Examples of the the word, veto , in a Sentence Context

The word ( veto ), is the 7749 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In comparison to other Latin American Presidents. For example, he or she cannot, veto ,the legislative budget, and thus Congress is sovereign over the year's single
  2. The bill did not pass. Coolidge veto ed it. Congress did not override the, veto , but passed the bill again in May 1928 by an increased majority; again
  3. To the King who gives the proposed bills Royal Assent. The King does not have, veto ,power over bills passed by the National Assembly and thus, cannot withhold
  4. Thus allowing the state to retire some of its debt. Coolidge also wielded the, veto ,pen as governor. His most publicized veto was of a bill that would have
  5. Has a strong mayor/weak city council government. The mayor can approve or, veto ,any ordinances or resolutions approved by the council, makes sure all contracts
  6. Tenure of Office Act, a law enacted by Congress in March 1867 over Johnson's, veto , specifically designed to protect Stanton. Johnson had veto ed the act, claiming
  7. Bill for further debate, although the parliament can override the President's, veto ,by vote of a majority of all MPs. Book Boris, leader of the center-right
  8. A district system superseded the ward system in 1954). The mayor may, veto ,a bill passed by the council, but the council can override the veto with a
  9. Of the Legislature. The Legislature has the power to override a gubernatorial, veto ,by a simple majority (most state Legislatures require a two-thirds majority to
  10. Opinions and instructions do not outmatch the Constitution," he said in his, veto ,message," Against it, they are void. " Vice Presidency 1920 election At the
  11. Was the highest executive office within the Republic, they had the power to, veto ,any action or proposal by any other magistrate, save that of the Tribune of the
  12. Mayor may veto a bill passed by the council, but the council can override the, veto ,with a two-thirds majority. The mayor of Atlanta is Karim Reed. Every mayor
  13. 100 state-controlled) firms, obligate or disburse expenditures, approve or, veto ,regulations, declare states of emergency, and appropriate and spend profits of
  14. South, aligned with Johnson. However, the Republicans in Congress overrode his, veto ,and the Civil Rights measure became law. The last moderate proposal was the
  15. Democratic candidates. In July 2009 the Connecticut legislature overrode a, veto ,by Governor M. Jodi Well to pass Sustained, the first significant public-option
  16. MAS and its supports believed two-thirds voting rules would give an effective, veto ,for all constitutional changes to the conservative minority. In August 2007
  17. On February 17, 2008,which Serbia opposes. Of the five members with, veto ,power, USA,UK, and France recognized the declaration of independence, and
  18. Of the Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne, Daniel Man nix. Because of its ", veto ,with a view to reunification" strategy, the DLP's preferences (see
  19. In favor of epiphenomenalism, but he believes subjects still have a" conscious, veto ,", since the readiness potential does not invariably lead to an action. In
  20. Him to convene the Senate and people at will and lay business before it, veto ,the actions of either the Assembly or the Senate, preside over elections, and
  21. Veto authority, with the city council having the ability to override a mayoral, veto ,by a 2/3 votes (6 out of 9). Current issues In order to combat the nearly $38
  22. Allocated by ethnic quotas, giving the minority Turkish Cypriots a permanent, veto , 30 % in parliament and administration, and granting the three mother-states
  23. Their respective communities for five-year terms and each possessing a right of, veto ,over certain types of legislation and executive decisions. Legislative power
  24. Rights bill, Johnson broke decisively with them by veto ing it on March 27. His, veto ,message objected to the measure because it conferred citizenship on the
  25. The dictator (except for the tribunes of the plebs - although they could not, veto ,any of the dictator's acts),granting the dictator absolute authority in both
  26. Liberum veto (a later development),the right for a single representative to, veto ,the entire proceedings of the Seem * confederation (confederation),a military
  27. Were a display of weakness. At all events from his December message to the, veto ,of the Civil Rights Bill he yielded not a jot to Congress. The moderate
  28. By their respective communities for 5-year terms and each possessing a right of, veto ,over certain types of legislation and executive decisions. The House of
  29. Council's failure to seat the People's Republic of China and, thus,did not, veto ,the Council's approval of UN action to oppose the North Korean invasion. A
  30. Representatives were withdrawn from the European institutions until the French, veto ,was reinstated. Eventually, a compromise was reached with the Luxembourg
  31. Against kings who did not rule in accordance with their pledge * liberal, veto ,(a later development),the right for a single representative to veto the
  32. Its debt. Coolidge also wielded the veto pen as governor. His most publicized, veto ,was of a bill that would have increased legislators' pay by 50 %. Although
  33. Governor has a duty to enforce state laws and the power to either approve or, veto ,bills passed by the Alabama Legislature, to convene the legislature, and to
  34. Senate or the people's assemblies, and the Tribune of the Plebs was unable to, veto ,their acts as long as the governor remained at least a mile outside of Rome.
  35. Majority (most state Legislatures require a two-thirds majority to override a, veto ,). During Reconstruction following the American Civil War, Alabama was occupied
  36. One additional at-large member and stay at nine members. The mayor will have, veto ,authority, with the city council having the ability to override a mayoral veto
  37. Rescue any plebeian from the hands of a patrician magistrate, and the right to, veto ,any act or proposal of any magistrate, including another tribune of the people
  38. Of the Senate or the People's assembly limited their powers, and only the, veto ,of a fellow consul or a tribune of the plebs could supersede their decisions. A
  39. But he has the right to veto its decisions. To override the presidential, veto , the parliament must have a majority of 95 votes. The judicial power is vested
  40. By President Ronald Reagan as being too expensive. When Congress overrode his, veto , the project had its green light and ground was first broken in 1991. In 1997
  41. Given the right 3–4 seats majority. In March 2006,the parliament overturned a, veto ,by President Václav Klaus, and the Czech Republic became the first former
  42. Not have the right to dissolve the National Assembly, but he has the right to, veto ,its decisions. To override the presidential veto , the parliament must have a
  43. President, Jackson worked to rescind the bank's federal charter. In Jackson's, veto ,message (written by George Bancroft),the bank needed to be abolished because
  44. Island. *1792 – U. S. President George Washington exercises his authority to, veto ,a bill, the first time this power is used in the United States. *1804 – High
  45. Swear him guilty. (Compare the United Nations Security Council, in which the, veto ,power of the permanent members ensures that the organization does not become
  46. Organizations, and commissions. However, the council can override the mayor's, veto ,with a nine out of thirteen member votes, and the city budget must be approved
  47. Constitution gave the president the ability to subject a bill to a line item, veto , a power also held by some state governors. The Confederate Congress could
  48. A special economic regime to the city's treasury, and it gives the council a, veto ,in matters that will be decided by the central government, but that will need a
  49. Individuals) and could only rule when they agreed, because each consul could, veto ,the other's decision. The consuls would alternate monthly as the chairman of
  50. Bills passed by the House of Representatives. Each chamber has the ability to, veto ,any law passed by local officials if it is contrary to the constitution. Since

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