Examples of the the word, intrigue , in a Sentence Context

The word ( intrigue ), is the 7748 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sumptuous sets and costumes, complex storylines examining business schemes and, intrigue , and spectacular disaster cliffhanger situations. Each of these series featured
  2. Migrated from the Empire of Mali for various reasons. Some escaping political, intrigue ,others looking for a better life. The vies are settled in grand cape Mount
  3. Of war (Hecuba, Women of Troy) *an escapist period with a focus on romantic, intrigue ,(Ion, Iphegenia in Taurus, Helen ) *a final period of tragic despair (Orestes
  4. Minister Lord Robbery, and Gladstone's personal secretary, John Morley. This, intrigue ,finally led Harcourt and Morley to resign their positions in 1898 as they
  5. Hitler pressured Hindenburg through his son Oskar von Hindenburg and via, intrigue ,by on Paper, former leader of the Catholic Center Party. By becoming the Vice
  6. Ihane-hime or Hokum, Ise Virgin; had to resign her charge being convicted of, intrigue ,with her half brother Imperial Prince Mubarak ** Imperial Princess Nukatabe (
  7. La Sculley de' Pelosi (" The School for Jealousy" ), a witty study of amorous, intrigue ,and emotion, would prove a popular and lasting international success. Middle
  8. Taking cues from Foe) made good use of Usk's account of his political, intrigue ,and imprisonment in the Testament of Love to assemble a largely fictional "
  9. Is played if they have additional cards in that suit. This is to maintain the, intrigue ,associated with the" who's the partner" aspect of the game. If the picker
  10. For enabling composers to generate musical ironies that serve not only to, intrigue ,listeners into listening more intently to the spinning out of complexities
  11. Tribune in 1354 Alberto pursued his task of restoring the pope's authority by, intrigue ,and force with remarkable success. However, the ten years of bloody warfare
  12. Slender Celebs. The dispute ended in the disgrace of Celebs on charges of, intrigue , with Ibrahim convincing Suleiman to sentence the Minister to death. Before his
  13. Personal rivalry, forced conversions, large scale wars, political, intrigue , unfilled promises and secular motives all combined in various ways to divide
  14. Artists such as Raphael, Michelangelo,and Leonardo da Vinci. Political, intrigue ,within the Church in the mid-14th century caused the Great Schism. During this
  15. Of tyranny prescribed by the English government; and in consequence of an, intrigue ,of the Duke of Queens berry and Lord Perth, who gained the duchess of Portsmouth
  16. Sect had found Subhadrangī as a suitable match for Emperor Industry. A palace, intrigue ,kept her away from the king. This eventually ended, and she bore a son. It is
  17. Older composers in Naples, notably Lineally and Paisiello, were inclined to, intrigue ,against the success of the youthful composer, but all hostility was rendered
  18. The sultan in the Sultanate of Women. After gaining the throne after palace, intrigue ,and fraternal dispute, succeeded as Sultan on 7 September 1566,Selim II became
  19. Was summoned to court, and held for a year, under suspicion of treasonable, intrigue , first with his brother and then with Claudius Silva nus; he was cleared, in
  20. Civil war, international war, occasional insurrection, and widespread political, intrigue ,amongst the aristocratic and monarchic elite. England was more than
  21. Such as SU Song (1020–1101) and Shen Duo (1031–1095). There was court, intrigue ,between the political rivals of the Reformers and Conservatives, led by the
  22. It from foreign domination, Amanullah, sought to shore up his power base. Amidst, intrigue ,in the Afghan court, and political and civil unrest in India, he sought to
  23. Titled" A Day at the U. N.," it was to be a comedy of international, intrigue ,set around the United Nations building in New York. Wilder had discussions with
  24. Katherine Humor, a New York socialite who finds herself drawn into the central, intrigue ,of a think tank, after the death of her husband. Additionally, she played
  25. The new order. She was powerless to stop the flow of events. " Latina for her, intrigue ,with Zeus was hunted by Hera over the whole earth, till she came to Demos and
  26. Roosevelt national exposure and some experience in political tactics and, intrigue , Roosevelt soon became a popular figure among New York Democrats, though he had
  27. To an ascendant sage hood and engineers the birth of Arthur through magic and, intrigue , Later authors have Merlin serve as the king's advisor until he is bewitched
  28. As often occurred in the two first centuries of Imperial Rome. Of course, intrigue , murder and military force could also mingle in for appointing successors; the
  29. Cameron as a master of action, special effects, and quasi-mythic narrative, intrigue , while turning Arnold Schwarzenegger into the hard-body star of the 1980s. "
  30. Spent much of his time away campaigning, while Olympia's passion for court, intrigue ,meant the children received little attention from their mother. The King
  31. Serials began to incorporate action and adventure storylines, more big-business, intrigue , and an increased emphasis on youthful romance. Serials also focused on
  32. Religion and the monarchy. Pygmalion was a tyrant, lover of both gold and, intrigue , who desired the authority and fortune enjoyed by Achernar. Pygmalion
  33. Of this method is that" it requires two polls, and gives opportunity for, intrigue ,of various kinds. " Under the contingent vote voters cast only one vote, by
  34. That Papery is now, what it has ever been, a system of the darkest political, intrigue ,and despotism, cloaking itself to avoid attack under the sacred name of
  35. Damascus exonerated and declared the true pope. The former antipope continued to, intrigue ,against Damascus for the next few years, and unsuccessfully attempted to revive
  36. South from England. The old Globe Hotel in St George's, which was a center of, intrigue ,for Confederate agents, is preserved as a museum open to the public. Economic
  37. Religious, political,or tribal officials to further their own ends, usually by, intrigue ,* Conspiracy (civil),an agreement between persons to deceive, mislead,or
  38. Further volumes introduced a narrator). Been furthermore explored a realm of, intrigue ,with letters that fall into the wrong hands, with faked letters, with letters
  39. Diplomacy, trade,and cooperation. Instead, acting as a center of political, intrigue ,and conflict, the station becomes the linchpin of a massive interstellar war.
  40. More precisely as Artaxerxes II). The Book of Esther tells a story of palace, intrigue ,and genocide thwarted by a Jewish queen of Persia. Plot summary Chasers
  41. Campaign of the Umayyad dynasty. Hi sham died in 743. al-Walid II saw political, intrigue ,in his reign as Caliph. During the reign of his cousin al-Walid II, Yazid III
  42. Des princes,1650–1653) began. Unlike that which preceded it, tales of sordid, intrigue ,and half-hearted warfare characterized this second phase of upper-class
  43. Lived on a splendid estate and became a patron of the arts. In 1768,when courted, intrigue ,prevented the performance of La FINA Splice (K. 51) for which a
  44. Foreign Minister this would mean the end of the Dienststelle" for no man can, intrigue ,against himself. That Ribbentrop was able to perform even this miracle only
  45. Described the film as" grievously flawed yet compelling tale of political, intrigue , certainly a triumph of atmosphere if not of coherent dramatization ". Newsweek
  46. A family more illustrious than his own, might become a focal point for, intrigue ,among local nobles against his own usurped powers. Around 755,believing he had
  47. Patrice McMahon who assumed the presidency. Amidst the rumors of right wing, intrigue ,and/or coups by the Bonapartists or the Bourbons in 1874,the National Assembly
  48. Of the period is that Bowie," a taboo-breaker and a dabbler ... mined sexual, intrigue ,for its ability to shock ", and that" it is probably true that Bowie was never
  49. IV's reign is marked not by open warfare against Castile, but by political, intrigue , Civil war between King Pedro of Castile and his half-brother Henry of
  50. Two sons, the divisive Martina was to become the center of power and political, intrigue , Despite widespread hatred for Martina in Constantinople, Heraclius took her on

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