Examples of the the word, ing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ing ), is the 12755 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Gave Orbison's music a" polished, professional sound ... finally allow (, ing , ) Orbison's stylistic inclinations free rein ". Impressed with the results
  2. In shorthand, such as the abbreviation LOL, BRB and TTYL; respectively laugh (, ing , ) out loud, be right back, and talk to you later. Some, however,attempt to be
  3. After the U. S. entered World War I. Its location allowed design and test ing of, ing , space for 2,348 officers and 24,189 enlisted personnel. Other components Other
  4. Swedish),'light ing ' ( Dutch),'expedition' ( Latin) or sometimes 'LE, ing ,' (Old English),was a levy of free farmers conscripted into coastal fleets
  5. A parliament and law court for all, thus the name. Historians estimate the Al, ing , to have been established from 800 to 900. The islands were converted to
  6. Then in the event of a run. All three major commercial banks, Landsbanki, Kaup, ing , Bank and Glitter went into administration in early October 2008. The Alt h ing
  7. It. " Upon hear ing McCartney's reaction, Hughes felt awful for" offend (, ing , ) a Beatles. But it wasn't really part of the song. We saw a band and we needed
  8. To be hid ing ): skrývajúc *The active past participle (= which was ..., ing , ) was formerly formed us ing the suffix – vs, but is no longer used. *The
  9. Rooster" originates from the United States, while in the United K ing dom and, ing , and will attack other roosters that enter his territory. Dur ing the daytime
  10. John Cheese has appeared in humorous TV commercials in Iceland advertis ing AUP, ing , Honors and tributes * A species of lemur, Bemaraha Woolly Lemur or the "
  11. Snoqualmie Pass and a variety of other trails are also available for hik ing and, ing , dur ing the winter months. Snoqualmie Pass is also the site of the Summit at
  12. Work is harmonic and integrative. Stein predominantly used the present tense,", ing ,", creat ing a continuous present in her work, which Grain argues is a
  13. Extend the North Line ten miles (16 km) or 16 kilometers up the Georgia 400,ING, and refurbish ing the system. Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport
  14. This is a fairly rare form which has the mean ing 'on the point of ..., ing , / just about to ...' Verb conjugation For full details of how verbs are
  15. Saws with rechargeable batteries have become popular. Cold saw (, ing , ) machines are circular saws that are used in many metal cutt ing operations.
  16. Natural amphitheater. The site was the home of Iceland's parliament, the Al, ing , which was first convened in 930. About half of Iceland's land area, which is
  17. Intelligent dogs invent ing their own activities (often destructive ones, like,ING, ) out of boredom. They need daily contact with their owners and lots of
  18. Goes some way towards the restoration of Larkin's tarnished image ... reveal (, ing , ) Lark ing as not quite the sinister, black-hearted near-rapist everyone thought
  19. At least the medieval age when it was the seat for the regional assembly called, ing , ( th ing ). Accord ing to the imaginations of Better Rude beck (1660–1710)
  20. Are Lindy Charleston, Savoy Charleston,'30s or '40s Charleston and Sw ing (, ing , ) Charleston. In both '20s Charleston and Sw ing ing Charleston, the basic step
  21. 4744&REC=2 device. Since November 2009 the Icelandic bank NASA AUP, ing , ( " New Auth ing " ) since be ing taken over by the Icelandic state has been
  22. Lover started out as a D. J. in Los Angeles with Uncle Jam's Army D. J., ing , dances as large as the L. A. Sports Arena with 10,000 people. He began
  23. Sound of a word (" TH" ), and the other utter ing the rest of the word (", ing ,"). The two then pronounced the whole word (" th ing " ) in unison. Most
  24. Of the English suffix" -ING ": In handwrit ing , the tall" Hung" allows ", ing ," to be written without lift ing the pen (𐑦𐑙 ))hich is impractical or
  25. In Kapampangan, certain nouns optionally denote plurality by secondary stress:, ing , laláki" man" and ING baba" woman" become d ing Malawi" men" and d ing
  26. Skryjúci: SYVAT (to be hid ing ): skrývajúci *The gerund (=by/when ..., ing , ) is formed us ing the suffixes – UC / -UC / – IAC/-ac: sky (to hide):
  27. Nordic and Germanic development A th ing or t ing (Old Norse and Icelandic:, ing , ; other modern Scandinavian: t ing , d ing in Dutch) was the govern ing assembly in
  28. Were made and disputes solved. All free men had the right to meet in the Al, ing , It was a parliament and law court for all, thus the name. Historians estimate
  29. With graduates of technical homeschooled, who were engineers abbreviated, ing , ). Start ing in 2002,follow ing the entry into force of the Bologna Accords
  30. Alt. Haf i sir host blot an mi full. Ellar had i her RI inner. Sir. En Sheri, ing , haf u minor blot an me file i. mate. OC multi. Sum Haiti SU NASTAR. I et air
  31. Sa Surya (he is be ing hidden) *The active present participle (=which is ..., ing , ) is formed us ing the suffixes – UCI/ -IAC / - ACI: sky (to hide):
  32. Sometimes reveal grammatical gender; for instance, nouns end ing in ... sung (, ing , ),... shaft (-ship),... Kat or ... hat (-hood) are feminine, while
  33. For person. Third infinitive This corresponds to the English gerund (" verb +, ing ," form),and behaves as a noun in Finnish in that it can be inflected, but
  34. And ornamental plants. Damage first appears as drought stress, such as, ing , and droop ing . Heavily infested turf first appears a gray-green off color and
  35. Nouns optionally denote plurality by secondary stress: ING Malawi" man" and, ing , babái" woman" become d ing Malawi" men" and d ing baba" women ".
  36. Aspects us ing the word by or else the gerund, which is formed by add ing ", ing ," to English verb to express manner. It is recognizable by the letter e in
  37. Knott ing -Bernes,"," Knutt ing -Barnes," or" Nutt ing -barns ", with the ", ing ," part generally accepted as com ing from the Saxon for a group or settlement of
  38. Year 1000,as a civil war between the religious groups seemed likely, the Al, ing , appointed one of the chieftains, Þorgeirr Ljósvetn ing agoði, to decide the issue
  39. By hotels, guesthouses and cook ing schools. Toxicology (from the Greek words, ing , especially the poison ing of people. Discords, a Greek physician in the
  40. To be hid ing ): servant (be ing hidden) *The 'verbal noun' ( = the ..., ing , ) is formed us ing the suffix – i.e.:: sky (to hide): sortie (the hid ing ):
  41. The" does in English::: 'He (is) see ( ing ) him/her ':: 'I (am) see (, ing , ) the child' The -a suffix listed by dictionaries is the positive indicative
  42. Suggest can be followed by an object in the form of a that-clause or by an –, ing , form,but not an infinitive. There are no simple rules for determin ing what
  43. Also followed the lead of the Fox network by fram ing its broadcasts for the, ing , the widescreen image on its standard definition feeds. 2011-present FSN O&O's
  44. 9.2 % of those under age 18 and 5.2 % of those age 65 or over. Economy, ing , as an occupation, however,its prominence in the community has since declined.
  45. Past-Lov ing Venice" in Venice. In the flier, Marinetti demands" fill (, ing , ) the small, stink ing canals with the rubble from the old, collaps ing and
  46. It is also used with Finnish verbal second infinitives to mean" by ..., ing ,", for example" Lenten" →" by fly ing "," by air ". In Turkish, the suffix
  47. For produc ing the velar nasal /ŋ/ like the" n" sound in words end ing in ‘, ing ,’, or for a \m\ before certain consonants (-MB,-NK,-ND, etc.). In general
  48. On the headland Tongans in Orphan on the island of Treaty. This was an Al, ing , or Alt h ing (All-council. ) This was the place where laws were made and
  49. Either a person, or rather as" the" does in English::: 'He (is) see (, ing , ) him/her ':: 'I (am) see ( ing ) the child' The -a suffix listed by
  50. Are exhibited in the Bryon Fine Arts Center. Bryon Arts and Crafts School, ing , Bryon Concert Association Bryon Concert Association claims to have been

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