Examples of the the word, chromosome , in a Sentence Context
The word ( chromosome ), is the 7750 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- In the chromatic region of the chromosome , tend to be located towards the, chromosome ,'s territory boundary. Antibodies to certain types of chromatin organization
- Of the antibody—the locus containing heavy chain genes (IGH) is found on, chromosome ,14,and the loci containing lambda and kappa light chain genes (ILL and INK
- Chromosome, but many variations exist. Most bacteria have a single circular, chromosome ,that can range in size from only 160,000 base pairs in the endosymbiotic
- The prokaryotes – bacteria and archaea – typically have a single circular, chromosome , but many variations exist. Most bacteria have a single circular chromosome
- Genome (DNA) and ribosomes and various sorts of inclusions. A prokaryotic, chromosome ,is usually a circular molecule (an exception is that of the bacterium Cordelia
- Linear or circular genophores that often lack structural proteins. The word, chromosome ,comes from the Greek (chroma, colour) and (SOMA, body ) due to their
- Their use. The popular dietary supplement chromium pollinate complex generates, chromosome ,damage in hamster cells. In the United States the dietary guidelines for daily
- Stages of development, and constitutive hetero chromatin that consists of, chromosome ,structural components such as telomeres and centromeres. During interphase the
- With PW or WW sex chromosome s). Until 2010,it was thought that the PW, chromosome ,system used by reptiles was incapable of producing viable WW offspring, but a (
- With 1q21.1 deletion syndrome. Research on autism/schizophrenia relations for, chromosome ,15 (15q13.3), chromosome 16 (16p13.1) and chromosome 17 (17p12) are
- Also due to recessive alleles, but because the gene locus is located on the X, chromosome , so that males have only one copy (that is, they are homozygous),they are
- Gel electrophoresis — transformation — PCR — PCR mutagenesis — primer —, chromosome ,walking — RFLP — restriction enzyme — sequencing — shotgun sequencing — cloning
- A similar structure. Nuclear material of prokaryotic cell consist of a single, chromosome ,that is in direct contact with cytoplasm. Here, the undefined nuclear region in
- Suppression — epistasis — genetic linkage **chromosomal effects:, chromosome ,— haploid — diploid — polyploidy — dosage effect — inbreeding **Model organisms
- Genetic material is organized in a simple circular DNA molecule (the bacterial, chromosome ,) in the nucleoid region of the cytoplasm. Eukaryotic genetic material is
- Multiple large linear chromosome s contained in the cell's nucleus. Each, chromosome ,has one centromere, with one or two arms projecting from the centromere
- Since Confucius's lifetime, the males in the family would all have the same Y, chromosome ,as their direct male ancestor, with slight mutations due to the passage of time
- Wisent, #American bison and yak, and #banteng, gaur, and goal. However, Y, chromosome , analysis associated wisent and American bison. An earlier study using amplified
- In length. The Centimorgan is also often used to imply distance along a, chromosome , but the number of base-pairs it corresponds to vary widely. In the Human
- When no chromatin is present. However, a large body of work uses the term, chromosome ,regardless of chromatin content. In prokaryotes, DNA is usually arranged as a
- Are many exceptions to this rule. Also, cells may contain more than one type of, chromosome ,; for example, mitochondria in most eukaryotes and chloroplasts in plants have
- The Mendelian rules were rediscovered at the beginning of the 20th century; the, chromosome ,theory of heredity was developed. In mammalian cells, the average diameter of
- Armenia Missoula) has only a single pair of chromosome s (males have just one, chromosome ,as they are haploid),the lowest number known for any animal, making it an
- The red alga Polyphonic, and involves sporogenesis without meiosis. Thus, the, chromosome ,number of the spore cell is the same as that of the parent producing the spores
- Cause. Consensus guidelines in the US and UK are limited to high-resolution, chromosome ,and fragile X testing. As new genetic tests are developed several ethicals
- Organisms have one copy of each gene (and therefore one allele) on each, chromosome , If both alleles are the same, they are homo zygotes. If the alleles are
- All of a rather dogmatic turn-of-mind. Eventually, complete proof came from, chromosome ,maps in Morgan's own lab. In eukaryotes (cells with nuclei such as
- China. Among other things, this would allow scientists to identify a common Y, chromosome ,in male descendants of Confucius. If the descent were truly unbroken
- Copies. For example, Buchnera, a symbiont of aphids has multiple copies of its, chromosome , ranging from 10 to 400 copies per cell. However, in some large bacteria, such as
- As the lack of membrane-bound organelles, the presence of a single circular, chromosome , the presence of peptidoglycan in the cell walls, and ribosomes different in
- Small number of antibody genes. Domain variability The region (locus) of a, chromosome ,that encodes an antibody is large and contains several distinct genes for each
- Large amounts of genetic material (see the above discussion of E. coli, chromosome ,transfer). In plant engineering, Agrobacterium-like conjugation complements
- Actions of a range of histone-like proteins, which associate with the bacterial, chromosome , In archaea, the DNA in chromosome s is even more organized, with the DNA
- Active genes, which are generally found in the chromatic region of the, chromosome , tend to be located towards the chromosome 's territory boundary. Antibodies to
- The independent work of Over and Sutton (both around 1902) by naming the, chromosome ,theory of inheritance the" Sutton-Boveri Theory" ( the names are sometimes
- Research on autism/schizophrenia relations for chromosome 15 (15q13.3), chromosome ,16 (16p13.1) and chromosome 17 (17p12) are inconclusive. Neuropsychology
- Examples of plasmid acquisition of beta-lactamase genes normally found on the, chromosome ,of Kluyvera species, a group of rarely pathogenic communal organisms. These
- Of genes is an estimate as it is in part based on gene predictions. Total, chromosome ,length is an estimate as well, based on the estimated size of sequenced
- Β-lactamases (also termed class C or group 1) are typically encoded on the, chromosome ,of many Gram-negative bacteria including Enterobacter, Serratia and Enterobacter
- Wheat. Prokaryotes Prokaryote species generally have one copy of each major, chromosome , but most cells can easily survive with multiple copies. For example, Buchnera
- Of these principles that was so original. Wilhelm Roux suggested that each, chromosome ,carries a different genetic load. Over was able to test and confirm this
- Large bacteria, such as Epulopiscium Michelson up to 100,000 copies of the, chromosome ,can be present. Plasmids and plasmid-like small chromosome s are, as in
- As Cordelia burgdorferi, the cause of Lyme disease, containing a single linear, chromosome , Structure in sequences Prokaryotic chromosome s have less sequence-based
- In mammals. Male birds have two Z chromosome s (OZ),and female birds have a W, chromosome ,and a Z chromosome (WZ). Feathers, plumage,and scales Feathers are a feature
- The chromatin organizes itself into discrete individual patches, called, chromosome , territories. Active genes, which are generally found in the chromatic region
- Have two Z chromosome s (OZ),and female birds have a W chromosome and a Z, chromosome ,(WZ). Feathers, plumage,and scales Feathers are a feature characteristic of
- Evade apoptosis leading to the progression of cancer. In practice ", chromosome ," is a rather loosely defined term. In prokaryotes and viruses, the term
- Mutation affecting their telomeres (a region of repetitive DNA at the end of a, chromosome ,). The typical Arabidopsis-type' sequence of bases has been fully or partially
- Relations for chromosome 15 (15q13.3), chromosome 16 (16p13.1) and, chromosome ,17 (17p12) are inconclusive. Neuropsychology Two major categories of
- In liquid crystal display thermometers and in temperature-sensitive paints. A, chromosome ,is an organized structure of DNA and protein found in cells. It is a single
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