Examples of the the word, parasite , in a Sentence Context

The word ( parasite ), is the 7751 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Parasite then reproduces within the body of the cat. There is evidence that the, parasite ,concentrates itself in the amygdala of infected rats. Several brain structures
  2. Can also be achieved by pathogens. Rats infected with the toxoplasmosis, parasite ,become less fearful of cats, sometimes even seeking out their urine-marked
  3. Hosts and transmission vectors. Young mosquitoes first ingest the malaria, parasite ,by feeding on an infected human carrier and the infected Anopheles mosquitoes
  4. About 0.7 micrometers. Secretion of the dense-granule content takes place after, parasite ,invasion and localization within the parasitophorous vacuole and persists for
  5. Are all colonies in the sense that our (human) bodies contain gut bacteria, parasite ,species, etc., and to them our body is not organism but rather more of a
  6. Urine-marked areas. This behavior often leads to them being eaten by cats. The, parasite ,then reproduces within the body of the cat. There is evidence that the parasite
  7. Vaccination' theory suggests that the eukaryote genome accreted from Rotarian, parasite ,genomes in numerous rounds of lateral gene transfer. Sex-as-syngamy (fusion
  8. Atratus) causes the black colored Masters of workers to turn red. The, parasite ,also alters the behavior of the ant, and makes them carry their Masters high.
  9. Such as fractionated antibodies),all blood components are infective. The, parasite ,remains viable at 4 °C for at least 18 days or up to 250 days when kept at room
  10. Parasites also manipulate their ant host to climb grass stems, to help the, parasite ,find mates. A nematode (Myrmeconema neotropic) that infects canopy ants (
  11. Infected when it takes a blood meal from an infected human. Once ingested,the, parasite ,gametocytes taken up in the blood will further differentiate into male or
  12. Does not have existence in itself. Likewise, C. S. Lewis described evil as a ", parasite ," in Mere Christianity, as he viewed evil as something that cannot exist
  13. Nonhuman to human hosts are known as zoo noses. Under disease invasion, when a, parasite ,invades a new host species, it may become pathogenic in the new host. Several
  14. Concluded that all the 'chupacabras' were simply coyotes infected with the, parasite ,Scopes scabies, the symptoms of which would explain most of the features of
  15. Can transmit toxoplasmosis. A large percentage of cats are infected with this, parasite , with infection rates ranging from around 40 to 60 % in both domestic and stray
  16. The letterboxes that has done the moving also has the choice of sending the, parasite ,along with a different hitchhiker. (This is a relatively new variation of
  17. American Parasite (these should not be confused with English Parasites): A, parasite ,is very much like a hitchhiker except, instead of being carried by a
  18. X-Files, the first-season episode" Ice" deals with an ammonia-based vermiform, parasite , * A key plot point in the comedy Evolution involves nitrogen-based life forms
  19. Challenging because it is often difficult, if not impossible, to maintain live, parasite ,cultures in the laboratory and to genetically manipulate these organisms. In
  20. That has multiple hitchhikers in it (such as a hitchhiker hostel),the, parasite ," infects" all the hitchhikers inside. The letterboxes that has done the
  21. Two approaches to treating Changes disease, antiparasitic treatment, to kill the, parasite ,; and symptomatic treatment, to manage the symptoms and signs of infection.
  22. Target development extremely difficult – a drug that harms an apicomplexan, parasite ,is also likely to harm its human host. Currently, there are no effective
  23. The children, John (aged 5) and Emma (aged 7) died of round worms, a common, parasite , In 1815,Thompson moved his family to Williams town, Upper Canada and a few
  24. Or when new pathogenic parasite s enter a new host. #Coevolution between, parasite ,and host can lead to hosts becoming resistant to the parasite s or the parasite s
  25. Related and Perkins us appears to be basal within this phylum. Perkins us is a, parasite ,of bivalve mollusks and is currently the only known species in this class. It
  26. However, allowing domestic pigs to consume feces contributes to the risk of, parasite ,infection. Cattle in the United States are often fed chicken litter due to the
  27. On its own, it is carried along with a hitchhiker. When a letterboxes joins a, parasite ,to a hitchhiker (" infecting" it),it is stamped into the hitchhiker. The
  28. With many emerging infectious diseases, such as environmental change enabling a, parasite ,to occupy new niches. When that happens, a pathogen that had been confined to a
  29. As heterozygous people have some resistance to the malarial Plasmodium, parasite ,(heterozygote advantage). These variable codes for amino acids are allowed
  30. Killed and reported to be a chupacabra, but found to be a coyote with a severe, parasite ,infection. In October of that year, University of Michigan scientists theorized
  31. Anthony. However, other recent research suggests that Poly podium hydrophone,a, parasite ,within the egg cells of sturgeon, is closely related to the Myopia and that
  32. The endosymbiosis of algae and play a crucial role in various aspects of, parasite ,metabolism e.g. fatty acid bio-synthesis. To date,466 proteins have been
  33. Not start a career after high school or university but instead usually live as, parasite ,singles with their parents and earn some money with low skilled and low paid
  34. Cultures; # Farm escapees and invasive; # Genetic pollution and disease and, parasite ,transfer; # Habitat modification. As with most farming practices, the degree of
  35. Scientists to learn more about the evolution and biochemical capacity of these, parasite , A NIH-funded database, http://ApiDB.org Acid. Org, provides public access to
  36. However, further research has shown that many animals and birds carry this, parasite , and the major source of water contamination is by other humans. Norway has
  37. Looked at as possible targets for novel anti-malarial drugs. Life cycle The, parasite ,'s secondary (intermediate) hosts are humans and other vertebrates. Female
  38. Now s were also vulnerable to infection. Changes named the pathogenic, parasite ,as Trypanosoma Cruz Mazda produced the first scientific confirmation of the
  39. A contraindication for the procedure, since the heart damage could recur as the, parasite ,was expected to seize the opportunity provided by the immunosuppression that
  40. According to Caryatids of Pegasus, Alexis was the first to use the part of the, parasite , Alexis was known in Roman times; Zulus Genius noted that Alexis' poetry was
  41. Castoris, which is affects beavers (Castor SPP. ). This beaver beetle, parasite ,is a parasite as both an adult and a larva, with the appropriate modifications.
  42. To a hitchhiker (" infecting" it),it is stamped into the hitchhiker. The, parasite ,'s stamp is also recorded in the logbook of the letterbox that a hitchhiker is
  43. For addictive drugs:" With their diseases and orgasm drugs and their sexless, parasite ,life forms—Heavy Metal People of Uranus wrapped in cool blue mist of vaporized
  44. Since labeled Ellison's claim a" nuisance suit ", referring to Ellison as a ", parasite ,who can kiss my ass. " On April 24, 2000 Ellison sued Stephen Robertson for
  45. In antigens may explain the failures of vaccines directed at this virus. The, parasite ,Trypanosoma Bruce uses a similar strategy, constantly switching one type of
  46. Misnomer coined by the American press in the 1970s,following findings that the, parasite ,Guardian Zambia, which causes Guardians, is carried by beavers. However
  47. Which is affects beavers (Castor SPP. ). This beaver beetle parasite is a, parasite ,as both an adult and a larva, with the appropriate modifications. They are
  48. Which open at the anterior of the cell. These secrete enzymes that allow the, parasite ,to enter other cells. The tip is surrounded by a band of microtubules, called
  49. The mitochondria have an altered ATP generation system that renders the, parasite ,resistant to many classical mitochondrial inhibitors such as cyanide, azide
  50. A mere setting for a discussion about music, or a vigorous dramatic sketch of a, parasite ,and a human original. Whatever its intent, it is a remarkable conversation

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