Examples of the the word, resale , in a Sentence Context
The word ( resale ), is the 12754 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And owners to go to where needed) * to buy (items for personal use, for, resale , ; buy whole enterprises to make the organization that creates wealth a form of
- Or taxed at a reduced rate. Purchase of goods for further manufacture or for, resale ,is uniformly exempt from sales tax. Most jurisdictions exempt food sold in
- And charges interest on the loans. Loans have become increasingly packaged for, resale , meaning that an investor buys the loan (debt) from a bank or directly from a
- Importation restrictions that allow the copyright holder to control the, resale ,market. This may mean for example that a copy of a book that does not infringe
- Of capital. * Information businesses generate profits primarily from the, resale ,of intellectual property and include movie studios, publishers and packaged
- An" investment" rather than an ordinary video game console. This leads to high, resale ,value on most Neo Geo systems and games and makes the console a" must-have "
- All the land in Dance County was purchased by settlers or by investors for, resale , instead of the homestead provisions common to most of Nebraska.
- In the purchase of produce directly from producers or their agents for, resale ,in the wholesale market) in the Baltimore area. He remained in Baltimore City
- Function reliably, and many are available for less than $100 on auction and, resale ,websites. While support for driving pen plotters directly or saving files as
- This by preventing or limiting resale . Many methods are used to prevent, resale , For example persons are required to show photographic identification and a
- Market on the ICE has boomed in recent years, however,largely because of the, resale ,of mortgages as housing bonds. A mutual fund market exists on the ICE in
- To keywords provided by the user. Resale of domain names The business of, resale ,of registered domain names is known as the domain aftermarket. Various factors
- Responsibility, FERC: * Regulates the transmission and sale of natural gas for, resale ,in interstate commerce; * Regulates the transmission of oil by pipelines in
- He made a side trip to the Caribbean to pick up a shipment of tobacco for, resale ,in Europe to make the voyage profitable. Minuit died on this voyage during a
- This has led to charges that diplomatic agents are profiting personally from, resale ,of" tax-free" goods. The receiving state may choose to impose restrictions on
- Sanctions) may arise on sales that involve: *sold for" use, consumption,or, resale ," within the United States; and *the effect may be" substantially to lessen
- Surplus for themselves. The company accomplishes this by preventing or limiting, resale , Many methods are used to prevent resale . For example persons are required to
- 1987 Deerfield was mostly made up of single family houses. As of that year the, resale ,prices of Deerfield houses ranged from $100,000 to $300,000. 43.5 % of the town
- In the retail sale of gem diamonds. There is a well-established market for, resale ,of polished diamonds (e.g. pawnbroking, auctions,second-hand jewelry stores
- Letter y represents the final variation of. In Japan, Ⓨ is a symbol used for, resale ,price maintenance. International Phonetic Alphabet In the. It is indicative of
- And handling instructions, etc. They will help to document a collection for, resale ,or replacement in the future. At least one website now exists where collectors
- Were unknown to the public. Long made a profit on the bonuses and the, resale ,of those state leases, using the funds primarily for political purposes. By
- Limited discounting, despite efforts in the 1950s and 1960s to limit so-called, resale ,price maintenance. In effect, Branson began the series of changes that led to
- Are left jobless, or else make significantly less money in the salable, resale ,business. The Zambian Defense Force (ZDF) consists of the army, the air force
- Cameras before diffraction becomes significant for a given print size. *Low, resale ,value is an advantage for buyers, but not for sellers. A top-of-the-line 8×10
- Acre than longer, more mature grass. But hay cut too late is coarser, lower in, resale ,value and has lost some of its nutrients. There is usually about a two-week "
- Vehicle (older vehicles could be driven in reverse to subtract mileage). The, resale ,value of a vehicle is often strongly influenced by the number of miles or
- The secondary market, thus,retail cost is not equivalent to secondary market, resale ,value. Depending on several factors, individuals,auctioneers, and
- And Washington Streets. The church also includes a private K-8 school and a, resale ,shop. *Congregational Church of Algonquin, a church affiliated with the United
- Users and retailers such as Templar, led to a sharp rise in the Cube's, resale ,value. Nevertheless, with the release of the relatively inexpensive Mac Mini (
- Nightlife for the area and is a major art center of metro Phoenix. The median, resale ,home price is $291,500,compared to $667,450 in North Scottsdale. A portion of
- Interviews famous people. When Knight talked about Volkswagen winning the best, resale ,value award in 2008,Max replied," At least one of us is winning a title this
- In three different East Cushitic languages: In Japan, Ⓧ is a symbol used for, resale ,price maintenance. Computing codes The ASCII code for capital X is 88 and for
- The Dark Angel Pilot. This 37-track CD was for promotional use only and not for, resale , This promo CD is the only known publication of the Dark Angel pilot score in
- Before entering sporting events. Governments may make it illegal to, resale ,tickets or products. In Boston Red Sox tickets can only be resold legally to
- Personal property held for personal use is tax-exempt. Inventory if held for, resale , pollution control equipment, cash,accounts receivable, stocks and bonds are
- Violation of more general laws for the sale of legitimate drugs — such as, resale ,of a medication without proper warning labels.
- Not to impose unreasonable or discriminatory conditions or limitations on,the, resale ,of its telecommunications services. * Number portability - The duty to provide
- Discrimination. Companies have however developed numerous methods to prevent, resale , For example, universities require that students show identification before
- Everybody can use it as they wish for any purpose, including redistribution and, resale , It may be included with any operating system where it works or can be made to
- Also provided wool, and the Medici family made Rouen into the main port for the, resale ,of Roman alum. At the beginning of the 16th century Rouen became the main
- Permitted in some markets but not others; where allowed, it is often known as, resale ,price maintenance or retail price maintenance. In neoclassical economics
- Making furnaces or cast it into pigs on a pig-casting machine for reuse or, resale , Modern pig casting machines produce stick pigs, which break into smaller 4–10
- Not affect any rational future decision-making about the car, regardless of the, resale ,value: if the owner can derive more value from selling the car than not selling
- Stores have refused to accept working color television receivers for, resale ,due to the increasing costs of disposing of unsold TVs. Those thrift stores
- The McIntosh Company had complete control over the sale of lots as well as the, resale ,of homes. Placement of homes was carefully controlled to protect the character
- According to the United Nations Statistics Division," wholesale" is the, resale ,(sale without transformation) of new and used goods to retailers, too
- Owner needs to take into account several factors. One factor is the predicted, resale ,value of the item. This is often thought of in terms of a range, with the low
- Who has repurchased the ticket from a discount buyer. The inability to prevent, resale ,is the largest obstacle to successful price discrimination. Companies have
- Exchange space, and ADSL DSLAM ports) to other companies for the purpose of, resale ,at a fee. Telstra Internet is the national internet backbone
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