberalize ,imports, reduce restrictions on international transactions, diversify exports
- Although he had long been associated with El Benefactor, Balaguer took steps to, liberalize ,the regime, granting some civil liberties and easing Trujillo's tight
- Publicly during his premiership. When asked by CNN whether China will, liberalize ,for free elections in the next 25 years, Wen stated that it would be" hard to
- Abbot (1836–1903) Unitarian minister who led a group that attempted to, liberalize ,the Unitarian constitution and preamble. He later helped found the Free
- Of Ronald Reagan, from 1981 to 1989,made a range of decisions that served to, liberalize ,(in contemporary US terminology, this is more likely to be described as
- The right to vote to non-EU residents. Instead, they proposed and were able to, liberalize ,procedure for obtaining Belgian citizenship. During the prelude to the Iraq
- Aids out to sleep. After the U. S. pressured military leader Omar Corridos to, liberalize ,his regime, Arias returned to Panama in 1978. While he was in exile, a small
- Of an omnibus reform package designed to rationalize, and in some respects to, liberalize , American drug policy. " (Court wright noted that the Act became, not
- Debates such as a (hypothetical) prohibition debate:: Person A: We should, liberalize ,the laws on beer.: Person B: No, any society with unrestricted access to
- State in the Middle East would force other countries in the region to, liberalize ,and modernize. In his February 9,2003,column for The Wall Street, Friedman
- Of the Mikhail Gorbachev reforms, Ukraine under Shcherbytsky was slower to, liberalize ,than Russia itself. Although Ukrainian still remained the native language for
- Where it continued until 1986. History The Homestead Act was intended to, liberalize ,the homesteading requirements of the Preemption Act of 1841. Two leading
- EISTI Telecom). In the process of privatization, a concession was granted to, liberalize ,mobile, CATV and packet-switched telecommunications. This concession was
- By his son Chiang Ching-kuo. When the younger Chiang came to power he began to, liberalize ,the system. In 1986,the Democratic Progressive Party was formed. This
- Reciprocal trade agreements with other countries. This law enabled Roosevelt to, liberalize ,American trade policy around the globe. It is widely credited with ushering in
- Constitution, continued to demand the King to grant a constitution and to, liberalize ,his rule. Revolutions of 1848 In September 1847,violent riots inspired by
- A few countries,including the United States and United Kingdom, had made steps to, liberalize ,their markets before 1988. Key standards published by ITU * Coding of still
- Nationalist, orthodox communist, and populist forces to oppose his attempts to, liberalize ,and revitalize Soviet communism. Although some new movements aspired to
- The President and his top economic advisors decided to move ahead quickly to, liberalize ,prices, push demonopolization, and privatize the economy. The outcome of the
- Then at any time in the previous 15 years. Congo took a number of measures to, liberalize ,its economy, including reforming the tax, investment,labor, and hydrocarbon
- A flowering of literary and political activity associated with the attempts to, liberalize ,the Ottoman Empire. Late in the century there was a short Drupe uprising over
- Shops benefiting from government subsidies. Currently, efforts are underway to, liberalize ,investment opportunities in order to attract foreign capital. Some of the
- Commerce. He opposed the mercantilistic policies of Bavarian and intended to, liberalize ,local customs and taxes; but, after a short stay there, differences with his
- And Tango),and town councils. History Significant measures have been taken to, liberalize ,the Tanzanian economy along market lines and encourage both foreign and
- Pending a return to a constitutional government. Buyout agreed in 1996 to, liberalize ,political parties. Nonetheless, fighting between the army and Hutu militias
- Trade Organization (WTO) is an organization that intends to supervise and, liberalize ,international trade. The organization officially commenced on January 1,1995
- As conservative economics rather than liberal; in the sense of this article, liberalize ,refers to an economic system involving few regulations) the American economy.
- Law Chiang Kai-shek's eventual successor, his son Chiang Ching-kuo, began to, liberalize ,the ROC's political system in mid-1980s. In 1984,the younger Chiang selected
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