Examples of the the word, masterpiece , in a Sentence Context
The word ( masterpiece ), is the 7744 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Defied the traditional epic choice of Latin dactylic hexameters—and produced a, masterpiece ,beloved both then and now. With the New Latin period, the language itself came
- The marvels performed by priests. The Instruction of Penelope is considered a, masterpiece ,of near-eastern literature. Towards the end of the New Kingdom, the vernacular
- With a very sincere sense of inspiration. Mitigate Educator, accounted his, masterpiece , composed for Venice in 1707,contains music far in advance of anything that
- Following excerpt from Chapter III of Book I of what many consider to be his, masterpiece , De l'esprit DES Lois: Also, in Chapter XI (entitled 'How to compare two
- And Chéri's fragility and decline). Considered nowadays to be Colette's, masterpiece ," Cheri" was originally met with controversy because of its choice of setting
- Second album, was released on 18 November. And is widely considered the band's, masterpiece , The first of these was Dog on Wheels, which contained four demo tracks
- Armory (Zeugmas) for Elector Frederick III. His sculpted decorations are a, masterpiece ,of baroque expression and pathos. While the more visible reliefs on the outside
- 1979: the best-selling album of his career, Sheik Djibouti, and the" bona fide, masterpiece ,", The double album Sheik Djibouti was the first release on Zappa Records, and
- Work, and the work of his pupils, is displayed in the Rijksmuseum. Rembrandt's, masterpiece ,De Nachtwacht (The Night Watch) is one of top pieces of art of the museum. It
- Period in the studio in eight years. As described by Dave Marsh, it is" a, masterpiece ,in which Presley immediately catches up with pop music trends that had seemed
- The regeneration process that would continue with The Death of Marat,David's, masterpiece , On 13 July 1793,David's friend Marat was assassinated by Charlotte Cor day
- 200),it has been hailed by many fans and critics as Dream Theater's, masterpiece ,and the band's defining album. The Swedish progressive extreme metal band
- Alabaster bas-reliefs from: *The 'Dying Lion ', long been acclaimed as a, masterpiece ,Royal Library of Ashurbanipal: *A large collection of cuneiform tablets of
- He considered it a work of art, not science, and considered it to be his career, masterpiece , Even so, Eureka is full of scientific errors. In particular,Poe's
- Dignity in the loneliness of the new society. This work is perhaps De Sica's, masterpiece ,and one of the most important works in Italian cinema. It was not a commercial
- That he would embrace God. Pascal's Lenses is widely considered to be a, masterpiece , and a landmark in French prose. When commenting on one particular section (
- Jacques French) and directed Un Four en River, considered by many to be a, masterpiece , Mathieu Kassovitz's 1995 film Hate (La Haine) made Vincent Tassel a star
- In their three reviewer format; the first review declared the game to be" a, masterpiece , plain and simple ". GameS pot awarded the game a perfect 10,one of only seven
- 22, 1984,and is now considered a watershed event for Apple's success and a ", masterpiece ,". The Macintosh initially sold well, but follow-up sales were not strong due
- Later reviewers such as Allusion Eduardo Rivadavia cite the album as a ", masterpiece , essential to any heavy metal collection," while also displaying" a newfound
- Poorly for its" over-obvious rhythmic scheme ", but calls the First" Elgar's, masterpiece , ... It is hard to see how any candid student can deny the greatness of this
- And subtlety that is practically one-of-a-kind ", touting it as a, masterpiece ,that" puts most anime ... and Hollywood, to shame. " On May 16, 2006,IGN
- Mr For, an Englishman, who created it under a famine relief project. It is a, masterpiece ,when it comes to artificial lakes. He created it to tackle with harshest
- The development of a new life is a spectacular process and represents a, masterpiece ,of temporal and spatial control of gene expression. Developmental genetics
- Of Kurosawa," One thing that distinguishes him is that he didn't make one, masterpiece ,or two masterpiece s. He made, you know, eight masterpiece s. " Both Spielberg
- Of Lamentations by Gregory of Nark (951-1003),that could be considered a, masterpiece ,of world literature, is perhaps a good example of the development of a
- Corresponding to the diurnal and sidereal hours. The Faerie Queen Spenser's, masterpiece ,is the huge epic poem The Faerie Queen. The first three books of The Faerie
- Is even more psychologically complex, and perhaps Caravaggio's first true, masterpiece , Like the Fortune Teller it was immensely popular, and over 50 copies survive.
- Appear in I Build the Tower, a documentary film on Rodia's architectural, masterpiece , Death Fuller died on July 1,1983.11 days before his 88th birthday. During
- Occupied Wright for 16 years (1943–1959) and is probably his most recognized, masterpiece , The building rises as a warm beige spiral from its site on Fifth Avenue; its
- Thirteen years after Sophocles's debut and only three years after Aeschylus's, masterpiece ,Orestes. The identity of the threesome is neatly underscored by a patriotic
- The Disk II interface, created by Steve Wozniak, was regarded as an engineering, masterpiece ,for its economy of electronic components. While other controllers had dozens of
- Velvet the best film of the 1980s,and referred to the film as an" American, masterpiece , " One of the film's detractors, Roger Ebert, film critic of the Chicago
- Mingus released The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady, a sprawling,multisection, masterpiece , described as" one of the greatest achievements in orchestration by any
- The Disk II interface, created by Steve Wozniak, was regarded as an engineering, masterpiece ,for its economy of electronic components. While other controllers had dozens of
- Stadium—the Nuremberg parade grounds seen in Leni Riefenstahl's propaganda, masterpiece ,Triumph of the Will. This huge work was capable of holding 340,000 people. The
- This period towards the West End and Westminster. In 1708 Christopher Wren's, masterpiece , St. Paul's Cathedral, was completed on his birthday. However, the first
- S Church, Liège in modern Belgium (before 1117) is an outstanding, masterpiece ,of Romanesque brass casting. The cementation process continued to be used but
- 90 % owner of the building. Architecture The Chrysler Building is considered a, masterpiece ,of Art Deco architecture. The distinctive ornamentation of the building is
- At cheese making time. Rossini introduced the" Ran DES Caches" into his, masterpiece ,William Tell, along with many other delightful melodies scattered throughout
- Proportionate whole. Ranking from the very few bronzes survived to us is the, masterpiece ,bronze Piraeus Apollo. It was found in Piraeus, the harbor of Athens. In the
- Of intimacy between Christ and his mother, or various saints. His sacral, masterpiece ,and one of the most famous religious works of art of the later Middle Ages is
- More in his works than mere political commentary achieved through satire. His, masterpiece ,novel Lebensansichten DES Waters Burr (" The Life and Opinions of Tomcat Burr
- The magnificent marble tomb of the founder and his wife, considered the, masterpiece ,of the sculptor Tillman Riemenschneider, and carved between 1499 and 1513.
- He notes that Clinton Constantinescu's" War of the Universe" was not a, masterpiece , but says that Star and Williamson were masters; this suggests that Starzl's
- His significant theological works (C. S. Lewis calls his De Incarnation a ", masterpiece ,") as evidence of his righteousness. They also emphasize his close
- The son of painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir, directed what many see as his first, masterpiece , La Grande Illusion (The Grand Illusion). In 1939,Renoir directed La Regale
- And British critic Mark Erode (among others) has hailed it as Lynch's ", masterpiece ,". Meanwhile, Lynch continued working on a series of television shows with Mark
- Life, Pasternak produced some hermetic pieces of uneven quality, including his, masterpiece , the lyric cycle Rupture (1921). Authors such as Vladimir Mayakovsky, Andrey
- And Richter's colleague Arthur Irish considered the First Symphony" a, masterpiece ,of the first order" to be" justly ranked with the great symphonic models –
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