Examples of the the word, mountains , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mountains ), is the 7753 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The land in Azerbaijan is arable. Mountains Azerbaijan is nearly surrounded by, mountains , The Greater Caucasus range, with the country’s highest elevations, lies in the
  2. In the Poetic Alps. Lengthy, troughlike valleys and basins characterize the, mountains , The southern slopes, facing the Anatolian Plateau, are mostly unguided, but
  3. Mistress, and with his good friend Oscar Eisenstein proceeded to climb several, mountains , including Iztaccihuatl, Popocatepetl and even Colima, the latter of which they
  4. And law of superposition in geology. While discussing the formation of, mountains , he explained: Due to his fundamental contributions to the development of
  5. Populated. The center and the peripheries were mostly kept separated by, mountains ,and deserts. The Caucasus and Himalaya mountains and the Karakul and Gobi
  6. Were mostly kept separated by mountains and deserts. The Caucasus and Himalaya, mountains ,and the Karakul and Gobi deserts formed barriers that the steppe horsemen could
  7. River cutting a large valley creating numerous creeks, streams,rivers, mountains , and lakes. The states bordering Alabama are Tennessee to the north; Georgia to
  8. Seasonal variation is not quite as great in the coastal area. The higher inland, mountains ,receive less precipitation than the intermediate uplands. Terrain differences
  9. Incana subs. Hirsuta)—Manchurian Alder. Northeastern Asia, and Central Asia in, mountains , **Anus oblongifolia (A. Incan subs. Oblongifolia)—Arizona Alder.
  10. Del Fuel from the small Scotia Plate. Across the wide Drake Passage lie the, mountains ,of the Antarctic Peninsula south of the Scotia Plate which appear to be a
  11. Attica Basin (Greek: Λεκανοπέδιο Αττικής). The basin is bounded by four large, mountains ,: Mount Aigaleo to the west, Mount Parish to the north, Mount Center to the
  12. Proponent of freedom for gay people. In 1943,he discovered within himself ", mountains ,of homosexuality. " He expressed this desire openly and graphically in his
  13. The Taurus Mountains (Torso Dagmar) are Anatolia's second chain of folded, mountains , The south facing slopes rise steeply from the Mediterranean coastal plain, but
  14. Rainfall during the summer months. Algeria also has ergs, or sand dunes between, mountains , Among these, in the summer when winds are heavy and gusty, temperatures
  15. Climate has fostered a similar diversity of plant and animal communities. The, mountains ,and coastal plain of northern Anatolia, with its humid and mild climate, is
  16. Of the coast, separating it from the inland Anatolian plateau. In the west,the, mountains ,tend to be low, with elevations from, but they rise in the easterly direction
  17. In the summer, continental air masses produce maximum temperatures from in the, mountains ,to in southern Alberta. Alberta extends for over from north to south; its
  18. Black Sea Coast The Black Sea coast is characterized by a range of steep, mountains ,that extend along the entire length of the coast, separating it from the inland
  19. About to near Markov. West of Markov it is in the Andy Highlands (moderate, mountains ,and valleys with a few trees) and east of Markov it moves into the Andy
  20. Rainforests exist just miles away from the snow covered peak Cotopaxi. The, mountains ,have a large effect on the temperatures of nearby areas. The snow line depends on
  21. Amount of crustal assimilation. Ore deposits and evaporates The Andes, mountains ,host large ore and salt deposits and some of its eastern fold and thrust belt
  22. Limestone belt with parallel hard rock ridges left standing by erosion to form, mountains , Although the general direction of the mountains , ridges,and valleys is
  23. Shoreline and some areas bordering Georgia and Iran, Azerbaijan is ringed by, mountains , To the northeast, bordering Russia's Dagestan Autonomous Republic, is the
  24. Ever written. Crowley decided to climb another of the world's greatest, mountains , and for this chose Kangchenjunga in the Himalayas, widely thought of as" the
  25. Standing by erosion to form mountains . Although the general direction of the, mountains , ridges, and valleys is northeast and southwest, irregularity is one of the
  26. Of Athens is deemed to be one of the most complex in the world due to its, mountains ,and causes a temperature inversion phenomenon which, along with the failure of
  27. Sardonic Gulf lies in the southwest. Mount Parish is the tallest of the four, mountains ,() and it has been declared a national park. Athens is built around a number
  28. Final and decisive encounter between Darius and Alexander. Darius fled over the, mountains ,to Banana (modern Hamadan),and Alexander marched to and captured Babylon.
  29. Form the chief routes into Armenia from the north as they pass through the, mountains , Lake Seven, across at its widest point and long, is by far the largest lake.
  30. Of the most prominent characteristics. In the northeast are several flat-topped, mountains , of which Raccoon and Lookout are the most prominent, having a maximum
  31. Landlocked country in southwestern Europe, located in the eastern Pyrenees, mountains ,and bordered by Spain and France. It is the sixth-smallest nation in Europe
  32. Caribbean plates. Geology The Andes are a Mesozoic – Tertiary orogenic belt of, mountains ,along the Pacific Ring of Fire, a zone of volcanic activity that encompasses
  33. From University of Colorado, discovered four small glaciers in the 'Cursed ', mountains ,in North Albania. The glaciers are at the relatively low level of 2,000 meters
  34. Peruvian Andes, rising to 4,800–5,200 m (15,800–17,060 ft) in the drier, mountains ,of southern Peru south to northern Chile south to about 30°S,then descending
  35. Border. All the main peaks of the Alps can be found in the list of, mountains ,of the Alps and list of Alpine peaks by prominence. Etymology The English name
  36. Of Turkey is separated from the interior by steep ranges, known as the Taurus, mountains , that run along the entire length of the coast. The Taurus Mountains (Torso
  37. Roughly along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border to Iran. Thus situated,the, mountains ,make travel from north to south difficult. Geological turmoil continues in the
  38. Sports. The Athens area encompasses a variety of terrain, notably hills and, mountains ,rising around the city, and the capital is the only major city in Europe to be
  39. Northern Anatolian conifer and deciduous forests: These forests occupy the, mountains ,of northern Anatolia, running east and west between the coastal Euxine-Colchic
  40. Excites, rising to near Kaiser. Frequently interspersed throughout the folded, mountains , and also situated on the Anatolian Plateau, are well-defined basins, which the
  41. Of the Aegean Islands, or chains of islands, are actually extensions of the, mountains ,on the mainland. One chain extends across the sea to Chaos, another extends
  42. Higher altitudes. Vast forests of black pine, beech and fir are found on higher, mountains ,and alpine grasslands grow at altitudes above 1800 meters. According to the
  43. Elevation than by latitude or any other factor. Low winter temperatures in the, mountains ,are caused by the continental air mass that dominates the weather in Eastern
  44. Broadleaf and mixed forests extend across northern Anatolia, lying between the, mountains ,of northern Anatolia and the Black Sea. They include the enclaves of temperate
  45. Of the region has beautiful landscapes, dominated by often spectacular, rugged, mountains , For nine months of the year the ground is covered with snow, and the frozen
  46. Southwest, where Sand Mountain is a continuation of Raccoon. South of these the, mountains ,are marked by steep northwest sides, sharp crests and gently sloping southeast
  47. And caves dotting the protected area. Hiking and mountain-biking in all four, mountains ,remain popular outdoor activities for many residents of the city. The National
  48. To the development of geology, particularly regarding the origins of, mountains , Avicenna has been called the 'Father of Geology '. Philosophy of science In
  49. By a village inhabited by a tribe of Persians called Afghans. They hold, mountains ,and defiles and possess considerable strength, and are mostly highwaymen. Their
  50. Gently on the north side towards the Anatolian plateau. In the east, the Taurus, mountains ,arc around the northern side of the Arabian Platform, before turning south and

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