Examples of the the word, substitution , in a Sentence Context

The word ( substitution ), is the 7759 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Not disambiguate macro processing from assembly and execution. Macro parameter, substitution ,is strictly by name: at macro processing time, the value of a parameter is
  2. Only to the elect. Classical Arminians would agree with Calvinists that this, substitution ,was penal satisfaction for all the elect, while most Wesleyan Arminians
  3. Place for visually impaired surfers. Experimental approaches in sensory, substitution ,are beginning to provide access to arbitrary live views from a camera. Modified
  4. The hydroxyl group is replaced by a chlorine atom by unimolecular nucleophilic, substitution , If primary or secondary alcohols are to be reacted with hydrochloric acid, an
  5. Of other compounds In organic chemistry, ammonia can act as a nucleophile in, substitution ,reactions. Amines can be formed by the reaction of ammonia with alkyl halves
  6. Time during the game. In Australian rules terminology, these players wait for, substitution ," on the bench"—an area with a row of seats on the sideline. Players must
  7. Replaced by another substituent. The two main types are electrophilic aromatic, substitution ,when the active reagent is an electrified and nucleophilic aromatic
  8. And is gradually replaced by patellar bone during a process known as" bony, substitution , " Compared to woven bone, lamellar bone formation takes place more slowly. The
  9. And exceptional heat dissipation. Environmental considerations have led to, substitution ,by other materials. Will have 18 hexagonal beryllium sections for its mirrors.
  10. Are often formed as by-products. An excess of ammonia helps minimize multiple, substitution , and neutralizes the hydrogen halite formed. Methyl amine is prepared
  11. Combined with the round key using bitwise xor # Rounds ## Subtypes—a non-linear, substitution ,step where each byte is replaced with another according to a lookup table. ##
  12. Term AKN can be absorbed into the instantaneous frequency term, fkn by the, substitution ,:: f_kn \left arrow f_kn + \franc\left (\phi_kn-\phi_kn-1 \right) If that
  13. The Museum of Forlì, in Italy. The only material improvement, however,is the, substitution ,of a support more suitable to the simplicity of the art. Each of the statues is
  14. On the ring, their spatial relationship becomes important for which the are, substitution ,patterns or tho, meta,and para are devised. For example, three isomers exist
  15. On three issues: * Atonement – Wesley's atonement is a hybrid of the penal, substitution ,theory and the governmental theory of Hugo Grotius, a lawyer and one of the
  16. When the reagent is a nucleophile. In radical-nucleophilic aromatic, substitution ,the active reagent is a radical. An example is the nitration of salicylic acid:
  17. Another, such as a horn on a horse to create a unicorn); transposing (or the, substitution ,of one part of a thing with the part from another, such as with the body of a
  18. Begins with the bromination at the carbon of a carboxylic acid. Nucleophilic, substitution ,with ammonia then converts the alkyl bromide to the amino acid. In alternative
  19. Flame because of the high carbon-hydrogen ratio. # They undergo electrophilic, substitution ,reactions and nucleophilic aromatic substitution s. The circle symbol for
  20. F_kn \left arrow f_kn + \franc\left (\phi_kn-\phi_kn-1 \right) If that, substitution ,is made,all the AKN phase terms can be set to zero with no loss of
  21. Structure. The alpha chain of hemoglobin contains 146 amino acid residues;, substitution ,of the glutamate residue at position 6 with a valine residue changes the
  22. The aromatic ring or the carboxyl group: Aromatic ring: Electrophilic aromatic, substitution ,reaction will take place mainly in 3-position due to the electron-withdrawing
  23. Past century agriculture has been characterized by enhanced productivity,the, substitution ,of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides for labor, water pollution, and farm
  24. Alkoxides give rise to ethers in the Williamson ether synthesis. Nucleophilic, substitution ,The OH group is not a good leaving group in nucleophilic substitution reactions
  25. Sign of some object or idea or process" applies the appropriate shorthand by, substitution ,rather than by contraction. Since the shorthand for kilometer (in Greek) is "
  26. And described his improvements in a book in 1859,chief among these being the, substitution ,of sodium for the considerably more expensive potassium. Seville likely also
  27. Believed in the necessity and sufficiency of Christ's atonement through penal, substitution , Arminius held that God's justice was satisfied individually, while Hugo
  28. Substitution The OH group is not a good leaving group in nucleophilic, substitution ,reactions, so neutral alcohols do not react in such reactions. However, if the
  29. Are reactants in many organic reactions. Aromatic substitution In aromatic, substitution ,one substituent on the are ring, usually hydrogen, is replaced by another
  30. Of functions * the inverse chain rule method, a special case of integration by, substitution ,* the method of partial fractions in integration allows us to integrate all
  31. With aqueous NaOH or KOH mainly to primary alcohols in nucleophilic Asiatic, substitution , (Secondary and especially tertiary alkyl halves will give the elimination (
  32. This was because many programmers were rather confused by macro parameter, substitution ,and did not disambiguate macro processing from assembly and execution. Macro
  33. Step In the Subtypes step, each byte in the matrix is updated using an 8-bit, substitution , box,the Randall S-box. This operation provides the non-linearity in the
  34. Besides HALT,Minsky's machine includes three assignment (replacement, substitution ,) operations: ZERO (e.g. the contents of location replaced by 0: L ← 0)
  35. Reaction stoichiometry) leads to combustion without any smoke; with halogens, substitution , In addition, alkanes have been shown to interact with, and bind to, certain
  36. When the active reagent is an electrified and nucleophilic aromatic, substitution ,when the reagent is a nucleophile. In radical-nucleophilic aromatic
  37. Not appear in the longhand of either translation," km" is a symbol as it is a, substitution ,rather than a contraction. In the International System of Units (SI) manual
  38. Alkane with tributyltin hydride or a trimethylborane-water complex in a radical, substitution ,reaction. Dehydration Alcohols are themselves nucleophilic, so R−OH2+ can react
  39. Arena reactions Arenas are reactants in many organic reactions. Aromatic, substitution ,In aromatic substitution one substituent on the are ring, usually hydrogen
  40. Form ester compounds, and they can (if activated first) undergo nucleophilic, substitution ,reactions. The lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen of the hydroxyl group also
  41. Given the prefix" amino-" or the suffix:" -amine. " The prefix" N-" shows, substitution ,on the nitrogen atom. An organic compound with multiple amino groups is called
  42. Sect. 159) adopts the old English Common-Law definition of affray, with the, substitution ,of actual disturbance of the peace for causing terror to the lieges. South
  43. Allows us to break complicated integrals into simpler ones * integration by, substitution , often combined with trigonometric identities or the natural logarithm *
  44. to invalidate the ordinations because the intention behind the word, substitution ,was a fundamental change in Anglican understanding of the priesthood. It is
  45. R−OH2+, the leaving group (water) is much more stable, and the nucleophilic, substitution ,can take place. For instance, tertiary alcohols react with hydrochloric acid to
  46. Compounds could be derived from inorganic ones, directly or indirectly, by, substitution , processes. He validated his theory by converting carbon disulfide, in several
  47. That player may not reenter the game. Children's games often have more liberal, substitution ,rules. If the designated hitter (DH) rule is in effect, each team has a tenth
  48. Organic chemistry Organic compounds are brominated by either addition or, substitution ,reactions. Bromine undergoes electrophilic addition to the double-bonds of
  49. Alpha^2~R ~; ~~ \COFRAC -\alpha^2~Q where \alpha^2 is a constant. Using the, substitution ,: \tilde \left arrow \left (\omega\sort\right) r = k~r we have: \tilde^2~\COFRAC
  50. For all the elect, while most Wesleyan Arminians would maintain that the, substitution ,was governmental in nature. Differences * Nature of election – Arminians hold

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