Examples of the the word, congestion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( congestion ), is the 7742 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. However, this simple model ends with the bandwidth of the network: Then, congestion ,comes on the network and not with the peers. * Any single entity paradigm lacks
  2. Being the Kansas City Southern Railway. As of 2002,severe freight train, congestion ,caused trains to take as long to get through the Chicago region as it took to
  3. High-tech buses. This addition is going to be implemented to help reduce, congestion , Capital Metro opened a commuter rail system known as Capital Eurorail on
  4. For specific services rendered. " In certain cases, such as central London's, congestion ,charge, the nature of the fee may lead to disputes; but there is an obligation
  5. The way down to the IA 5/US 65 bypass interchanges. Due to increasing traffic, congestion ,and prevalence of accidents along Interstate 235,the city of Des Moines is
  6. Casualties in the front line from longbow arrows would also have increased the, congestion , as the following men would have to walk around the fallen. The Battlefield
  7. High numbers causing widespread skin erosion and hemorrhaging, gill, congestion , and increased mucus production. There are also a number of prominent viral and
  8. Regulations such as prohibitions on double-parking. In cities that impose a, congestion ,charge, the decision of some diplomatic missions not to furnish payment has
  9. Traffic moved somewhat better, the other problems remained. There was chronic, congestion ,on the Central Artery (I-93),an elevated six-lane highway through the center
  10. Lord help my poor soul. " Newspapers at the time reported Poe's death as ", congestion ,of the brain" or" cerebral inflammation ", common euphemisms for deaths from
  11. On Auschwitz II-Birkenau, the extermination camp, began in October 1941 to ease, congestion ,at the main camp. It was larger than Auschwitz I, and more people passed
  12. Transport system and offer an alternative to motorized traffic to help reduce, congestion ,and pollution. In Europe, especially in The Netherlands and parts of Germany
  13. As the mobility of car-borne officers was increasingly limited by traffic, congestion ,and pedestrianization. Bicycles enjoy substantial use as general delivery
  14. Urban transport systems are developed in Bogotá and Medellín. Traffic, congestion ,in Bogotá has been greatly exacerbated by the lack of rail transport. However
  15. Busiest in terms of business and entertainment. This has caused serious traffic, congestion , which is said to be the worst in all of Dar es Salaam. * Ilala this is also
  16. Of $7 per day). The Harvard Bus Tunnel, under Harvard Square, reduces traffic, congestion ,on the surface, and connects to the Red Line underground. This tunnel was
  17. Weakness from influenza, and on 16 November his physician announced that ", congestion ,of the lungs has caused great weakness. The patient's condition is grave. " A
  18. Urban transport systems have been developed in Bogotá and Medellín. Traffic, congestion ,in Bogotá has been greatly exacerbated by the lack of rail transport. However
  19. And the tunnels also involved short stretches on city streets, increasing local, congestion ,and causing backups on the highway. The Big Dig untangled this co-mingled
  20. Aircraft more than twice the size of the 707. During this time, airport, congestion , worsened by increasing numbers of passengers carried on relatively small
  21. With Romania is scheduled for completion in 2011,relieving road and railroad, congestion ,in that direction. Motorways * Timetables Civil transportation
  22. Boston. It was never built. Mixing of traffic A major reason for the all-day, congestion ,was that the Central Artery carried not only north–south traffic, but much
  23. Drive to I-93 North and the Robin Bridge opened December 19, 2004,easing, congestion ,at the circle. All southbound lanes of I-93 opened to traffic on March 5,2005
  24. Rail services have become popular today, with the increased public awareness of, congestion , dependence on fossil fuels, and other environmental issues, as well as the
  25. Funding to improve rail infrastructure in the region to reduce freight rail, congestion ,by about one third. This is also expected to have a positive impact on
  26. In urban areas, at least in the largest cities, levels of air pollution and, congestion ,are typical of, or worse than, those found in cities in developed countries. At
  27. Its car culture, giving California's cities a reputation for severe traffic, congestion , Construction and maintenance of state roads and statewide transportation
  28. Fleet of automobiles, as well as a lack of adequate free space due to, congestion , had evolved into the city's the most important challenge. A series of
  29. To the use of fossil fuels, no air or noise pollution, much reduced traffic, congestion , easier parking, greater maneuverability, and access to both roads and paths.
  30. When constructed will potentially offer some relief to the problems of traffic, congestion ,and poor air quality. The metro will not be ready before 2017,having a length
  31. To make room for the corridor. Concerns and Improvements In order to combat, congestion ,the Colorado Department of Transportation widened the Interstate 25 corridor
  32. And the tunnels involved short diversions onto city streets, increasing local, congestion , The final Big Dig plan, then,combined several projects—the depression and
  33. Outside the Big Dig construction area and did not take into account new, congestion ,elsewhere. Problems" Thousands of leaks" As far back as 2001,Turnpike
  34. Of traffic capacity, resulting in lengthy rush hour delays. Frequently,the, congestion ,spills over to clog the parallel Merritt Parkway. The state has encouraged
  35. Expands to eight and ten lanes near the downtown area. The remainder of traffic, congestion ,in the area occurs near the Northeast and West Mix masters on either side of DES
  36. This is also expected to have a positive impact on passenger rail and road, congestion , as well as create new green space. Chicago is one of the largest hubs of
  37. North–south traffic but much east–west traffic, a major cause of its all-day, congestion , The only direct access to Boston's Logan Airport from downtown was through
  38. Lane during the early Sixties started, with the main aim to prevent traffic, congestion ,on Park Lane, situated above the underpass. The Croydon Flyover on the other
  39. For a future passenger rail corridor as an alternative to the traffic, congestion ,of Interstate 35. Austin is known as the most bike-friendly city in Texas and
  40. To cope with Adelaide's growing road traffic, and often experience traffic, congestion , Adelaide has one freeway and two expressways; the South Eastern Freeway
  41. Inactive except for minor fishing activities and occasional use to ease, congestion ,in Malabo. A new jetty is also being built at km 5 on the way from Malabo to
  42. a million. Background Origin This project was developed in response to traffic, congestion ,on Boston's historically tangled streets, which were laid out long before the
  43. Airport. Two grade separated interchanges were built in order to alleviate, congestion ,at some of the city's the worst intersections. Both the intersection at Powers and
  44. Interstate 235 expansion project. This freeway, which takes the brunt of most, congestion , is six lanes throughout the entire length and expands to eight and ten lanes
  45. 风, ): rapid onset of symptoms, wandering location of symptoms, itching,nasal, congestion ," floating" pulse; tremor, paralysis,convulsion. Or slow pulse. # Fire/Heat
  46. Government of the U. K. believed the United States owed £3,500,000 in unpaid, congestion ,charge fees. It was also reported in 2006 that at least one embassy has agreed
  47. Begin in the City of London. The entirety of the City lies within the London, congestion ,charge zone, with the small exception on the eastern boundary of the parts of
  48. Network. In the pre-2004 EU members, the major problem in transport deals with, congestion ,and pollution. After the recent enlargement, the new states that joined since
  49. Must ski one 150 m penalty loop for each miss. Here again, to avoid unwanted, congestion , World Cup Mass starts are held with only the 30 top ranking athletes on the
  50. Tests on cars. 20,000 buses have also been commissioned to the city to improve, congestion ,levels, which are very high. The city also suffers from a high level of land

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