Examples of the the word, hourly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hourly ), is the 7761 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Seen on nautical charts, presented as a table of flow speeds and bearings at, hourly ,intervals, with separate tables for spring and neap tides. The timing is
  2. Toyota Corolla was found on the next day in Dulles International Airport's, hourly ,parking lot. Inside the vehicle, authorities found a letter written by Mohamed
  3. Variety for their diet. Most of the colonists' endeavors involved making, hourly ,weather observations and gradually developing a rudimentary infrastructure on
  4. Young men considering emigration looked at not only the gap between higher, hourly ,'direct wages' in the United States and Germany but also the differential in
  5. Low-cost carrier Ryanair. This airport can only be reached by car or bus. An, hourly ,bus service runs from Frankfurt Central Station, taking about 1 hour and 45
  6. Proportions in the world. The hourly productivity levels, as well as average, hourly ,wages in Norway are among the highest in the world. The egalitarian values of
  7. And 13 % are too disabled to work, the highest proportions in the world. The, hourly ,productivity levels, as well as average hourly wages in Norway are among the
  8. At least every hour. Connections on the Würzburg–Bamberg line to the west are, hourly ,regional trains to Würzburg, which is fully connected to the ICE network.
  9. Allowed AOL advertising) and CompuServe. Originally, AOL charged its users an, hourly ,fee, but in October 1996 this changed to a flat monthly rate of $19.95. During
  10. Services (Ballarat-Melbourne) now run half- hourly during weekday peak and, hourly ,on weekends from Ballarat station. A twice daily (53 minute) service connects
  11. Inhabitant) as of 2007. In 2006,Munich blue-collar workers enjoyed an average, hourly ,wage of 18.62 euro (ca. $23). The breakdown by cities proper (not
  12. Fee structures are typically based on a percentage of construction value, hourly ,rates or a fixed lump sum fee. Combinations of these structures are also common
  13. Ship names * Balance Responsible Party, organisation that plans and achieves an, hourly ,balance between the supply and withdrawal of electricity Bunnies & Burrows (
  14. Completed” or“ highest degree completed” etc. Income could be measured by “, hourly ,rate of pay” or“ yearly salary ”, etc. The system of concepts or conceptual
  15. The employees to still work the new 40-hour work week but receive their full, hourly ,pay for all hours from March 2011 onward. However, there was no pay adjustment
  16. Each HOUR would be worth the equivalent of $10,which was about the average, hourly ,amount that workers earned in surrounding Tompkins County, although the exact
  17. UTC−12 to UTC+14),but a few are offset by 30 or 45 minutes from a nearby, hourly ,zone. In addition to land time zones, there are 25 nautical time zones, all
  18. The Maiden City Flyer, which is the Goldmine Express flagship route. There are, hourly ,services to Streisand, Omagh, Coleraine,Lettermen and Duncan, and eleven
  19. Went off the air January 26, 1975,little remained of NBC network radio beyond, hourly ,newscasts and news features, and The Eternal Light on Sunday mornings. The last
  20. Pay-cut levels (10 % for management,5 % for salary employees,2.5 % for, hourly ,workers) in May 2009. * In July 2009,it was announced that HP would be making
  21. They are constrained by the working hours available to them. Let w denote, hourly ,wage. Let k denote total working hours. Let L denote working hours. Let π
  22. In the 1990s but may be reopened. * Vietnamese Green line Company operates, hourly ,shuttle service between Ho Chi Minh City, Vung Tau and Con Day island.
  23. Would be around 14 % at Bird Island, and 35 % at King Edward point - or in, hourly ,terms ranging from around 650 hours in the West to 1500 hours in the East
  24. 36.25 hours. In March 2011,State street backed away from the 10 % wage cut on, hourly ,employees and while requiring the employees to still work the new 40-hour work
  25. Labor Comparisons of the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics prepares the, hourly ,compensation in manufacturing indicator. Connections within the UN As with
  26. Operates hourly or half- hourly during daytime hours on weekdays, and mostly, hourly ,on Saturdays. No evening or Sunday Service provided. Railroads Jackson is
  27. Brown, covers nearly in 29 counties. Sister states A minimum wage is the lowest, hourly , daily or monthly remuneration that employers may legally pay to workers.
  28. To increase worker pay from $2.50 per day to $5.00 per day and to reduce the, hourly ,work week while continuously lowering the Model T price. These goals appear
  29. United Artists. *1924 – The Royal Greenwich Observatory begins broadcasting the, hourly ,time signals known as the Greenwich Time Signal or the" BBC pips ". *1937 –
  30. Km/h and 300 km/h (100-185 mph). Connections are offered at either 30-minute, hourly , or two- hourly intervals. Technology Germany's achievements in sciences have
  31. During the first or second weekend in November, and mini-tournaments held, hourly ,throughout German fest in Milwaukee during the last weekend of each July.
  32. And can be fatal. In 1915,Bertram Hippy introduced the" Hippy regimen" of, hourly ,ingestion of milk and cream, the gradual addition of eggs and cooked cereal
  33. Egypt, believed that the seven gods after whom the planets were named took, hourly ,shifts in looking after affairs on Earth. The order of shifts went Saturn
  34. For their work in a variety of ways. In private practice, they may work for an, hourly ,fee according to a billable hour structure, a contingency fee (usually in
  35. On this form of taxi. * Express taxis. These run to a set timetable (usually, hourly ,) between major towns, generally Kigali and a major regional center. The taxis
  36. Scotland Johnson noted that Scotland was:“ a nation of which the commerce is, hourly ,extending, and the wealth increasing ”, and Glasgow in particular had become
  37. A stuffed-animal bear on the tip of the Stanford Claw fountain),and an, hourly ,train whistle that counts down the hours until Big Game, orchestrated by the
  38. Are coded SHSN. The METAL identifier for diamond dust within international, hourly ,weather reports is IC. Commercial production Ice is now produced on an
  39. Corolla purchased by Midway was found in Dulles International Airport's, hourly ,parking lot. Inside the vehicle, authorities found a letter written by Mohamed
  40. Usually charge a high flat-fee for their services, or otherwise garner high, hourly ,wages. An example of high-skilled consultants include lawyers and accountants
  41. 9.77 per hour, less than the regional median of £11.69 and the national median, hourly ,rate of £11.26. As part of the government's M11 corridor, Peterborough is
  42. By 60 minutes, and a steady climb back to baseline levels over the following, hourly ,time points. Oscillations Even during digestion, in general, one or two hours
  43. Fare ham to serve Ashleigh and Southampton Airport Parkway leaving just the SWT, hourly ,service on the current route The monorail scheme is unlikely to proceed
  44. Bulletins throughout the day. Short news summaries are provided roughly, hourly ,on the half hour during daytime hours with two 15-minute bulletins at 12:45pm
  45. Stories, as well as appearing on the BBC One weekend bulletins. Business An, hourly ,business update is included during the weekday schedule from the BBC Business
  46. In Korean video arcades and can even be found on trains. Instead of paying, hourly , the machines allow you to sing one song, upon your selection, with the
  47. 20,000 Internet cafés in South Korea where computer games can be played for an, hourly ,charge. The NPD Group tracks computer and video game sales in the United States
  48. More regular services. Interurban services (Ballarat-Melbourne) now run half, hourly ,during weekday peak and hourly on weekends from Ballarat station. A twice daily
  49. JAPAN (Jackson Transit System) operates, hourly ,or half- hourly during daytime hours on weekdays, and mostly hourly on Saturdays
  50. Resolution in a matter of hours. Taking less time means expending less money on, hourly ,fees and costs. * Mediation offers a confidential process. While court hearings

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