Examples of the the word, marble , in a Sentence Context

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  1. The American market, Rodin eventually presented Hallowell with a bronze,a, marble ,and a terracotta. When Hallowell moved to Paris in 1893,she and Rodin
  2. Extent the coastal areas of Anatolia). Many of the islands are volcanic, and, marble , and iron are mined on other islands. The larger islands have some fertile
  3. Of audience allowed to fall into ruin. There still remain a minaret and some, marble ,arches and columns. Traces exist of the vaults in which were stored the
  4. Deposition in successive layers gives rise to the banded appearance that the, marble ,often shows on cross-section, whence it is known as onyx- marble or
  5. Of the Propylaea were partly restored, with sections of the roof made of new, marble ,and decorated with blue and gold inserts, as in the original. The temple of
  6. Flight of 23 steps, is ornamented with a portico supported by four black-veined, marble ,columns. The roof of the nave is of Moorish plaster work. It rests on a series
  7. Started building the Propylaea, monumental gates with columns of Enteric, marble , partly built upon the old propylaea of Pisistratus. These colonnades were
  8. Eagerly improved. In his ninth year he executed two small shrines of Carrera, marble , which are still extant. Soon after this period he appears to have been
  9. Promenade Esplanade de España, lined by palm trees, is paved with 6.5 million, marble ,floor tiles creating a wavy form and is one of the most lovely promenades in
  10. And Amazons is often commemorated in an entire genre of art, amazonomachy, in, marble , bas-reliefs such as from the Parthenon or the sculptures of the Mausoleum of
  11. By Spiegelman in 1854,who found that it covered a large vault of finely cut, marble ,blocks approached by a flat-roofed passage of the same stone from the south.
  12. Hindus Aphrodite Altemps Inv8619. JPG|The Ludovic Canadian Aphrodite, Roman, marble , copy (torso and thighs) with restored head, arms,legs and drapery support.
  13. Is of Moorish plaster work. It rests on a series of arcades supported by white, marble ,columns. Several of these columns belonged to the original mosque. In one of
  14. Another work by Asgard. The FPGA d'Attila relief Algardi's large dramatic, marble ,high-relief panel of Pope Leo and Attila (1646–53) for St Peter's Basilica
  15. Was only completed after Radius' death by Theodosius II). The Enteric, marble ,portrait head of Radius (illustration) was discovered in Istanbul close to
  16. Antiquity for Europeans, from the Renaissance through the 19th century. The, marble ,is a Hellenistic or Roman copy of a bronze original by the Greek sculptor
  17. Making it the oldest counting board discovered so far. It is a slab of white, marble ,long, wide,and thick, on which are 5 groups of markings. In the center of the
  18. Abacus dates to the 5th century BC. The Greek abacus was a table of wood or, marble , pre-set with small counters in wood or metal for mathematical calculations.
  19. Acts of Augustus, known as the Res Gestate Dive August, an inscription cut in, marble ,on the walls of this temple. The ruins of Ankara still furnish today valuable
  20. As Atlas Celadon or" enduring Atlas" ) ** Barnes Atlas, a 2nd-century Roman, marble ,copy of a Hellenistic sculpture of the Titan," Atlas" Science Astronomy *
  21. Deathbed, Augustus boasted" I found a Rome of bricks; I leave to you one of, marble ,". Although there is some truth in the literal meaning of this, Cassius Did
  22. Was an Italian sculptor from the Republic of Venice who became famous for his, marble ,sculptures that delicately rendered nude flesh. The epitome of the neoclassical
  23. Rare earth elements, chromite,gold, zinc,talc, barites,sulfur, lead, marble , precious and semi-precious stones, natural gas, and petroleum among other
  24. The Apollo Lukas and Apollo Sauroctonos types). The Apollo Belvedere is a, marble ,sculpture that was rediscovered in the late 15th century; for centuries it
  25. Vision of Saint Nicholas (San Nicola the Tolentino, Rome ) using two separate, marble ,pieces linked together in one event and place, yet successfully separating the
  26. Byzantine type, approached by a domed farther. In front of the church stands a, marble ,fountain (F),covered by a dome supported on columns. Opening from the
  27. Parts made entirely of new marble . A total of 530 cubic meters of new Enteric, marble ,were used. Cultural significance Every four years, the Athenians held a
  28. His last words were," Behold, I found Rome of clay, and leave her to you of, marble , " An enormous funerary procession of mourners traveled with Augustus' body
  29. Dehydration of the gypsum. If properly treated, it very closely resembles true, marble ,and is known as Mario DI Castellini. Sulfate of lime (gypsum) also was used
  30. His day, and reinvigorated the use of such marble reliefs. There had been large, marble ,reliefs used previously in Roman churches, but for most patrons, sculpted
  31. To restore as much as possible using reassembled original material - with new, marble ,from Mount Center used sparingly. All restoration was made using titanium
  32. As well as at the Limassol District Archaeological Museum. In the market, marble ,columns are decorated with spiral ornaments; there are huge paved precincts. At
  33. Eyes express an intellectual eternity. These freestanding statues were usually, marble , but also the form rendered in limestone, bronze,ivory and terracotta. The
  34. Buildings. The architects of this era employed materials such as glass, marble ,and aluminum, while some blended modern and classical elements. After World
  35. material's lack of strength, and it was cheaper and easier to work than good, marble , Beside examples of these carvings still in Britain (especially at the
  36. 686 stones reassembled from fragments of the originals,905 patched with new, marble , and 186 parts made entirely of new marble . A total of 530 cubic meters of new
  37. In the temple at Passage on 25 October 1822. His heart was interred in a, marble ,pyramid he designed as a mausoleum for the painter Titian in the church of
  38. Such as Hector and Ajax, King Ferdinand of Naples, and others. Canova's, marble ,statue George Washington was commissioned by the State of North Carolina after
  39. The translucency of the alabaster and to produce an opacity suggestive of true, marble , the statues are immersed in a bath of water and heated gradually—nearly to the
  40. Domenico. His early Roman commissions included terracotta and some, marble ,portrait busts, while he supported himself with small works like crucifixes.
  41. Sculpture is untreated, with natural translucency and satin luster (base of, marble ,) Black alabaster is a rare form of the gypsum-based mineral.
  42. 16th century. The member (pulpit) and Mira (prayer niche) are of white, marble , and the mosque itself is of Ankara stone (red porphyry),an example of very
  43. Stonemasons working in the crypt altar removed paving blocks and discovered a, marble ,box. Within it were other boxes; in the third box were fragments of wood
  44. Cello, Rome (Muse National Romano),The Aphrodite of Menophantos is a Roman, marble ,statue of Venus of the Capitoline Venus type. File: Aphrodite Anadyomene from
  45. Reliefs used previously in Roman churches, but for most patrons, sculpted, marble , altarpieces were far too costly. In this relief, the two principal figures, the
  46. Was a favorite subject in ancient works of art. * There is a well-known small, marble ,group in the British Museum illustrative of the story, in gallery 83/84. *Two
  47. A colossal statue of Religion. The model filled Italy with admiration; the, marble ,was procured, and the chisel of the sculptor ready to be applied to it, when
  48. The originals,905 patched with new marble , and 186 parts made entirely of new, marble , A total of 530 cubic meters of new Enteric marble were used. Cultural
  49. By the time the" Bluebeard" Temple had been dismantled, a newer and grander, marble ,building, the " Older Parthenon" ( often called the" Ur-Parthenon ", German
  50. S Basilica was widely admired in his day, and reinvigorated the use of such, marble ,reliefs. There had been large marble reliefs used previously in Roman churches

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