Examples of the the word, simulate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( simulate ), is the 7741 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Device that allowed a user to control a vector-drawn dot on the screen to, simulate ,a missile being fired at targets, which were drawings fixed to the screen.
  2. Research and development has been largely motivated by finding ways to, simulate ,these efficiently. Some relate directly to particular algorithms and techniques
  3. Also available with a wider range of face treatments - a number of which are to, simulate ,the appearance of clay bricks. An impervious and ornamental surface may be laid
  4. With a few important exceptions like abstract painting, works of art, simulate ,experiences of the world. #Special focus. Art is set aside from ordinary life
  5. Early famous chatterbot, written in 1972 by Kenneth Colby, attempting to, simulate ,a paranoid schizophrenic. * Proverb, a system that can solve crossword puzzles
  6. Pronounced in given predator-prey pairs of species. Some cryptic animals also, simulate ,natural movement, e. g., of a leaf in the wind. This is called procryptic
  7. Coins are sometimes falsified to make one side weigh more, in order to, simulate ,a fair type of coin which is actually not fair. Such a coin is said to be "
  8. Intercepts. * Jabberwocky, a chatterbot by Roll Carpenter, aiming to, simulate ,a natural human chat. * CAR Intelligent Computer, an artificial intelligence
  9. Cutting or" stepping on" the drug is commonplace, using compounds which, simulate ,ingestion effects, such as Novocain (procaine) producing temporary
  10. That have remained unanswered are these: should artificial intelligence, simulate ,natural intelligence by studying psychology or neurology? Or is human biology
  11. The uniform numbers were relocated to the right chest. The pants were khaki to, simulate ,the color and material used in that era. The Cardinals also stripped the logos
  12. Cleaners. In the 1980s some trees were sprayed with fluffy white flocking to, simulate ,snow. Typically, it would be sprayed all over the tree from the sides, which
  13. For example, voltage can simulate water pressure and electric current can, simulate ,rate of flow in terms of cubic meters per second (in fact, given the proper
  14. Perform computation. On one hand, it is possible to write a computer program to, simulate ,the operation of a group of neurons by making use of systems of equations that
  15. Implementations let light propagate on straight lines, applications exist to, simulate ,relativistic spacetime effects. In a final, production quality rendering of a
  16. Simulator reply are::; China brain: What if we ask each citizen of China to, simulate ,one neuron, using the telephone system to simulate the connections between
  17. Batch vs interactive. In practice, digital computation is often used to, simulate ,natural processes (for example, Evolutionary computation),including those
  18. Be played outside of casinos for entertainment purposes, some on machines that, simulate ,gambling. Categories of casino games There are three general categories of
  19. Image displays and human perception have restricted ranges. A renderer can, simulate ,an almost infinite range of light brightness and color, but current displays —
  20. And volcanism. Climate models use quantitative methods to, simulate ,the interactions of the atmosphere, oceans,land surface and ice. They are used
  21. A diamond simulant is defined as a non-diamond material that is used to, simulate ,the appearance of a diamond. Diamond-simulant gems are often referred to as
  22. Simulate the adult mind, it would be better rather to produce a simpler one to, simulate ,a child's mind and then to subject it to a course of education. A reversed
  23. Says nothing about the efficiency with which one model of computation can, simulate ,another. It has been proved for instance that a (multi-tape) universal Turing
  24. Have pursued the goal of creating digital computer programs that can, simulate ,or embody consciousness. Several physicists have argued that classical physics
  25. Of the character. Skills, using a d100,rather than the D&D d20,were used to, simulate ,the way that people learn skills. Experience points were replaced by an
  26. The concatenation of the two strings w and x. This means that F can be used to, simulate ,any computable function of one variable. Informally, w represents a" script "
  27. Computer. The same idea is sometimes used in collaborative software,e.g. to, simulate ,a whiteboard that multiple users can draw on without passing a single mouse
  28. Or hardware ray tracing. Radiosity is a method which attempts to, simulate ,the way in which directly illuminated surfaces act as indirect light sources
  29. Such as vibration or force feedback, with vibration sometimes used to, simulate ,force feedback. History Early games used interactive electronic devices with
  30. That the system was confined to ASCII codes. Several systems attempted to, simulate ,the appearance of GUI displays which were just appearing as DOS add-ons or
  31. Complexity theory. It states::" A probabilistic Turing machine can efficiently, simulate ,any realistic model of computation. " The word 'efficiently' here means up to
  32. A computer system. Various software programs are used to color the drawings and, simulate ,camera movement and effects. The final animated piece is output to one of
  33. By Sees F. Slot and Peter van EIDE Boas. It states:" Reasonable" machines can, simulate ,each other within a polynomial bounded overhead in time and a constant-factor
  34. To Cape Kennedy. Pure oxygen atmosphere The plugs-out test had been run to, simulate ,the launch procedure, with the cabin pressurized with pure oxygen at the
  35. Friction were developed by Claude-Louis Navier and George Gabriel Stokes. To, simulate ,fluid flow, many experiments involved immersing objects in streams of water or
  36. Of light are negligible in most scenes, and are significantly more difficult to, simulate , Notable wave aspect phenomena include diffraction (as seen in the colors of
  37. Ask each citizen of China to simulate one neuron, using the telephone system to, simulate ,the connections between axons and dendrites? In this version, it seems obvious
  38. For semantics. " However, for those who accept that Searle's actions, simulate ,a mind, separate from his own, the important question is not what the symbols
  39. FS, GS,RS and US) were made to structure data, usually on a tape, in order to, simulate ,punched cards. End of medium (EM) warns that the tape (or other recording
  40. Computations. One way to view the issue is whether it is possible to accurately, simulate ,a human brain on a computer without accurately simulating the neurons that make
  41. Variations in solar output and volcanic activity. Models are, however,able to, simulate ,the observed 20th century changes in temperature when they include all of the
  42. Being. In the paper, Turing suggested that rather than building a program to, simulate ,the adult mind, it would be better rather to produce a simpler one to simulate
  43. Forces inside the system. Storing a dispersion at high temperatures enables to, simulate ,real life conditions for a product (e.g. tube of sunscreen cream in a car in
  44. Interchangeably with white balance, which allow a remapping of color values to, simulate ,variations in ambient color temperature. Most digital cameras and RAW image
  45. Included springs that enabled the slide-action Side Piles on the forearms to, simulate ,the Megabus' Sudden Impact maneuver. Also included was an unpainted Roger
  46. Can also easily perform a wide variety of simulations. For example, voltage can, simulate ,water pressure and electric current can simulate rate of flow in terms of cubic
  47. Polynomials for tabulated data),computers use a different approach. They, simulate ,a shell's trajectory by 'flying' it in short steps and applying data about
  48. The scene were all painted with matte finish. Ray tracing aims to, simulate ,the natural flow of light, interpreted as particles. Often, ray tracing methods
  49. To make the test more sensitive. Rat liver extract is optionally added to, simulate ,the effect of metabolism, as some compounds, like benzoapyrene, are not
  50. Sciences in 1980. It addresses the question: if a machine can convincingly, simulate ,an intelligent conversation, does it necessarily understand? In the experiment

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