Examples of the the word, helpline , in a Sentence Context
The word ( helpline ), is the 12745 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Code masters they were also responsible for setting up a dedicated telephone, helpline ,to cater for the ever-increasing need for newer codes required to cheat/enhance
- Throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland, often through their telephone, helpline , The name comes from the Biblical parable of the Good Samaritan, though the
- Circumstances involving the family abuse of older people. According to the AEA, helpline ,in the UK, abuse occurs primarily in the family home (64 %),followed by
- Be followed by a program support announcement directing viewers to a 24-hour, helpline , " In late November 2009,it was announced that character Loretta Jones would
- De Niro Holding A Fish AKA" Night watch" – Martin takes up a job on a phone, helpline ,for people suffering from depression and gives out his home number to a caller.
- First night in October 1986,fifty thousand attempted calls were made to the, helpline , Childlike now has fourteen bases around the UK, including two in Northern
- Followed by residential care (23 %) and then hospitals (5 %),although a, helpline ,does not necessarily provide a true reflection of such situations as it is
- Before attitudes supporting their use became widespread. Britain's telephone, helpline ,for children, ChildLine, was developed by Rant zen following items on the
- Sarah Chaplin and Ritchie Logan, therefore suggested they should create a, helpline ,specifically for children in danger or distress, to be open throughout the year
- And involves applying for a replacement card online or by calling the Oyster, helpline , A new photograph is not required. The funds/remaining travel is
- Be borrowed to assist with keeping life as normal as possible, newsletters,a, helpline , and events for the families to help children and parents to feel less isolated
- Which treat over 12,000 animals a year, with its headquarters and animal, helpline ,based in Undermine, Fife. The Scottish SPCA is, uniquely,a specialist
- On Christmas Day were upheld by the Broadcasting Standards Council. However,a, helpline ,after this episode attracted over 2000 calls. Erin Pizza, who became
- Work on? Or how does a child protection officer working on a child protection, helpline ,manage the possibly competing tasks of soothing a crying caller and
- Moorlands council are not giving any information other than the Post Office, helpline ,phone number which when called are not able to give any further details at this
- It is notable for the launch of Childlike in 1986,the first national, helpline ,for children in danger or distress. Rant zen had suggested the Child watch
- To be issued are for Missing People who will use 116 000 for a missing children, helpline , the NSPCC Childlike on 116 111,and Samaritans who will use 116 123 for an
- Both usually accept crisis and non-crisis calls. The term" emotional support, helpline ," is sometimes used - which does not imply crisis or counselling, and can
- Continues today. The Earphone Warehouse supplies Get Connected with office and, helpline ,equipment, and it has been instrumental in ensuring it is free to call from all
- Cameron's coalition government was planning to scrap the NHS Direct 0845 46 47, helpline , telephone service in favor of the cheaper NHS 111 number. This intention was
- Donated money to Get Connected UK, a London-based free confidential national, helpline ,for troubled youth. He is reported to have earned £1 million for the first
- In the event of a flood. The agency operates Bloodline, a 24-hour telephone, helpline ,on flooding. Bloodline covers England, Wales and Scotland but not Northern
- Consulted child care professionals, who agreed that children would use such a, helpline , but that it would be impossible to create. Nevertheless, the team obtained
- Range from dedicated projects in particular areas, such as the local telephone, helpline ,set up for San dwell PCT after a dental health scare, to schemes that are
- Enquiry services via both its official website http://www.bjbus.com and a, helpline ,: +86-10-96166. Straddling Bus (3D Express Coach) The Beijing Transportation
- Ideal platform to show a variety of issues affecting young people. A telephone, helpline ,number is often displayed after episodes that feature a particular emphasis on
- Charity runs a neutering scheme for owners on a limited income, and a national, helpline ,(03000 12 12 12) In addition, they monitor (and feed) feral colonies in the
- Young viewers suffering current abuse wished to ring in to ask for help. The, helpline ,was open for 48 hours, during which it was swamped with calls, mainly from
- Most of her voluntary effort is for Childlike as a volunteer counselor on the, helpline , and as a fund-raiser and spokesperson for children's rights. For twenty years
- Documents or the application can be delayed. The NPB has a toll-free pardon, helpline ,at 1-800-874-2652 and a website. http://www.pardons.gc.ca. Clemency In Canada
- With the NSPCC, which has enabled it to expand to try to meet demand. The, helpline ,has now been copied in 150 countries around the world. For ten years on BBC1
- Also be purchased online via the Oyster online website or by calling the Oyster, helpline ,; users must then select one station or tram stop where they will validate their
- Telephone number in New Zealand; see 1-1-1. * A non-emergency medical public, helpline ,on trial in England; see NHS 111. *" eleventyone" is satirized Internet slang
- Mcg. Gov. In Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon (MCG) has also given toll free, helpline ,number 1800-180-1256 for Voters of Gurgaon. Thesis/Manuals of Gurgaon
- In Zurich: NAZI~LINE http://www.naziline.de,a bigger than life fake neo-Nazi, helpline ,and exit strategy finding agency. In 2005, they started the EMR
- On 116 111,and Samaritans who will use 116 123 for an emotional support, helpline , Fixed line telephone subscribers for BT, Virgin Media and Backtalk have the
- National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children's child protection, helpline , This has combined a theoretical interest in how ideas such as emotion and
- Suggested that after that edition of That's Life!, the BBC should open a, helpline ,for children, in case any young viewers suffering current abuse wished to ring
- Fund in memory of Ben Hardwick),agreed to underwrite the cost of running the, helpline ,for the first year. Rant zen and the team went to BT to ask for premises for the
- Is perpetrated against women, and this is supported by evidence from the AEA, helpline ,in the UK which identifies women as victims in 67 % of calls. Also domestic
- Be charged. If this occurs a refund may be requested by telephoning the Oyster, helpline ,the day after the incident occurs (to allow time for the central computers to
- An earlier official report had put the total at £16. Abolition of NHS Direct, helpline ,(England) The Department of Health has confirmed that NHS Direct's telephone
- Government has set up the National Advocacy http://www.meiccymru.org/ Mac, helpline ,which allows children to talk directly to advocates. These independent
- Elicited a record response from the public as 65,000 people called the BBC, helpline ,and 1,300 people emailed Panorama directly. The leading mental health charity
- In their refuges) in 2001/2. 35,000 other individuals called their 24-hour, helpline , for information. In its financial year 2004-05,it received £2,052,814 gross
- Methods of management to reduce treatment costs and to evaluate new drugs. Its, helpline ,number is (022) 27793333. * Heritage Healthcare Hospital and ICU (Less than
- Been able to disclose to anyone else. This gave Rant zen the idea for a specific, helpline ,for children in distress or danger, to be open throughout the year,24/7,the
- Die by suicide. Samaritans' work The core of Samaritans' work is a telephone, helpline , operating 24 hours a day,365 days a year. In addition, the organization
- Misconduct, representation and advocacy, training,information dissemination,a, helpline , and open surgeries. In 1999,the New Diamond Restaurant in London Chinatown
- Asked if they would take part in the survey in an edition of That's Life!, A, helpline , was opened after the program so that any child currently suffering abuse
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