Examples of the the word, persecution , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Including German and other European non-conformists escaping religious, persecution , The first German Lutherans arrived in 1838 bringing with them the vine
  2. Uprising were the imposition of new taxes, the tenth penny, and the religious, persecution ,of Protestants by the Spanish Inquisition. The revolt escalated into the Eighty
  3. Rural areas. In a study assessing nations' levels of religious regulation and, persecution ,with scores ranging from 0 to 10 where 0 represented low levels of regulation or
  4. Switzerland, and other parts of Europe between 1525 and 1660. Continuing, persecution ,in Europe was largely responsible for the mass immigration to North America by
  5. Practiced rebaptism. Chairman J. van Braght's Martyrs Mirror describes the, persecution ,and execution of thousands of Anabaptists, such as Dirk Willems, in Austria
  6. Opposition to Athanasius, combined with reports Athanasius received about the, persecution ,of non-Arians by the new Arian bishop George of Boadicea, prompted Athanasius
  7. Anthony the Great, who had retired to the Egyptian Theban during the, persecution ,of Magician, AD 312,was the most celebrated among them for his austerities
  8. They were deemed too radical and therefore a danger to religious stability. The, persecution ,of Anabaptists was condoned by ancient laws of Theodosius I and Justinian I
  9. East to more tolerant Muslim lands, During the Middle Ages in Europe there was, persecution ,against Jews in many places, with blood libels, expulsions,forced conversions
  10. Are shown favorably in Luke-Acts. In Acts, attention is given to the religious, persecution ,of the early Christians, as in the case of Stephen's martyrdom and the
  11. For example, in 1965 Ginsberg was deported from Cuba for publicly protesting, persecution ,of homosexuals. The Cubans sent him to Czechoslovakia, where one week after
  12. Begun with the Pilgrims in 1621. They had come to America to escape religious, persecution , but then nearly starved to death due to the unfamiliar land. Some friendly
  13. Of their own scanty wants to the poor. Increasing religious fervor, aided by, persecution , drove them farther and farther away from the civilization into mountain
  14. 17 hundred years later as a" day of horror. " In the late 4th century, persecution ,of pagans by newly Christian Romans had reached new levels of intensity. In 391
  15. Archbishop of Alexandria who was martyred in 311 in the closing days of that, persecution , Exiles St Athanasius' long episcopate lasted 45 years (c. 8 June 328 - 2 May
  16. Was sympathetic to the falsely accused Captain Dreyfus, and criticized the, persecution ,of Jews in France. Growth in the twentieth century Antisemitism in the Arab
  17. That" Such a tolerance ... is even more dangerous play in tolerance than open, persecution , " In 1772,the empress of Russia Catherine II forced the Jews of the Pale of
  18. An Arian, like all the early Visigothic nobles, but he greatly mitigated the, persecution ,policy of his father Eric toward the Catholics and authorized them to hold in
  19. Colony of free immigrants, promising civil liberties and freedom from religious, persecution , based upon the ideas of Edward Gibbon Wakefield. Wakefield had read accounts
  20. Co-Emperors Diocletian and his deputy Galleries launched their anti-Christian, persecution , In Ankara, their first target was the 38-year-old Bishop of the town, whose
  21. Campaign against the Persians, and according to Christian sources, engaged in a, persecution ,of various holy men. The stone base for a statue, with an inscription
  22. A former KGB agent, had been granted asylum in the UK in 2000 after citing, persecution ,in Russia. Shortly before his death he issued a statement accusing
  23. In Lombard territory, churchmen were at least sure to avoid imperial religious, persecution , In the view of Pierre Rich, the disappearance of 220 bishops' seats
  24. Police, or military attacks on entire Jewish communities. Extreme instances of, persecution ,include the pogroms which preceded the First Crusade in 1096,the expulsion
  25. Of autonomy as local rulers and vassals from 861 until 1539. During their, persecution ,by the Safavid's, the last dynasty imposed Shia Islam upon the formerly Sunni
  26. With scores ranging from 0 to 10 where 0 represented low levels of regulation or, persecution , Angola was scored 0.8 on Government Regulation of Religion,4.0 on Social
  27. Bernard Lewis defines antisemitism as a special case of prejudice, hatred,or, persecution ,directed against people who are in some way different from the rest. According
  28. In that school who was educated by the Martyrs of the Great (tenth) and last, persecution ,of Christianity at the hands of pagan Rome. This persecution was most severe in
  29. Of the Bible, and,as a wealthy nobleman and courtier, He suffered during the, persecution ,under the Roman emperor Maxi minus Thorax in 235. He was later released and died
  30. As in other Roman towns, the reign of Diocletian marked the culmination of the, persecution ,of the Christians. In 303,Ankara was one of the towns where the co-Emperors
  31. A main justification of prejudice against Jews in Europe was religious. The, persecution ,hit its first peak during the Crusades. In the First Crusade (1096)
  32. Such as Gustav Mahler and Alan Berg, written during the period of great, persecution ,of the Jewish people shortly before and during the period of Nazi activity in
  33. Years of his life Alexios lost much of his popularity. The years were marked by, persecution ,of the followers of the Galician and Boom heresies—one of his last acts was
  34. Under Galleries. Herodotus of Ankara is also venerated as a saint. However,the, persecution ,proved unsuccessful and in 314 Ankara was the center of an important council of
  35. Tenth) and last persecution of Christianity at the hands of pagan Rome. This, persecution ,was most severe in the East, particularly in Egypt and Palestine. Possibly one
  36. Henry and his men be set free (as he knew Henry was innocent, and his, persecution ,was simply a witch hunt. ), Ash is celebrated as a hero. He also grows
  37. Top official on indigenous rights, Prof. James Ana ya, has condemned Botswana's, persecution ,of the Bushmen in a report released in February 2010. Language The official
  38. And Aristotle for the rest of his life. According to Damascus, during the, persecution ,of the pagans at Alexandria in the late 480's, Ammonius made concessions to
  39. Persecute Jews without necessarily being anti-Semitic" unless this hatred or, persecution ,displays one of the two features specific to antisemitism. There have been a
  40. Acutely endangered there, despite decades of legal protection from hunting and, persecution , The total population estimate in all of Norway, Sweden and Finland is a mere
  41. Each Jewish family to one son. In 1782,Joseph II abolished most of these, persecution ,practices in his Toleranzpatent, on the condition that Yiddish and Hebrew were
  42. As in the case of Stephen's martyrdom and the numerous examples are Paul's, persecution ,for his preaching of Christianity. Prayer is a major motif in both the
  43. Status also afforded the" People of the Book" relative security against, persecution ,and welfare most of the time—a protection that was missing for non-Christians
  44. In his memoirs for crimes of the Nazi regime. His level of involvement in the, persecution ,of the Jews and his level of knowledge of the Holocaust remain matters of
  45. By Amish, Hutterites,and Mennonites. There is no known account in history of, persecution ,of other Christians by Anabaptists as a group. Today Anabaptists Several
  46. 1587–1613),where he moved with his family because of the threat of religious, persecution , He specialized in painting still lives with flowers, which he signed with the
  47. To Berlin, and gave his first name as Arnold, possibly to avoid anti-Semitic, persecution , Nimzowitsch eventually moved to Copenhagen in 1922,which coincided with his
  48. As" tirelessly persistent in protesting censorship, imperial politics, and, persecution , of the powerless. " His achievements as a writer as well as his notoriety as an
  49. The" Comoran" party, exiling bishops and often using force. During this, persecution ,many bishops were exiled to the other ends of the Empire, ( e.g., Hilary of
  50. Tradition asserts that his works, with one exception, were destroyed during the, persecution ,carried on by the orthodox Brahmins in the 5th century. The exception is the

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