Examples of the the word, mammoth , in a Sentence Context
The word ( mammoth ), is the 12753 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Genome of the African elephant. The information cannot be used to synthesize, mammoth ,DNA, but Dr. Stephan Schuster, leader of the project, notes that the mammoth ’s
- Hedge maze built in 1989; Latitude 29°22'32.71’S Longitude 51°06'43.68"W) A, mammoth ,is any species of the extinct genus Mammoths. These Proboscidea are members
- Forest elephant, Asian elephant, the extinct American mastodon, and the woolly, mammoth ," concluded in 2010 that African savanna and forest elephants are indeed
- Built upon research by Dr. Okayama, saying that they will extract DNA from a, mammoth ,carcass that had been preserved in a Russian laboratory and insert it into the
- Penn State University have sequenced about 85 % of the gene map of the woolly, mammoth , using DNA taken from hair samples collected from a selection of specimens
- Lives or formed loose groups after sexual maturity. Extinction The dwarf, mammoth ,was the last species of the genus. Most populations of the woolly mammoth in
- Exceptionally large males may have exceeded 12 tons. However, most species of, mammoth ,were only about as large as a modern Asian elephant. Fossils of species of
- Only seen on art or ceremonial knives include: Stone, bone, mammoth tooth, mammoth ,ivory, oosik (walrus penis bone),walrus tusk, antler (often called stag in
- Establish that the Asian elephant is the sister species to the woolly, mammoth , A surprising finding from our study is that the divergence of African savanna
- And insert it into the egg cells of an African elephant in hopes of producing a, mammoth ,embryo. The researchers said they hoped to produce a baby mammoth within six
- Been used by the Arabs and Greeks since ancient times as trading vessels. This, mammoth ,wooden ship was constructed using teak, without any iron or blueprints which
- Elephant (Asian or African), mammoth s were quite large; in English the noun ", mammoth ," has become an adjective meaning" large" or" massive ". The largest known
- Animals and top predator species have been hunted to extinction. The woolly, mammoth ,was extinct before the end of the Neolithic period. Today wolves (carnivores)
- 4.8 million years ago, into the Holocene at about 4,500 years ago. The word, mammoth ,comes from the Russian Lamont, probably in turn from the Vogue (ANSI)
- Development, and thus might have contributed significantly. Whether the general, mammoth ,population died out for climatic reasons or due to overhunting by humans is
- Only about as large as a modern Asian elephant. Fossils of species of dwarf, mammoth ,have been found on the Californian Channel Islands (Mammoths exiles) and the
- The possibility of bringing the woolly mammoth back to life by inserting, mammoth ,DNA sequences into the genome of the modern-day elephant, transferring it into
- Shell or mother-of-pearl pieces. In southern Russia, carved bracelets made of, mammoth ,tusk have been found. The Venus of Hole Fell features a perforation at the top
- In 1992 was 575 megawatts (MW),with 2,000 megawatt-hours produced. A, mammoth ,hydroelectric plant, the 292-MW project at El Canon, began producing
- Whom he angered. Sid is soon saved by Manfred (" Many" ), an agitated, mammoth ,who fights them off. Not wanting to be alone and unprotected, Sid follows Many
- Spelaea. These fish are not found in caves north of the White River. " The, mammoth ,cavern consists of many huge caves and underground galleries, arranged over
- Style When Lennon recorded" Twist and Shout ", the final track during the, mammoth ,one-day session that captured the band's 1963 debut album Please Me
- Habitat may have been reduced for some megafaunal species, such as the, mammoth , However, such climate changes were nothing new; numerous around the time of
- Producing a mammoth embryo. The researchers said they hoped to produce a baby, mammoth ,within six years. In 2001,a cow named Bessie gave birth to a cloned Asian Gaul
- To modify an elephant cell at these sites to make it resemble one bearing a, mammoth ,'s genome, and implant it into a surrogate elephant mother. In January 2011,it
- The whole of Kazakhstan, eventually leading to extinction of large animals (, mammoth , woolly rhinoceros). The hunter-gatherer communes invented bow and boats, and
- Dwarf mammoth was the last species of the genus. Most populations of the woolly, mammoth ,in North America and Eurasia, as well all the Columbian mammoth s in North
- DNA is expected to be well-enough preserved to be useful for research on, mammoth ,phylogeny and perhaps physiology. However, Dr. Say aka Okayama from the RISEN
- Japan, also prioritizing aircraft carriers, nevertheless began work on three, mammoth ,Yamato-class ships (although the third, Shinano, was later completed as a
- 1959 with Anita Berg climbing the stairs to the cupola of Saint Peter’s in a, mammoth ,decor constructed at Concetta. The statue of Christ flown by helicopter over
- To aircraft carriers was very successful. Fisher also speculated about a new, mammoth ,but lightly built battlecruiser that would carry 20-inch guns, which he termed
- In Jasmina Obłazowa in the Carpathian Mountains in Poland was made of, mammoth ,'s tusk and is believed, based on AMS dating of objects found with it, to be
- Source, but ivory from many species including the hippopotamus, walrus, mammoth , sperm whale, and narwhal has been used. The word ultimately derives from the
- Strait. Small within stage peoples followed now-extinct megafauna like bison, mammoth , and caribou, thus gaining the nickname big-game hunters. Groups of people may
- Bands of hunters used the caves at La Comte de St Brigade as a base for hunting, mammoth , There was sporadic activity in the area by nomadic bands of hunters until the
- Spelaea, The northern cave fish, northern blind fish, or blind cave fish of the, mammoth ,cave is found in caves through Kentucky and southern Indiana. It is listed as a
- From a selection of specimens, advancing the possibility of bringing the woolly, mammoth ,back to life by inserting mammoth DNA sequences into the genome of the
- Did not occur until the 1820s. A similar dwarfing occurred with the pygmy, mammoth ,on the outer Channel Islands of California, but at an earlier period. Those
- Explanation for their extinction. Homo erectus is known to have consumed, mammoth ,meat as early as 1.8 million years ago. However, the American Institute of
- Amy Irving. The film was admired by Jean-Luc Godard, who featured a clip in his, mammoth ,History (s) Du cinema, and Pauline Karl who championed both The Fury and DE
- Same time periods or the same geographic regions. * Manfred" Many ", a woolly, mammoth , is voiced by Ray Romano * Sid, a giant ground sloth, is voiced by John
- Each also introducing a few improved readings of their own. They undertook the, mammoth ,task of standardizing the wide variation in punctuation and spelling of the
- Market like the abstract painter Nat var Bhaskar and sculptor Danish Poor whose, mammoth ,postminimalist artworks have acquired attention for their sheer size. Many arts
- From specimens frozen for sixteen years could be used successfully on recovered, mammoth ,tissue: she cites that in her experiments the dead mice had been frozen to
- Prospects for cloning In May 2007,the carcass of a one-month-old female woolly, mammoth ,calf was discovered in a layer of permafrost near the Yoruba River in Russia
- Latter is exemplified by the extinction of large herbivores such as the woolly, mammoth ,and the carnivores that preyed on them. However, modern climatology suggests
- Meaning" large" or" massive ". The largest known species, Songhua River, mammoth ,(Mammoths sugar),reached heights of at least 5 meters (16 ft) at the
- With Majors (1996) and After Life (1999). Hayes Miyazaki directed two, mammoth ,box office and critical successes, Porco Ross (1992) – which beat E. T. (
- Using red ocher and black pigment and show horses, rhinoceros,lions, buffalo, mammoth , or humans often hunting. There are examples of cave paintings all over the
- Materials usually only seen on art or ceremonial knives include: Stone, bone, mammoth , tooth, mammoth ivory, oosik (walrus penis bone),walrus tusk, antler (often
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