Examples of the the word, reap , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reap ), is the 7762 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. United is taking advantage of declining sales at both plane makers to, reap ,steep price reductions; the large size of this prospective order will also
  2. 7) curing of the sick monks, who rose from their beds at his request to, reap ,the harvest; (8) giving sight to a blind man at Orleans; (9) taming a bear
  3. The Empire and Foreign Affairs Under Claudius was not the only man to, reap ,the benefits of holding high office after the death of Allies. Before the
  4. Typically indicate a bug in the parent program, or just an uncommon decision to, reap ,children (see example). If the parent program is no longer running, zombie
  5. On the condition that he teach the Agatha DE how and when to plow, sow and, reap , Later life and death Hugh instituted a harvest fair during the festival of
  6. And commercially, and it has since gone platinum in the UK, but did not, reap ,the same level of success as its predecessors. Critics claimed the album was "
  7. To be the first proper attempt to put together a global halal brand that will, reap ,the potential commercial returns of catering to the consumption needs of
  8. Asset or non-profit organization undergoes privatization. Top executives often, reap ,tremendous monetary benefits when a government owned or non-profit entity is
  9. Company. In the late 1990s,stock market speculators, hoping that Nor tel would, reap ,increasingly lucrative profits from the sale of fiber optic network gear, began
  10. Troops to support the NATO war in Afghanistan. Europe meanwhile decided to, reap ,the benefits of its post–Cold War peace dividend and instead support the
  11. Their collective greater payoff; or can sell them out by not cooperating, and, reap , even greater benefits as an individual. Yossarian is presented as having
  12. I hope, therefore,that some of my descendants may follow the example and, reap ,the benefit. " Franklin on U. S. Postage Benjamin Franklin is a prominent
  13. Between death and rebirth there is a sort of limbo in which beings do not yet, reap ,the consequences of their previous actions but may still influence their
  14. Of Jordan's growth. Continued close integration into the GCC markets will, reap ,vast economic rewards for the Kingdom in the coming years. Jordan is an
  15. Reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will, reap ,eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we
  16. Patient perseverance, or enduring with a good spirit still intact, in order to, reap ,both the internal and external rewards of struggle. Eastern religions In
  17. Parent manually, using the kill command. If the parent process still refuses to, reap ,the zombie, the next step would be to remove the parent process. When a process
  18. Vertī, versus (to turn, to alter) ** met, metere, messuī, messus (to, reap , to harvest) ** Colo, colere, coluī, cultus (to cultivate, to till) ***
  19. His journeys by night carrying an upturned scythe which he throws before him to, reap ,his harvest. Sometimes he is on foot, but mostly he travels with a cart, the
  20. Beekeepers are often in heavy demand from farmers with clover pastures. Farmers, reap ,the benefits of increased reseeding that occurs with increased bee activity
  21. Init becomes its new parent. Unit periodically executes the wait system call to, reap ,any zombies with unit as parent. Examples Synchronously waiting for specific
  22. Impoverished nations Some groups believe that impoverished nations will not, reap ,the benefits of biotechnology because they do not have easy access to these
  23. Planes were converted to what were essentially manned missiles in an attempt to, reap ,the benefits of greatly increased accuracy and payload over that of normal
  24. The art of agriculture and, from him, the rest of Greece learned to plant and, reap ,crops. He flew across the land on a winged chariot while Demeter and Persephone
  25. Encourage employment and combat unemployment are essential if countries are to, reap ,the full benefits of globalization and avoid a backlash against open trade ...
  26. The positive economic, ‎social and cultural effects of tourism and fully, reap ,its benefits, while minimizing its ‎negative social and environmental impacts.
  27. Vedas, if one sows goodness, one will reap goodness; if one sows evil, one will, reap ,evil. Karma refers to the totality of our actions and their concomitant
  28. Encouraging private sector development and economic reform, helping Nigeria, reap ,the benefits of AGO, improved agricultural technology and marketing and
  29. On their age, some transhumanists express concern that they will not live to, reap ,the benefits of future technologies. However, many have a great interest in
  30. He sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will, reap ,destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap
  31. The foundation's nonprofit status also means that the Lamprey family cannot, reap ,these profits directly, but the Cameras do collect a portion of IKEA sales
  32. Their own destiny. According to the Vedas, if one sows goodness, one will, reap ,goodness; if one sows evil, one will reap evil. Karma refers to the totality of
  33. For the development of meteorology and operational hydrology as well as to, reap ,the benefits from their application. WHO provides the framework for such
  34. For lucrative bonds. It was widely believed that the Company would eventually, reap ,an enormous profit through international trade in cloth, agricultural goods
  35. Party fought elections. From the outset they were determined to make the OMR LP, reap ,the rewards of being the unofficial" protest vote party" of the UK: now
  36. Needed Ethernet cards to grow above a certain critical mass if they were to, reap ,the benefits of their network. According to Metal, the rationale behind the
  37. Other single source, including Shakespeare; examples include feet of clay and, reap ,the whirlwind. Although the Authorized Versions former monopoly in the
  38. Dividends. Shareholders in companies which pay little or no cash dividends can, reap ,the benefit of the company's profits when they sell their shareholding, or
  39. In the body. If the mule gets through without being caught, the gangs will, reap ,most of the profits. If he or she is caught however, gangs will sever all links
  40. That under contract, he would be entitled to work with Carey, as well as, reap ,extra benefits. After an almost one-year lawsuit, the judge settled that
  41. Technology was simply" applied science" and that to fund basic science was to, reap ,technological results in due time. An articulation of this philosophy could be
  42. Symptomatic of the monarchy's concerns to impose unity, control production and, reap ,the benefits of transparent structure in the shape of more efficient taxation.
  43. The most viewers and is generally where television networks and local stations, reap ,much of their advertising revenues. The Nielsen ratings system is explicitly
  44. When an ecosystem experiences an increase in nutrients, primary producers, reap ,the benefits first. In aquatic ecosystems, species such as algae experience a
  45. The real estate and banking sectors are booming, and it stands to, reap ,more benefits from increased trade and transport should the situation in Iraq
  46. The soil and modeling the bare minimum amount of fertilizer needed, farmers, reap , economic benefits while reducing pollution. Organic farming There has been a
  47. And repudiate historic acts of evil such as slavery from which we continue to, reap ,a bitter harvest. " It offered an apology to all African-Americans for "
  48. And set the complexed-obsessed soul free in a decent human way and Europe will, reap ,a rich reward in tranquility, security and returning prosperity. " Once the
  49. To be paid. Such premium over real social value that an individual is able to, reap ,due to incident of ownership constitutes real value to an individual but is at
  50. Could produce everything more efficiently than another country, it would, reap ,gains from specializing in what it was best at producing and trading with other

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