Examples of the the word, kings , in a Sentence Context

The word ( kings ), is the 8123 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. He is referred to, for this and other things as being" more evil than all the, kings ,before him" ( 1 Kings 16:30). The followers of Yahweh found their champion in
  2. The long-standing folk belief that the king could cure scrofula by touch. The, kings ,of France and England indeed regularly practiced the ritual. Bloch was not
  3. Other kings possess it for a while, then pass away? After thee, will not other, kings ,assume control, and eat the fruits of the tree of thy hope? " In the estimation
  4. He was said to inhabit after his death, together with many other heroes. The, kings ,of the Virus claimed to be descended from Achilles through his son
  5. Zulus (or Julius),founded Alba Long and was the first in a long series of, kings , According to the mythology outlined by Virgil in the Aeneid, Romulus and Remus
  6. As the city of Narrates became the home of Greeks in the delta. The Site, kings ,based in the new capital of Said witnessed a brief but spirited resurgence in
  7. And Erna fought over the division of his legacy, specifically which vassal, kings ,would belong to which brother. As a consequence they were divided, defeated and
  8. Reserved for ecclesial matters alone. List of Alemannic rulers Independent, kings ,* Federico (father of Generic, brother to Chnodomar) Dukes under Frankish
  9. Hardship and as such Alexander was thought to be first in line of the Parthia, kings , However, after the Islamic conquests there is a change in this stance and as
  10. Alemannic rulers with various terms: Reyes excelsiores ante alias (" paramount, kings ,"),Reyes proximity (" neighboring kings " ), reguli (" petty kings " ) and
  11. Reply," but methinks not it confers much strength. Before thee, did not other, kings ,possess it for a while, then pass away? After thee, will not other kings assume
  12. Excelsiores ante alias (" paramount kings " ), reges proximity (" neighboring, kings ,"),result (" petty kings " ) and regales (" princes" ). This may be a
  13. 667 BC the Assyrians began their attack on Egypt. The reigns of both Kushites, kings ,Sahara and his successor, Tanutamun, were filled with constant conflict with
  14. A ruler could, like Gilgamesh, become divine after death but the Akkadian, kings , from Naram-Sin onward, were considered gods on earth in their lifetimes. Their
  15. Who probably acted as presidents of the confederation and seven other, kings ,(Reyes). Their territories were small and mostly strung along the Rhine (
  16. Great Chronicle" ) is a historical poem written in the Pale language, of the, kings ,of Sri Lanka. It covers the period from the coming of King Vijaya of Ceiling (
  17. Roman prisoner rose to 12 solidi. Their demands were met for a time, the Hun, kings ,withdrew into the interior of their empire. Following the Huns' withdrawal
  18. Was a reaction against arbitrary rule and the nonobservance of old customs by, kings , Opportunity cost The opportunity cost doctrine was first explicitly formulated
  19. Canonized (1001 AD),thus becoming the first of the canonized confessor, kings , St. Stephen's day is a national holiday in Hungary as well as an observed
  20. Exchange for a promise to cede him the region of Sirius, the seat of the Tepid, kings , Thus, in 565 or 566 Justinian's successor Justin II sent his son-in-law
  21. He is generally depicted with a scepter and diadem, conventional attributes of, kings , Agamemnon's mare was named Letha. She was also one of two horses driven by
  22. Be related to the history of Canaan of the early 2nd millennium: none of the, kings ,mentioned is known, Abimelech could not be a Philistine (they did not arrive
  23. From its inception; Pharaonic rule was based on the divine right of, kings , The Egyptian pantheon was populated by gods who had supernatural powers and
  24. Discovered data suggests there had been Sumerian expansions under previous, kings , including Lugal-Anne-Mundu of Adam, Eannatum of Lag ash, and Lugal-Zage-Si.
  25. From 936 to 1531,Aachen Cathedral was the church of coronation for 30 German, kings ,and 12 queens. The 14th century city hall lies between two central places, the
  26. The abbey of St Denis was held in commend am by Hugh Capet. The example of the, kings ,was followed by the feudal nobles, sometimes by making a temporary concession
  27. Binary sent back a friendly emissary to Koch in 1514 and Sumatra, Sumatran, kings , of Tampa and Indragiri sending emissaries to Albuquerque accepting the new
  28. Known year-names or other archaeological evidence verifying any of these later, kings ,of Akkad or Uruk, apart from a single artifact referencing king Dud of Akkad.
  29. And earning the approval of the Buddhist sang ha. Following Ashoka's example, kings ,established monasteries, funded the construction of steps, and supported the
  30. A lay lord, in return for his protection, early suggested to the emperors and, kings ,the expedient of rewarding their warriors with rich abbeys held in commend am.
  31. Against the Huns. Believing he could defeat the Huns, he refused the Finnish, kings ,' demands. Attila responded with a campaign in 443. Striking along the Danube
  32. Tao II and his sons, did do so. Although it has also been argued that ", kings ,of this period did not personally act as frontline war leaders, fighting
  33. States that Canada, one of Bindusara's great lords, destroyed the nobles and, kings ,of 16 towns and made himself the master of all territory between the eastern
  34. Of Akkad even ventured into Anatolia, battling the Hittite and Hurricane, kings ,Samba of Haiti, Zipani of Keynes, and 15 others. This newfound Akkadian wealth
  35. Dud of Akkad. The named kings of Uruk may have been contemporaries of the last, kings ,of Akkad, but in any event could not have been very prominent. Evidence from
  36. Elements into their Middle Bronze Age culture. After their retreat, the Theban, kings ,found themselves trapped between the Hyssop to the north and the Hyssop '
  37. Times as great 'forts ', were built on the desert behind the town by three, kings ,of the second dynasty; the most complete is that of Khasekhemwy. From the fifth
  38. Left control of Egypt to a series of vassals who became known as the Site, kings ,of the Twenty-Sixth Dynasty. By 653 BC, the Site king Plastic I was able to
  39. Female companions. Alexander had accumulated a harem in the style of Persian, kings ,but he used it rather sparingly; Green suggests that, in the context of the
  40. Wide expansion of Buddhism through the sponsorship of one of the most powerful, kings ,of Indian history. It gives more information about Ashoka's proselytism, Moral
  41. Ahab with 7,000 troops had previously overthrown Ben-hadad and his thirty-two, kings , who had come to lay siege to Samaria, and in the following year obtained a
  42. Ash tree" ) appears as the son of Longest in the Anglo-Saxon genealogy for the, kings ,of Kent. This has resulted in an amount of theories that the figures may have
  43. Of a saint. It was not uncommon for the Merovingian, Carolingian,or later, kings ,to make laymen abbots of monasteries; the layman would often use the income of
  44. Mythology. Connections have been proposed between Ask and Emblem and the Vandal, kings ,ANSI and Amber, attested in Paul the Deacon's 7th century AD work Orig Gents
  45. Or Uruk, apart from a single artifact referencing king Dud of Akkad. The named, kings ,of Uruk may have been contemporaries of the last kings of Akkad, but in any
  46. 2269-2255 BC). The latter king seems to have fought a sea battle against 32, kings , who had gathered against him. Both appear to have been assassinated. Naram-Sin
  47. Aphrodite. Through the Julian's, the Almonds make this claim. The legendary, kings ,of Britain trace their family through a grandson of Aeneas, Brutus. Physical
  48. That time he gave lessons not only to Alexander, but also to two other future, kings ,: Ptolemy and Cassandra. In his Politics, Aristotle states that only one thing
  49. Or a combination of both. In 357,there appear to have been two paramount, kings ,(Chnodomar and Westdale) who probably acted as presidents of the
  50. Paramount kings " ), reges proximity (" neighboring kings " ), reguli (" petty, kings ,") and regales (" princes" ). This may be a formal hierarchy, or they may be

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