Examples of the the word, suffice , in a Sentence Context

The word ( suffice ), is the 7747 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Condition and others to an affluent one, and so observation alone has to, suffice , Stages of development Pre-natal development Pre-natal development is of
  2. Does an algorithm do what its author wants it to do? A few test cases usually, suffice ,to confirm core functionality. One source uses 3009 and 884. Knuth suggested
  3. Department at the University of Illinois used a postmark stating" Four colors, suffice , " At the same time the unusual nature of the proof—it was the first major
  4. It was also realized that Euclid's ten axioms and common notions do not, suffice ,to prove all theorems stated in the Elements. For example, Euclid assumed
  5. Papyri reflect the same ideas as the Abrasax-gems. The following example will, suffice ,:" IAO Sabbath, Adonai... Abraham ". The patriarchs are sometimes addressed as
  6. Of the quantifiers, negation and conjunction, variables,brackets and equality, suffice , There are numerous minor variations that may define additional logical symbols
  7. The determinant is an alternating multilinear function of the columns, and they, suffice ,to uniquely calculate the determinant of any square matrix. Provided the
  8. 5-15 acres). Holdings were so small that no other crop than potatoes would, suffice ,to feed a family, nor could ranching be a possibility due to the limited land.
  9. Five color theorems, which has a short elementary proof, states that five colors, suffice ,to color a map and was proven in the late 19th century; however, proving that
  10. But it has been suggested that the emergence of new evidence would, suffice , A defendant who had been convicted of an offense could be given a second trial
  11. Also been used to describe works of literature in which a few select details, suffice ,to convey the sensory impressions of an incident or scene. Impressionist
  12. Accused by some being foreign phrases used where English alternatives would, suffice ,– but today their French origin is largely forgotten. The strongest tendency to
  13. Viewed under normal conditions (e.g., an 8″×10″ image viewed at 10″),it may, suffice ,to determine the f-number using criteria for minimum required sharpness, and
  14. An R\,-basis, it follows that for a finite amount of them, say \, \,will, suffice , So for example, a_=\Sigma_u_a_\, some u_\in R. \, Now consider \tilde (
  15. It would require all data transmission to send eight bits when seven could, suffice , The committee voted to use a seven-bit code to minimize costs associated with
  16. Richard Dawkins adds that any other modern animals, such as a hippo, would, suffice , Karl Popper at first spoke against the testability of natural selection but
  17. Path folding" is critical, and that a very simple routing algorithm will, suffice ,provided there is path folding. The disadvantage of this is that it is very
  18. Exponential functions, or logarithms with a fixed number of terms will not, suffice ,to express n!. However, it is possible to find a general formula for factorials
  19. He evidently thought that the thoroughgoing application of reason would, suffice ,to heal the breach caused by the Reformation. Philologist Leibniz the
  20. Definitions are easily obtainable. The use of the term in a simple example may, suffice , By contrast, a dictionary definition has additional details, typically
  21. More generally any quadratically closed subfield of \math or \math will, suffice ,for this purpose, e. g., the algebraic numbers, but when it is a proper
  22. Most simulations contain only non-baryonic cold dark matter, which should, suffice ,to understand the universe on the largest scales, as there is much darker
  23. Needs from their diet. In any event, a multivitamin taken once a day will, suffice ,for the majority of the population. Weight loss diets that manipulate the
  24. Then, once this claim (expressed in the previous sentence) is proved, it will, suffice ,to prove" φ is either refutable or falsifiable" only for φ is belonging to
  25. A fortune equal to the equestrian order. If twice or three times that does not, suffice , then not even the wealth of Croesus or of Persia will suffice . Satire XV:
  26. Wretched means (the depreciation of my good name, my character and my aims), suffice , to take from me the trust of, and therewith the possibility of obtaining
  27. Theory is often employed provisionally, since its accuracy does not generally, suffice , In order to render spherical aberration and the deviation from the sine
  28. Falsifiability:" In order to show that a hypothesis is evident, it does not, suffice ,that all the phenomena follow from it; instead, if it leads to something
  29. On the end (used on wood floors) though in many cases a rubber piece will not, suffice ,on even a wood floor. Many Cellists often use a square or rectangle of carpet
  30. But very difficult to fill, that of legislator, that a righteous heart would, suffice , but I lacked the second quality, understanding. ” Later, while explaining his
  31. That does not suffice , then not even the wealth of Croesus or of Persia will, suffice , Satire XV: People without Compassion are Worse than Animals
  32. Because of the narrower angle of view, a slight change of camera position may, suffice ,to eliminate the distracting object from the field of view. Although tilt and
  33. Methods used to manage such resources, particularly destructors, may, suffice , as well to manage memory, leaving no need for GC. Some GC systems allow such
  34. Hemoglobin because their bodies are small enough for their tracheal system to, suffice ,for supplying oxygen. Jawed vertebrates have an adaptive immune system, based
  35. Femtometer (see below) and its electric charge is e, the above model does not, suffice ,for its computation. More specifically, the electric quadrupole does not get a
  36. Anglo-French attack. William feared that even English neutrality would not, suffice ,and that control over the Royal Navy was a prerequisite for a successful naval
  37. Conjugate depending on person, number or gender; the -as,-is, and -OS endings, suffice ,whether the subject is I, you,he, she,they, or anything else. Syntax Do word
  38. Formulae above are a direct expression in logic of what is known, they do not, suffice ,to correctly draw consequences. While the following conditions (representing
  39. Measurements at two wavelengths yields two equations in two unknowns and will, suffice ,to determine the concentrations c1 and c2 as long as the molar absorbance of
  40. Slaps the bottom of the mouth after the release. (These distinctions may, suffice ,for the Damon releases as well. ) However, the Khoisan languages are poorly
  41. Salt, soy sauce, rice wine, cornstarch,vinegar, scallion oil, and sesame oil, suffice ,to enhance flavor, though garlic is used heavily in some dishes, especially
  42. And set forth to Sweden. Robert describes the trip very generally::" It may, suffice ,for me to say that while they were in the midst of their journey they fell into
  43. All of these quantities call for integrals. Practical approximations may, suffice ,for such trivial examples, but precision engineering (of any discipline)
  44. System using a classless network model, it became clear that this would not, suffice ,to prevent IPv4 address exhaustion, and that further changes to the Internet
  45. Nestor, Heracles used his wits on several occasions when his strength did not, suffice , such as when laboring for the king Augers of Eli's, wrestling the giant Antaeus
  46. i. e., the harmonics see an open load. So even small currents in the harmonics, suffice ,to generate a voltage square wave. The current is in phase with the voltage
  47. Weakened in most jurisdictions so that a reasonable fear of bodily injury would, suffice , These four elements were eventually codified in most states. Modern American
  48. Map and was proven in the late 19th century; however, proving that four colors, suffice ,turned out to be significantly harder. A number of false proofs and false
  49. Is no need for an IRC because a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) will, suffice ,; but if the addressee is in another country an IRC removes the necessity of
  50. More scientific procedure, followed by a short stay in hospital, would probably, suffice ,to insure order. Those who have murdered, robbed while armed with automatic

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