Examples of the the word, waiting , in a Sentence Context

The word ( waiting ), is the 12747 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To meet him at breakfast after a great religious function. While Alexander was, waiting ,for his guests to arrive, he stood by a window, watching a group of boys at
  2. He retired very sadly to his rooms without seeing Jacqueline, who was, waiting ,in the little parlor ..." In early June 1653,after what must have seemed
  3. Alger). * Near New York City," on line" ( two words) refers to the state of, waiting ,in a line or queue; for example, standing on a sidewalk waiting for a table at
  4. Season when most other plants are dormant or other annuals are in seed form, waiting ,for warmer weather to germinate. Winter annuals die after flowering and setting
  5. In which the local population solves most of its problems on its own, not, waiting , for the decisions of higher authorities. '" Return to Russia In 1990,his
  6. And left them exposed. When the tank was refilled with oxygen, it became a bomb, waiting ,to go off. During the" cry stir" procedure, fan power passed through the
  7. Remaining on the charts for 15 weeks, as if, she wrote, her fans had been ", waiting ,to embrace it ". In the UK, it charted 8 times between 1970 and 1972,peaking
  8. An exhortation (" Let's drink! ), a rhetorical question (" Why are we, waiting ,for the lamps? ") and a justifying statement (Only an inch of daylight left.
  9. Collects money and issues tips on behavior, Moses placates the impatient men, waiting ,in line to make love to Jenny and the other whores. The men sing the" Mandalay
  10. Giant slabs of meat and the" love" is regimented by the queue of men each, waiting ,impatiently for his own turn. The" Mandalay Song" also heightens the ongoing
  11. Clear, which does justice to the signature vocal sound ... Anyone who's been, waiting ,five years to see Abbey will be well satisfied ", wrote Record World. On 19
  12. Active ones. From the 1937 election until the 1945 election, there was no, waiting ,period, so any retired player was eligible, but writers were discouraged from
  13. Queue is the universal term and no variants of line are used in relation to, waiting ,in turn. In BRE, people talk of standing in a queue, queuing up, joining the
  14. Were only spared due to a last-ditch effort by Cleopatra's fleet that had been, waiting ,nearby. Octavian pursued them, and after another defeat in Alexandria on 1
  15. In wartime Aberdeen, from which a German spy is trying to escape to a submarine, waiting ,offshore. *Stewart Home's sex and literary obsessed contemporary novel 69
  16. About them. Blind people had, in her opinion, grown so accustomed to, waiting ,on others as to be passive and 'China. ' Father Thomas Carroll, who founded
  17. Signed the Brady Bill into law on November 30, 1993,which imposed a five-day, waiting ,period on handgun purchases. He also expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit, a
  18. Siegfried Buyback and his driver are shot by two Red Army Faction members while, waiting ,at a red light. *1978 – Development of the neutron bomb is canceled by
  19. Then sham treatment and offers short-term improvement compared to those on a, waiting ,list. This is tentatively supported by a recent review. Several trials have
  20. Or jumpy, anticipating the worst, irritability,restlessness, watching (and, waiting ,) for signs (and occurrences) of danger, and,feeling like your mind's gone
  21. Very close approach to the prey, whether by still hunting, stalking,or, waiting ,in a blind or tree stand. In many countries, including much of the United States
  22. Of the Electrons Sophia is automatic and immediate, neither depending on, nor, waiting , for,any proclamation. Thus, during the abdication crisis of 1936,caused by
  23. Indicate uncertainties in the ancient text):: :Let's drink! Why are we, waiting ,for the lamps? Only an inch of daylight left.: :Lift down the large cups, my
  24. The boat runs aground. GED steps out of the boat and walks off to confront his, waiting ,shadow. Though some of his teachers had thought it to be nameless, Ged and his
  25. Of the glory to come and others foretaste their suffering, the state of, waiting ,is called" Particular Judgment ". When Christ returns, the soul rejoins its
  26. The outside of the building which allowed him to escape the patronage-seekers, waiting ,for him in his ante-chamber. Proving Dufferin's reflections on his character
  27. Heavy six-gun battery posted near the village. The rest of Marlborough's army, waiting ,in their ranks on the forward slope, were also forced to bear the cannonade
  28. Often colloquially used to cover sat, sitting,and seated: I've been sat here, waiting ,for half an hour. The bride's family will be sat on the right-hand side of the
  29. Directly into heaven. As for the rest, we must remain in this condition of, waiting , Because some have a prevision of the glory to come and others foretaste their
  30. Up for consideration after his death on New Year's Eve,1972. The five-year, waiting ,period was established in 1954 after an evolutionary process. In 1936 all
  31. Day the army crossed to the right bank of the Rhine, ( pausing to add 5,000, waiting , Hanoverians and, a ruse that not only encouraged Villeroy to come to Tallard's
  32. Without waiting for any Byzantine assistance (and in fact without even, waiting ,for the ambassadors to return),Amalia invaded and seized Bilbao. The
  33. To infiltrate operatives from the Occupied Territories into Israel, and is, waiting ,for the right time to mount an attack. According to the 2005 report 'Al-Qaeda:
  34. Word Sheol can mean many things, including " grave "," resort "," place of, waiting ," and" place of healing ". It can also mean" deep ", as it is used when the
  35. Termed Stable 2 position. As they were buffeted by a swell, Borman was sick, waiting ,for the three flotation balloons to right the spacecraft. They had been the
  36. Basement, he got into an argument with an inmate who was standing in line, waiting ,for a haircut; this person then stabbed him with a pair of shears. Capone was
  37. Defected by a variety of methods: digging long tunnels under the wall, waiting ,for favorable winds and taking a hot air balloon, sliding along aerial wires
  38. Delusional while in the country, regularly informing him that" they are, waiting ,for you ", but not providing him with any further information as to who" they
  39. To the state of waiting in a line or queue; for example, standing on a sidewalk, waiting ,for a table at a restaurant. Elsewhere in AME, one waits" in line ".
  40. Allies were a full day’s march away when in fact they had camped near Corsairs, waiting ,for the Danish squadrons to catch up; for his part, Marlborough deemed Villeroy
  41. Tough battle, facing poisoned arrows, taking the bridge in the evening. After, waiting ,for the reaction of the sultan, they returned to the ships. As the sultan did
  42. Restrictions are waived in emergency situations. Some jurisdictions require a, waiting ,period before the procedure, prescribe the distribution of information on fetal
  43. Then be at the mercy of the Elector’s Bavarian and Walloon squadrons patiently, waiting ,on the plateau for the order to move. Although Henry Lumley’s British cavalry
  44. While the Knights Templar refused to have any part in it. In October, without, waiting , for any Byzantine assistance (and in fact without even waiting for the
  45. Conference. Apple Store openings can draw crowds of thousands, with some, waiting ,in line as much as a day before the opening or flying in from other countries
  46. And with a dispensary and sterilizing room in spaces below the broad eaves. The, waiting ,room and dormitory (42 by 20 feet),were built like native huts, of unhook
  47. Telephone Exchanges" - which contains his classic formulae for loss and, waiting ,time. These and other notable papers were translated into English, French and
  48. He may not have done it in the way that is often described, flying the kite and, waiting ,to be struck by lightning, as it could have been dangerous. The popular
  49. A day of some excitement, as Mr. Alcott refused to pay his town tax ... After, waiting ,some time to be committed to jail, he was told it was paid by a friend. Thus we
  50. Number of other clients. This allowed other Macintoshes on the LAN that were, waiting ,to print to display status messages indicating that the printer was busy, and

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