Examples of the the word, delineate , in a Sentence Context
The word ( delineate ), is the 12756 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Then one ovule. During the twentieth century other characteristics were used to, delineate ,subfamilies including the distribution of raphides, the absence of endosperm or
- Prevalent there. Use in date notation In parts of Europe, the hyphen is used to, delineate ,parts within a written date. Germans and Slavs also used Roman numerals for the
- Sphere would be the practical realization. This approach could accurately, delineate ,the magnitude of the kilogram because the masses of the three silicon nuclides
- Of cells for operations, administration and management (OAM) purposes, and to, delineate ,packet boundaries in some Pals. Several of ATM's link protocols use the HEC
- Of national jurisdiction ”. There are no maps annexed to the Convention to, delineate ,this area. Rather, UNCLOS outlines the areas of national jurisdiction, leaving
- Highlight structures such as blood vessels that otherwise would be difficult to, delineate ,from their surroundings. Using contrast material can also help to obtain
- Exchange rates published in newspapers or posted in banks use only these to, delineate ,the different currencies, instead of translated currency names or ambiguous
- They appear to have been divided into light elves and dark elves, difficult to, delineate ,from the Æsir (gods) on one hand and the verger (dwarves) on the other. In
- That, in the night before the battle, Constantine was commanded in a dream to ", delineate ,the heavenly sign on the shields of his soldiers ". He obeyed and marked the
- Fish. Specifications There are several specifications manufacturers use to, delineate ,rod uses. These include power, action,line weight, lure weight, and number of
- With Oman also remains officially unsettled, but the two governments agreed to, delineate ,the border in May 1999. Sheikh Bayed and the Union In the early 1960s,oil was
- With the definition by Tinsley (" mental isolates" ), any attempt to, delineate ,or classify ecosystems should be explicit about the observer/analyst input in
- From experienced medical personnel. This is because physicians must manually, delineate ,the tumors one CT image at a time through the entire disease site which can
- Federation (JRF) has issued a non-binding statement attempting to, delineate ,the process by which congregations set policy on these issues, and sets forth
- Conflated with Aeolus, the son of Poseidon, god of the sea. It is difficult to, delineate ,this Aeolus from the second Aeolus, as their identities seem to have been
- Where he served the office of mayor in 1600. Records and personal descriptions, delineate ,him as an overall calm, diligent and intelligent man whose" sons ... revered
- Juárez east to the Gulf of Mexico. A series of natural and artificial markers, delineate ,the United States-Mexican border west from Ciudad Juárez to the Pacific Ocean.
- Colored his drawings with watercolors and pastels. He always used two lines to, delineate ,land masses and is known for his sinuous lines and organic forms. The
- The apostleand the children drawn out of the water. For we are not to, delineate ,the faces of idols, we who are prohibited to cleave to them; nor a sword, nor a
- Its geographic range. This broad understanding of nature enables scientists to, delineate ,specific forces which, together,comprise natural selection. Natural selection
- Including the field of psychiatry, over the definitions and criteria used to, delineate ,various disorders. Of particular concern to some professionals is whether some
- That, in the night before the battle, Constantine was commanded in a dream to ", delineate ,the heavenly sign on the shields of his soldiers" ( On the Deaths of the
- At the posts and 3 feet (91.4 cm) high in the center. Lines The lines that, delineate ,the width of the court are called the baseline (the farthest back) and the
- Of radiation therapy treatment has been revolutionized by the ability to, delineate ,tumors and adjacent normal structures in three dimensions using specialized CT
- Are another fix employed to quickly work around this problem, to clearly, delineate ,that the character really is a separate person to the other characters and
- With winged-shaped handles, and domestication of horses. It is impossible to, delineate ,Syrian tribes from Paleo-Balkans in a strict linguistic sense, but areas
- For this reason, Statistics Canada does not use municipal boundaries to, delineate ," suburbs" from" cities ". Canada's largest administratively independent
- Relationship between units at the level of words or morphology. Syntax seeks to, delineate ,exactly all and only those sentences which make up a given language, using
- The play, typically in anapestic tetrameter, though iambs are sometimes used to, delineate ,inferior arguments;: *episodes - sections of dialogue in iambic trimester, often
- Although the Canting Planisphere (1504) and the Rush map (1507) clearly, delineate ,the Maldives, giving them the same names, they show no islands to the south
- Aztec calendar, and the Hindu calendar have cycles of years which are used to, delineate ,whole time periods; the Hindu calendar, in particular, summarizes its years
- Constant-based approach, known as the Avogadro project, would define and, delineate ,the kilogram as a softball-size (93.6 mm diameter) sphere of silicon atoms.
- The syntax favors simple English keywords over the use of punctuation to, delineate ,constructs.: Rapid Development:: - Euphoria is interpreted to encourage
- Bound structures such as ribosomes is common. This has led some texts to, delineate ,between membrane-bound and non-membrane bound organelles. These structures are
- Telescopic observations) to describe vague albedo features. It is now used to, delineate ,a broad geographic region. Named features on bodies so small that coordinates
- Practical realization: A readily reproducible apparatus to conveniently, delineate ,the magnitude of a unit of measure. *# The least used replica of the INK when a
- Retroreflectors, the most important of which are the white retroreflectors that, delineate ,the runway edges, and must be seen by aircraft equipped with landing lights up
- Causes per the differential diagnosis. A cotton“ swab test” is used to, delineate ,the areas of pain and categorize their severity. Patients will often describe
- To distinguish pointers from their data. * in Small talk, brackets are used to, delineate ," blocks" or" block closures ", grouping of code that can be executed
- Properly translated as veneration or to give homage. It is difficult to, delineate ,monotheism from beliefs such as pantheism and monism as in the Data
- Desu may never come before the end of a sentence, and the is used exclusively to, delineate ,subordinate clauses. In addition, da is always declarative, never interrogative
- Of Petrograd Soviet (probably same as of Rev tribunal) petitioned Sovnarkom to, delineate ,the role of detection and judicial-investigatory organs. It offered to leave
- Name for the nation, not being Latinized, was Plus. This too may be used to, delineate ,the language and the Baltic state from the later German state. Old Prussian
- De Did Gratis ", while the" I. de Chagres" appears close by. The first map to, delineate ,the island under its present name, Diego Garcia, is the World Map of Edward
- Ambitious and socially critical films of the New German Cinema strove to, delineate ,themselves from what had gone before and the works of auteur film-makers such
- 20th Centuries. The goal of regional geography, through regionalization, was to, delineate ,space into regions and then understand and describe the unique characteristics
- Julia Kristen. " Postmodern philosophy," on the other hand, is often used to, delineate ,a much broader trend in 20th century philosophy, including the likes of
- The zones are markedly different from one another, no natural features clearly, delineate ,the boundaries between them. Sand, varying in color and composition, covers 40
- Who is ill but not critically so). Various other legal principles closely, delineate ,which activities constitute desecration of the Shabbat. Examples of these
- Was raised, the region had been underwater. The islands of the West Indies, delineate ,a submerged former land bridge which had connected North America and South
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