Examples of the the word, fond , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fond ), is the 8120 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Last decade of her life she began to believe her own performance. She became, fond ,and indulgent of the charming but petulant young Robert Devereaux, Earl of Essex
  2. Time thought about the development of a new fast armored ship. He was very, fond ,of the" second-class battleship" HMS Renown, a lighter, faster battleship. As
  3. Especially between divided parties of Hindus and Muslims. Mountbatten was, fond ,of Congress leader Jawaharlal Nehru and his liberal outlook for the country. He
  4. Superhero comics and soon influencing many other superhero comics. Readers grew, fond ,of Ben's grumpiness,Johnny's tendency to annoy others, and Reed and Sue's
  5. States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington’D. C. Wiesel is particularly, fond ,of teaching and holds the position of Andrew Mellon Professor of the Humanities
  6. Bird of the United States of America. The founders of the United States were, fond ,of comparing their new republic with the Roman Republic, in which eagle imagery
  7. Games and entertainments According to Suetonius, Claudius was extraordinarily, fond ,of games. He is said to have risen with the crowd after gladiatorial matches
  8. A tamarisk tree to invoke God’s name. () Abraham and Ishmael Abraham was, fond ,of his son Ishmael who had grown up to be fourteen years old when Isaac was
  9. Having discovered sodium. When this clarinet was published in 1905," Was not, fond ,of ": John Stuart Mill, : By a mighty effort of will, : Overcame his natural
  10. To the gusher on the Clamped home back in the hills. The Competes are quite, fond ,of him, and his wife occasionally visits them in California. John Brewster
  11. Christie's humorous self-caricature. Like Agatha Christie, she isn't overly, fond ,of the detective she is most famous for creating – in Ariadne's case the
  12. With golden or brightly colored threads. Jewelry The Cholistanis are, fond ,of jewelry, especially gold jewelry. The chief ornaments made and worn by them
  13. Died, possibly of a fever, rampant in Rome at the time. He was particularly, fond ,of Drill, claiming to treat her as he would his own wife, even though
  14. In expressing the central puzzles of quantum mechanics. Richard Feynman was, fond ,of saying that all of quantum mechanics can be gleaned from carefully thinking
  15. every clerihew was written about Sir Humphry Davy:: Sir Humphry Davy: Was not, fond ,of gravy.: He lived in the odium: Of having discovered sodium. When this
  16. Spoke warmly of one another for the rest of their lives. *, rumoured to be, fond ,of seducing young actresses. * Pole Negri: Chaplin was involved in a very
  17. Who was merely interested in the Competes' wealth),Jane was genuinely, fond ,of them (to the Competes, she was considered family; even Granny, the one
  18. Whose passion for art influenced Hopper's interested in art. He was especially, fond ,of the plays of William Shakespeare. Film career Hopper was reported to have an
  19. Indus Valley has always been occupied by the wandering nomadic tribes, who are, fond ,of isolated areas, as such areas allow them to lead life free of foreign
  20. Of flies, etc.) Woo'd with long care, CURCUMA cold and shy Meets her, fond ,husband with averted eye: Four beardless youths the obdurate beauty move
  21. And quick-witted, with sophisticated taste in music. He is particularly, fond ,of Beethoven, or " Lovely Ludwig Van. " The novel begins with the druids
  22. By the folk music of Hungary, Romania,and other nations. He was especially, fond ,of the asymmetrical dance rhythms and pungent harmonies found in Bulgarian
  23. Derive from words in languages other than English. Smith seemed particularly, fond ,of using numbers for this purpose. For instance, the name" Lord STO Odin" in
  24. To be founded in Europe. They were very attached to Paul, just as he was very, fond ,of them. Of all the churches, their contributions (which Paul gratefully
  25. Playing the corrupt Captain Want. Want, a brusque man with a" big mouth ", fond ,of sesame cake, must be bribed with" more" money (USD 50,000) in exchange
  26. Archery is typically known as an" archer" or" bowman ", and one who is, fond ,of or an expert at archery can be referred to as a" toxophilite ". History The
  27. During this time. Leaving Mexico, a country that he would always remain, fond ,of, Crowley visited San Francisco, Hawaii,Japan, Hong Kong and Ceylon, where
  28. In Sakhalin, boots were made from the skin of dogs or salmon. Both sexes are, fond ,of earrings, which are said to have been made of grapevine in former times, as
  29. On these occasions the reliable and yet unimaginative tactics Charles was, fond ,of were not sufficient, except on one occasion at Aspern-Essling, to defeat the
  30. In Linnaeus' house during his time as a student in Uppsala. Linnaeus was very, fond ,of him, promising Slander his oldest daughter's hand in marriage. On Linnaeus
  31. All people, whether black, female,Native American, or recent immigrant. He was, fond ,of saying," I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong
  32. Right one. But there is no help for it! I am too enamored of my freedom, too, fond , of my own ideas. " Debussy finally composed four pieces that were sent to the
  33. The author of the Entire Merlin, or Vulgate Merlin, where the author (who was, fond ,of fanciful folk etymologies) asserts that Escalator" is a Hebrew name which
  34. Introduction of the Little Cats in The Cat in the Hat Comes Back. He was also, fond ,of drawing hands with interlocked fingers, which looked as though the
  35. Take place there. Poetry The late Poet Laureate Sir John Between was famously, fond ,of Cornwall, and it featured prominently in his poetry. He is buried in the
  36. The couple took a brief holiday in Greece and the Aegean in 1960; Lewis was, fond ,of walking but not of travel, and this marked his only crossing of the English
  37. What the public liked, and the public liked Poirot. In contrast, Christie was, fond ,of Miss Marple. However, it is interesting to note that the Belgian detective
  38. Effect despite its relatively short duration. Emperor Guyana CAAC became very, fond ,of Quito, making it a secondary capital of Tawantinsuyu and living out his
  39. Seem particularly damning: In Hindustan both Moguls and Hindus are very, fond ,of listening to songs and instrumental music. He therefore ordered the same
  40. Is a farmer who constantly longs to return to his wife and farm. He is also, fond ,of horses and is angered when he sees them used in combat. He says," It is of
  41. Back to the 2nd century AD. Tacitus stated that the Germans were passionately, fond ,of dicing, so much that they would stake their personal liberty when bankrupt.
  42. Personal style, and were not imitated by later poets. Juvenal, for example, was, fond , of occasionally creating verses that placed a sense break between the fourth
  43. During the 1930s as part of Hitler's rearmament program. The Germans were also, fond ,of large destroyers, but while the initial Type 1934 displaced over 3,000 tons
  44. Was the conjunction of the Godhead with his" temple" ( which Nestorius was, fond ,of calling his human nature). The controversy seemed to be centered on the
  45. In One Fish Two Fish. Geisel's images often convey motion vividly. He was, fond ,of a sort of voilà gesture, in which the hand flips outward, spreading the
  46. In 1843 and Edward Baker Lincoln (Eddie) in 1846. Lincoln" was remarkably, fond ,of children ", and the Lincolns were not considered to be strict with their
  47. Posts left, right and center ". Triple Formula One champion Nelson Piqued was, fond ,of saying that racing at Monaco was" like trying to cycle round your living
  48. The influence of Henry's new wife Catherine Parr, of whom Edward soon became, fond , He called her his" most dear mother" and in September 1546,wrote to her: "
  49. To the Tasman Sea, which was named Cook Strait. This discovery banished the, fond ,notion of geographers that there existed a great southern continent, Terra
  50. With the plebeians. They also paint him as bloodthirsty and cruel, overly, fond , of both gladiatorial combat and executions, and very quick to anger (though

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