Examples of the the word, rib , in a Sentence Context
The word ( rib ), is the 7757 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Abilities the TV version lacked, such as a radio transmitter contained within a, rib , a steel-reinforced skull that made it impossible for him to be knocked out
- Body with major damage to his diaphragm, spleen,and lung, as well as a broken, rib , Czech Dr. Slain packed the chest wound, while German Dr. Walter Died tried
- Sustained during the making of the film was when Mandy Painting bruised a, rib ,by trying not to laugh at Billy Crystal (Crystal was actually on camera).
- The pectoralis major muscles and usually extend from the level of the second, rib ,to the level of the sixth rib in the (anterior) front of the thoracic cage
- Point; for example, the left barrel's discharge travels on the left of the, rib ,till it hits dead center at 40 yards out, after that, the discharge continues
- And 416 A. D. The Bishop of Padua then delivered to Metropolitan Hieronymus the, rib ,of St. Luke that was closest to his heart to be kept at his tomb in Thebes
- To Eve, the Hebrew Halvah (חוה),the Aramaic Hannah, who was made from the, rib ,of Adam, in a strange reflection of the Sumerian myth, in which Adam, not ENI
- And usually extend from the level of the second rib to the level of the sixth, rib ,in the (anterior) front of the thoracic cage, thus,the mammary glands cover
- The injuries that occur in pro wrestling are shoulders, knee,back, neck,and, rib ,injuries. The Pauli matrices are a set of three 2 × 2 complex matrices which
- Chicken, steak & onion, smoky bacon, lamb & mint, ham & mustard, barbecue,BBQ, rib , tomato ketchup, sausage & ketchup, pickled onion, Branston Pickle, and Mar mite
- A small collection of fragmentary bones including parts of three vertebrae,a, rib ,fragment, a tooth, a toe bone, and,most useful for later discussions, the
- So that the opening between the vocal cords enlarges) and movements of the, rib ,cage muscles and diaphragm. These muscles expand the thorax (chest cavity) so
- A possible stab wound in the upper right chest; a broken neck; and a fractured, rib , Xeroradiography revealed the blow on top of the head (causing the V-shaped
- Discharge continues on to the right. In the O/U configuration with a parallel, rib , both barrels' discharges will keep to the dead center, but the discharge from
- On the diaphragm, thus forcing the air out more quickly and forcefully. The, rib ,cage itself also is able to expand and contract the thoracic cavity to some
- Or glare in order to help keep it clean. The belly is joined directly to the, rib , without a lining glued to the sides, and a cap and counter cap are glued to
- For cannibalism in Allosaurus, including Allosaurus shed teeth found among, rib ,fragments, possible tooth marks on a shoulder blade, and cannibalized allosaur
- Discharge, increasing accuracy. Both slugs are commonly found with fins or, rib , which are meant to allow the projectile to safely squeeze down during passage
- The bodies of humans and other animals, including the joints between bones,the, rib ,cage, the ear, the nose, the elbow, the knee, the ankle, the bronchial tubes
- His jaw, his teeth, his mouth, his hip, his throat, his limbs, his side and his, rib , The gods are at a loss to know what to do, chagrinned they" sit in the dust "
- The Band Presidential),which is worn from the left shoulder to the right, rib , to the new President. Moldova Article 79 of the Constitution of Moldova
- Declined and new soldiers were generally unfamiliar with early problems. A, rib ,was built into the side of the receiver on the XM16E1 to help prevent
- Stake of Joan of Arc, virgin of Orleans ". They consisted of a charred human, rib , carbonized wood, a piece of linen and a cat femur — explained as the practice
- A nameless one created of flesh and blood; and Eve, fashioned from Adam's, rib , As such, while she is an individual with her own personality, she is also one
- Not accepted, as T1 has other morphological features, such as an articulating, rib , deemed diagnostic of thoracic vertebrae. Also, the exceptions to the mammalian
- Were poorly healed and" formed pseudoarthroses. " A specimen with a fractured, rib ,was recovered from the Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry. Another specimen had fractured
- Disk disease (IVD),due in part to an extremely long spinal column and short, rib ,cage. The risk of injury may be worsened by obesity, jumping,rough handling
- Unknown and varied with individual size; James Madsen estimated about 50,The, rib ,cage was broad, giving it a barrel chest, especially in comparison to less
- Rabbis pointed to the Genesis record," the LORD God made a woman from the, rib ,he had taken out of the man," making it clear that the male was the
- Its detailed ornamentation most noticeably the pointed archways and elaborate, rib ,vaulting. First developed in France, Gothic was intended as a solution
- Eve is a secondary addition to creation, having been created from Adam's, rib , God is referred to as" He" and family lines through Abraham are followed in
- Configuration, the shoestring continues on its path to the opposite side of the, rib ,after the converging point; for example, the left barrel's discharge travels
- Rophy "," ruffles "," roaches "," rookies "," ruffles "," ruff-up ",", rib ,"," roach 2 (R2) "," Roche "," rope "," copies "," circles "," circles "
- Is wrapped around the wearer's body at the natural waist (between the lowest, rib ,and the hip) starting from one side (usually the wearer's left),around the
- Genesis, including questions such as if Eve was actually created from Adam's, rib , where did Cain get his wife, and how many people lived in Ancient Egypt.
- Accounts; while Genesis 2:22 desc rib es God's creation of Eve from Adam's, rib , an earlier passage,1:27,already indicates that a woman had been made:" So
- Road for the Brewers as they were without Grange due to a basketball-related, rib ,injury during Spring Training. The team opened the season with four consecutive
- Mutations occur in HOW genes in humans, which can result in a cervical, rib ,or polydactyly, an increase in the number of fingers or toes. When such
- Modified skeletons, with no nasal, parietal,infraorbital, or (usually) lower, rib ,bones. The bones of the jaw are modified and fused into a sort of" beak ";
- The magazine release button while closing the ejection port cover. This, rib ,was later extended on production M16A1s to help in preventing the magazine
- Is a four-day event held in mid-June at Headwaters Park, showcasing barbecue, rib ,cooks and vendors, as well as musical performances from across the nation.
- With small, hooked bones, called urinate processes, found on the rear of each, rib , Tail and back The spiny plates on the back and tail of the Tatar resemble
- Itigaituk" ( has no feet)," Usurious" ( has no penis),and" Julia" (, rib ,). Inuit may have any number of names, given by parents and other community
- So a flexible piece of wood called lining is glued into the corners where the, rib ,meets the top and back. This interior reinforcement provides 5 to 20 mm of
- Several weeks later and by then removal of his esophagus, two lymph nodes and a, rib ,on March 1,1956, was too late to halt the disease, even with chemotherapy. He
- The surface of a plain glass bead. Shapes * Bugle beads Hair pipe beads Elk, rib ,bones were the original material for the long, tubular hair pipe beads. Today
- As a peasant dish, all parts of beef are used, including tail, leg and, rib ,bones with or without meat attached; these are boiled in water to extract fat
- Artists like Randy Weston’D. Shannon Clark, and Wayne Shorter, along with, rib ,vendors from around the country. The Short North is host to the monthly "
- Ligature marks may have been caused by the body swelling when submerged. The, rib ,fracture may also have occurred after death, perhaps during the discovery of
- Because it is scored, or nerfed to allow it to bend with the shape of the, rib ,). During final construction, a small section of the outside corners is carved
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