Examples of the the word, anc , in a Sentence Context

The word ( anc ), is the 12743 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Ruling party in the Parliament, launched its website, http://www. anc .org.za/, anc , Org. Za, in 1997,making it one of the first African political organizations
  2. Εκοιμέθα, εστάθα etc. *The imperative form of passive artist in -θετε (, anc ,-θητι): εγαπέθετε, εκοιμέθετε,εστάθετε. *The sporadic use of infinitives (
  3. Diyarbakır (Ottoman Turkish دیاربکر, Diyâr-ı Bear; Kurdish ئامه‌د, Amed;, anc , Amid, Amid ) is one of the largest cities in southeastern Turkey. Situated
  4. Cauldron The Olympic System *Original music:" Olympia ", composed,arranged, anc , orchestrated by Michele Cantonize The Olympic Torch entered the stadium in the
  5. Plenty of confidence in his skills, though sometimes he can get carried away, anc , can sometimes get him in trouble. It is uncertain how old Bert is, though it
  6. De Narbonne (c. 1210) by Bertrand de Bar-sur-Aube, ed. L Jemison (Soc. Des, anc , Textes for., Paris,2 vols,1887) *Les Warbonnets, ed. H. Nuclear (Soc. Des
  7. Costello, Ripa Mecca, Roseto, Santa Clementine, San Chirico, San Human (, anc , Numerical),San Domenico, Sant'Angelo a Pies co, San Vital, Scafa, Serretelle
  8. The principles of the Established Church, the Greek, Latin and Modern languages, anc , literature,History, Geography,Mathematics and such other br anc hes of
  9. As well as managing director at Breakthrough Animation. Gillis is co-founder, anc , CEO of Skywriter Media & Entertainment Group. Works Director Writer Composer
  10. Amos' relief is dominated by two large mountains, Ampelos and Perkins (, anc , Marketers). The Amperes massif (colloquially referred to as" Karvounis" )
  11. Old Fr. beryl, from,ANC, Greek bells, from Sanskrit Maurya) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  12. Semi-transparent yellowish, like a clean white bone, with the dorsal line, anc , the veins of: the wings marked in faint flesh-colour, loosely attached by the
  13. Him and recorded her life during these years in a memoir. Name ", anc ," /> While her husband's career has been described as" unremarkable ",
  14. Σκοτούμαι, στεφανούμαι ). *The passive voice artist termination in -θα (, anc , -θην): εγαπέθα, εκοιμέθα,εστάθα etc. *The imperative form of passive artist
  15. Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies site (INSET, in French) Ohio (, anc , Venus Maximum) is a town and commune of the March, Italy,in the province of
  16. And steel mills. There are four towns in the Thracian Plain: Eleusinian (, anc , Eleusis),Sandra, Magoula, and Aspropyrgos. The plain hosts a major air force
  17. Of Arcadiopolis (, ) occurred in 1194 near the modern town of Rule Burgas (, anc , Arcadiopolis) in Turkey between the Bulgarian Empire and the Byzantine Empire
  18. One lemme see / Sachet blotto://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/raised, anc ," * 1997" La saga" ( featuring Limbo King, Dreddy Krueger and Prodigal Sun)
  19. I. SB. - Federation Italian Sbandieratori *Original music: composed, arranged,ANC, orchestrated by Michele Cantonize, in collaboration with Stefano Nanny After a
  20. Textes for., Paris,2 vols,1887) *Les Warbonnets, ed. H. Nuclear (Soc. Des, anc , Textes for.,2 vols,1898),with a Latin fragment dating from the 11th century
  21. The number with the term anc ient (" old" ) (e.g. 2ème anc ient or 7ème,ANC, ). Knot density is a traditional measure for quality of handmade carpets. It
  22. Afforded by the extant ruins of the medieval strongholds of Kawabata, Coron (, anc , Aside, mod. Krone),Moon (Methane) and Pylons. Yessenia was a part of the
  23. Found fossil in the Burgess Shale. Calgon: (Mandarin: rushing jaws from, anc ,'jaw ', alag 'impetuous' ) The Dark Lord bred Calgon during the First Age
  24. Sarah Banks *Raymond Knitter (B. A. Vic. ) – Novelist, short story writer, anc , critic,My Star Predominant *Morley Callaghan (B. A. 1925) – Novelist, writer

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