Examples of the the word, gossip , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gossip ), is the 7756 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With aplomb: # Rise above the gossip # Understand what causes or fuels the, gossip ,# Do not participate in workplace gossip # Allow for the gossip to go away on
  2. Been researched in terms of its evolutionary psychology origins. This has found, gossip ,to be an important means by which people can monitor cooperative reputations
  3. That appears on the Web tells the world something new, providing factoids and, gossip ,that make the Web a mine of disconnected snippets of information. " Figured
  4. Whom the way back will be exceedingly hard, such as the slanderer, the habitual, gossip , and the malicious person) The rabbis recognize a positive value to the better
  5. Schoendienst, American baseball player and manager * 1923 – Liz Smith, American, gossip , columnist *1924 – Jack Clemons, American law enforcement officer (d. 1998) *
  6. Her character and Daisy. In the comics, Daisy is also a member of a local, gossip ,group called the" Chit-Chat Society ", which plays bridge and sponsors charity
  7. From this, soap opera staples of youthful romance, jealousy,domestic rivalry, gossip ,and extramarital affairs are regularly featured, with high-profile storylines
  8. Or an unfinished thought or to separate items in material such as show business, gossip , The stylebook indicates that if the shortened sentence before the mark can
  9. Watering holes and at National Cartoonists Society banquets, and the city's, gossip ,columns were full of their snarling public donnybrooks. " In 1950,Camp wrote a
  10. As with any social gathering there was chattering and this is where the term, gossip ,came to mean talk of others. Functions Gossip can: She suggests" five tips ...
  11. Reported that Ms. Mussel sent over US$500,000 to Switzerland, but that was, gossip ,given credence by newspaper items claiming that Loewe had warned his partner to
  12. Productions) launched TMZ. Com, one of the leading celebrity news and, gossip ,sources on the web. TMZ. Com has become known for its quickness to break
  13. children's rhymes and ghost stories, rumors (including conspiracy theories), gossip , ethnic stereotypes, and holiday customs and life-cycle rituals. UFO abduction
  14. Objectively collected or written, so sometimes amounted to committing whispered, gossip ,to parchment, often years after the events, when the writer was no longer in
  15. 3,1863,diary entry of William Howard Russell, in which he referred to, gossip ,about" the First Lady in the Land," referring to Mary Todd Lincoln. The title
  16. Billy Gibbons, American guitarist (ZZ Top) *1950 – Claudia Cohen, American, gossip , columnist and socialite (d. 2007) * 1950 – Roy Schooner, Dutch cyclist (d.
  17. Of his senior generals. Later on, being told by his brother, Jerome,of some, gossip ,overheard by a waiter between British officers at lunch at the 'King of Spain '
  18. For example) through excited discussion of scandals. Some newspapers carry ", gossip ,columns" which detail the social and personal lives of celebrities or of elite
  19. Recover and would be dealt with by Grouchy. Surprisingly,Jerome's overheard, gossip ,aside, the French commanders present at the pre-battle conference at Le Carillon
  20. As aiding social bonding in large groups. With the advent of the internet, gossip ,is now widespread on an instant basis, from one place in the world to another
  21. Islam by refraining from violence, anger,envy, greed,lust, profane language, gossip ,and to try to get along with fellow Muslims better. In addition, all obscene
  22. Drawing a portrait of a man who ate sparingly, worked tirelessly, despised, gossip , shunned the temptations of the flesh, and exercised prudence in the financial
  23. Elena Bradshaw: Elena is Granny's longtime rival back in the Hills,a, gossip ,second to none. She makes a brief appearance in a 1963 episode when the
  24. Scientist, Nobel laureate (d. 1955) * 1881 – Louella Parsons, American, gossip , columnist (d. 1972) *1882 – Ernst Edlund, Swedish actor (d. 1971) *1883 –
  25. There is room for disagreement on exactly what constitutes unacceptable, gossip , since workplace gossip may take the form of offhand remarks about someone's
  26. Alleging that Volvo compiled it from a combination of recycled articles, gossip , and possibly some information direct from the composer. Fay documents these
  27. Or" Don’t worry, that’s just how she is. " TLK Healthcare cites as examples of, gossip ," tattle tailing to the boss without intention of furthering a solution or
  28. Short duration; his frank and practical nature reacted against the ambience of, gossip , scandal, duplicity,and invidious criticism that the two brothers had created
  29. And" bad" assistants. * Elizabeth Sanders as Gossip Gerry: Gotham's top, gossip ,columnist. * René Auberjonois as Dr. Burton: Head Doctor of Arkham Asylum. *
  30. Inordinately loving relationship with his sister was the subject of much, gossip ,and insinuation, was imitating his stylish sibling. The linguistic variation of
  31. Done to upset us. " Corporate email can be a particularly dangerous method of, gossip ,delivery, as the medium is semi-permanent and messages are easily forwarded to
  32. Suggests" five tips ... to handle the situation with aplomb: # Rise above the, gossip ,# Understand what causes or fuels the gossip # Do not participate in workplace
  33. News. His column,'Little Old New York ', concentrated on Broadway shows and, gossip , as Winchell's had and, like Winchell, he also did show business news
  34. This is also true of his film-making and commercial enterprises. He founded the, gossip ,magazine Interview, a stage for celebrities he" endorsed" and a business
  35. From prayer books is a typical feature of Bahá'í gatherings. * Backbiting and, gossip ,are prohibited and denounced. * Adult Baha'is in good health should observe a
  36. Understand what causes or fuels the gossip # Do not participate in workplace, gossip ,# Allow for the gossip to go away on its own # If it persists," gather facts
  37. Disagreement on exactly what constitutes unacceptable gossip , since workplace, gossip ,may take the form of offhand remarks about someone's tendencies such as" He
  38. How she appears in later books. This early version of Miss Marple is a gleeful, gossip ,and not an especially nice woman. The citizens of St. Mary Mead like her but
  39. Sergey Cerenkov, Russian sculptor (b. 1874) *1972 – Louella Parsons, American, gossip , columnist (b. 1881) *1975 – William A. Hellman, American movie director (b.
  40. Conversation, but may not be intentionally malicious. In the last decade, gossip ,has been researched in terms of its evolutionary psychology origins. This has
  41. A dauntlessly loose set of morals. Elsie resented Ena's interference and, gossip , which, most of the time, had little basis in reality. In April 1961,Jed Stone
  42. Lincoln's face (b. 1888) *1966 – Edda Hopper, American film actress and, gossip ,columnist (b. 1885) * 1966 – Buster Keaton, American actor (b. 1895) *1968
  43. Was extended from the talker to the conversation of such persons. The verb to, gossip , meaning" to be a gossip ", first appears in Shakespeare. The term originates
  44. To the conversation of such persons. The verb to gossip , meaning " to be a, gossip ,", first appears in Shakespeare. The term originates from the bedroom at the
  45. Work as a newspaper sportswriter. When Walter Winchell, one of the original, gossip ,columnists and the most powerful entertainment reporter of his day, left the
  46. Or part of a periodical, consisting chiefly of non-political news and, gossip , literature and art criticism, a chronicle of the latest fashions, and epigrams
  47. In the public sphere, both as writers and as personae providing sources of, gossip ,and scandal. Etymology The origin of the word is uncertain. Eccentricity
  48. She was murdered to pave the way for Richard to marry his niece, Elizabeth. The, gossip ,alienated Richard from some of his northern supporters, and upset Henry across
  49. Branched out to include non-sports related games focused on politics, celebrity, gossip , movies, and reality TV. Notable games in these new categories include:
  50. Or fuels the gossip # Do not participate in workplace gossip # Allow for the, gossip ,to go away on its own # If it persists," gather facts and seek help. "

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