Examples of the the word, rover , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rover ), is the 7745 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. There was much to look forward to, and the year was capped off with diminutive, rover ,Tony Liberators winning the Brownlow Medal. After a disappointing 1991,the
  2. Chandrakant II in 2013,which is slated to include a Russian robotic lunar, rover , The U. S. co-launched the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (PRO) and the ACROSS
  3. Apollo 16 was left on the lunar surface at Descartes (8.99 S,15.51 E). The, rover ,used on Apollo 17 was left on the lunar surface at Taurus-Littrow (20.16 N
  4. Was formed in Montreal. The NHA would further refine the rules, dropping the, rover ,position, splitting the game into three 20-minute periods and introducing the
  5. Transmitting after a recent conversation with Mission Control. Media File: Ap16, rover , Ogg|John Young driving the Lunar Rover. Image: A16-plaque. JPG|The plaque left
  6. U. S. -led coalition troops from bombing certain locations. *2004 – Opportunity, rover ,(MER-B) lands on surface of Mars. *2005 – A stampede at the Manager Devi
  7. Useless. The astronauts also conducted performance tests with the lunar, rover , Young at one time getting up to a top speed of 11 miles per hour (18
  8. Been visited only by unmanned spacecraft, notably by the final Soviet Lunched, rover , Since 2004,Japan, China,India, the United States, and the European Space
  9. Follower Norm Beckon,halfback flanker Roy Lying, follower Charlie May and, rover ,Charlie Hardy. The 1924 season was not without cont rover sy, with rumors of
  10. Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) or lunar rover was a battery-powered four-wheeled, rover ,used on the Moon during the last three missions of the American Apollo program
  11. With twelve wins, including one against eventual premiers Collingwood, when, rover , Steven Polonium ran around the man on the mark and kicked a goal to put his
  12. 13 September 2007,which offers US$20 million to anyone who can land a robotic, rover ,on the Moon and meet other specified criteria. NASA began to plan to resume
  13. A large mesh dish antenna was mounted on a mast on the front center of the, rover , The suspension consisted of a double horizontal wishbone with upper and lower
  14. Trek: Enterprise entitled" Terra Prime ", a quick shot is shown of the relic, rover ,Sojourner, part of the Mars Pathfinder mission, placed by a historical marker
  15. Gear. The opening credits of this series feature real images of the Sojourner, rover ,on Mars, being the first Star Trek production featuring real footage filmed on
  16. In November 2011,NASA plans to launch the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL), rover , which is designed to search for past or present life on Mars using a variety of
  17. Robot. * An autonomous wheeled or tracked device, such as a self-guided, rover ,or self-guided vehicle, is almost always characterized as a mobile robot or
  18. One-gravity trainer to give the astronauts instruction in the operation of the, rover ,and allow them to practice driving it, a mass model to test the effect of the
  19. Mars Society Analogue Pressurized Rover – a competition to design a pressurized, rover ,vehicle that could be used on Mars that was won by the Michigan Mars Rover Team
  20. The first spacewalk performed by Alexey Leonor, the first space exploration, rover ,Lunokhod-1 and the first space station Salyut 1. Nowadays, Russia is the largest
  21. Unit is on display at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington D. C. The, rover ,used for vibration testing is on display in the Davidson Saturn V Center at the
  22. These astronauts walked on the Moon’s surface, and six of those drove a lunar, rover ,on the Moon. While three astronauts flew to the Moon twice, none of them landed
  23. In order to maintain the present concentration. The Mars Science Laboratory, rover ,will perform precision measurements of oxygen and carbon isotope ratios in
  24. Astronauts, their equipment, and lunar samples. History The concept of a lunar, rover ,predated Apollo, with a 1950s series in Collier's Weekly magazine by Werner
  25. Halves. The positions were now named with left and right wing, centre, rover , point and cover point, and goalkeeper. In 1885,the Montreal City Hockey
  26. With the public. MSP's first project was the Polish MPV (pressurized, rover ,) design, for which some hardware was produced. This enabled development of the
  27. Multi-year research program which encompass the development of a Mars analogue, rover ,system and a novel spacesuit prototype dubbed" Gouda. X ", culminating in an
  28. The Sun, using the fact that the Sun moved very slowly in the sky. Usage Each, rover ,was used on three traverses, one per day over the three-day course of each
  29. Out by (usually abbreviated out),atop, and xor (and the reverse operators, rover , in, rout,and atop) from a consideration of choices in blending the colors
  30. Same as ice hockey, but one variation has an extra player on the ice called a ", rover ,". * Table hockey is played indoors with a table-top game. * Underwater hockey
  31. 15 was left on the lunar surface at Hadley-Apennine (26.10 N,3.65 E). The, rover ,used on Apollo 16 was left on the lunar surface at Descartes (8.99 S,15.51 E
  32. Wingmen, one center and three followers, including a ruck man, ruck- rover and, rover , Only four players from each team are allowed within the center square () at
  33. Met Harriet Beecher Stowe. * 1997—The NASA Mars Pathfinder mission's robotic, rover ,was named" Sojourner" after her. * 1998 -- http://www.suekientz.com/st S. T.
  34. Were depleted, their remaining walk back distance was equally diminished. The, rover ,used on Apollo 15 was left on the lunar surface at Hadley-Apennine (26.10 N
  35. Football Club, in 1950 the committee hired Foster Neil Williams, a brilliant, rover ,from West Adelaide as captain-coach. Williams brought to the club a new
  36. And allow them to practice driving it, a mass model to test the effect of the, rover ,on the Apollo Lunar Module (LM) structure, balance and handling, a vibration
  37. At about 5000 feet. (5.47 MB, ogg/Theory format). Image: Apollo 15 lunar, rover ,EVA2. Ogg | On board the Lunar Rover - 16 mm film sequence of driving the Lunar
  38. Master). Fer enc Panics was one of two co-developers of NASA Apollo Lunar, rover , Anal Becky developed Mars Rover Sojourner. Rubik's cube was created by (
  39. The Grand Final. In 1956,Geelong recruited Billy Noggin,Geelong's greatest, rover , who also coached Geelong in the 1980s. At the end of 1959,Reg Hickey decided
  40. Due to the efforts being made in other projects, particularly the Polish ARC, rover , named Skarabeusz. The flagship MSP project is the Polish Martian habitat
  41. Scott told mission control he was doing some clean up activities around the, rover ,so they wouldn't know what he was doing. They had agreed with Van Headlock
  42. In November 2011,NASA plans to launch the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL), rover , which will continue the search for past or present life on Mars using a variety
  43. Near Orlando, Florida. Media widths 250px heights 250px> Image: Ap16, rover , Ogg|Apollo 16 Commander John Young drives Lunar Rover 002 Image: Apollo 15
  44. Region designated Meridiani Planum. In-situ investigations by the Opportunity, rover ,showed a significant amount of hematite, much of it in the form of small
  45. Laboratory facility on Mars, together with the capacity to carry a larger, rover ,vehicle. The second Mars Habitat Unit flies to Mars with the crew, its interior
  46. 2012. The European Space Agency has been developing the Thomas astrobiology, rover , which is to be launched in 2018. Methodology Planetary habitability When
  47. Lithium imparts a deep red to flames. The Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) or lunar, rover ,was a battery-powered four-wheeled rover used on the Moon during the last three
  48. On the surface, carrying out a range of scientific research, aided by a small, rover ,vehicle carried aboard their Mars Habitat Unit, and powered by the methane
  49. Shorten, center half forward Justin McCarthy, centre halfback Tom Fitzpatrick, rover ,Frank Maker and wingman Jack Garden. This was one of Essendon's most famous
  50. Of the vehicle. The Mars Habitat Unit would also include a small pressurized, rover ,that is stored in the lower deck area and assembled on the surface of Mars.

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