Examples of the the word, periodical , in a Sentence Context

The word ( periodical ), is the 8127 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the 19th century, and editor and publisher of the individualist anarchist, periodical ,Liberty. Summary Tucker says that he became an anarchist at the age of 18.
  2. His opus zero; written during his honeymoon (3.1896),published in The Savoy, periodical , 1896,and collected in" Tales of Unrest ",1898. *" The Lagoon "; composed
  3. Founded by Édouard-Alfred Martel in 1895,which produced the first, periodical ,journal in speleology, Spelunca. The National Speleological Society of the USA
  4. Criminals by their voice alone. In January 1752,Fielding started a biweekly, periodical ,titled The Covent-Garden Journal, which he would publish under the pseudonym of
  5. The next three decades. A privately-held company, Bunge & Born did not release, periodical ,financial statements, though it reported US$2 billion in gross receipts in 1962
  6. Was first used deprecatingly by William Taylor in 1797 in the English, periodical ,the Monthly Review, when he suggested the word as a hybrid but condemned it as
  7. Kit. Censor of Great Britain" until November of the same year. In this, periodical , Fielding directly challenged the" armies of Grub Street" and the
  8. Center in Mexico City in May 1909,and soon thereafter lent his backing to the, periodical ,El Antireeleccionista, which was run by the young lawyer/philosopher José
  9. A diary on 1 October 1803. An essay on the theater was published in Kotzebue's, periodical , Die Freimüthige, and he entered a competition in the same magazine to write a
  10. From advertisements during television commercial breaks, while reading a, periodical , or while passing by billboards in public spaces. A prime example of this
  11. Mall Magazine in early 1908 and in the US, as " The Point of Honor ", in the, periodical ,Forum later that year; collected in A Set of Six in 1908 and published by
  12. Of securities Publishing * Bibliographic index, a regularly updated print, periodical ,publication that lists articles, books,and/or other information items, usually
  13. The Southern Literary Messenger in Richmond. Poe became assistant editor of the, periodical ,in August 1835,but was discharged within a few weeks for being caught drunk by
  14. Dickens' first story, A Dinner at Poplar Walk was published in the London, periodical , Monthly Magazine. The following year he rented rooms at Furnival's Inn
  15. Publishes several books, reports,pamphlets and other media, including a, periodical ,known as the AA Grapevine. Two books are used primarily: Alcoholics Anonymous (
  16. In §2 (2) of the Land Transport Act 1999. In France, there is a humorous, periodical ,called La Bougie du Paper (The Sapper's Candle) published every February 29
  17. Beginning with the Haskell (Enlightenment) movement. The first secular, periodical ,in Hebrew, Hameassef (The Gatherer),was published by Muslim literati in
  18. Against the Noddy character, was reprinted in a New Zealand librarians ', periodical , This gave rise to the first rumor of a New Zealand" library ban" on Byton
  19. Identifier, the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN),identifies, periodical ,publications such as magazines. R. R. Bowler is the U. S. Agency of the
  20. Tageszeitung. The Berliner, a monthly magazine, is Berlin's English-language, periodical ,focusing on arts and entertainment. Berlin is also the headquarters of the two
  21. Of the Wiener Secession (Vienna Secession) in 1897 and of the group's, periodical ,Very Sacrum (" Sacred Spring" ). He remained with the Secession until 1908.
  22. Company with the appropriate government agency. This prompted the English, periodical ,The Economist to write in 1855 that" never, perhaps,was a change so
  23. A poem, Pikes Peak, first published in the Fourth of July edition of the church, periodical ,The Congregationalist in 1895. At that time, the poem was titled America for
  24. And the history of the University. The library's Fundamentalism File collects, periodical ,articles and ephemera about social and religious matters of interest to
  25. Murders of Christians. Other contemporary Catholic sources (notably the Jesuit, periodical ,Civil Catholic) took a more hostile view. Today, the accusations are almost
  26. world's first examples of modern journalism. In the same year he set up his, periodical ,A Review of the Affairs of France which supported the Harley Ministry
  27. A special 10th Anniversary edition of Lost Souls, Publishers Weekly — the same, periodical ,that criticized the novel's" amorality" a decade prior — deemed it a "
  28. Fielding directly challenged the" armies of Grub Street" and the contemporary, periodical ,writers of the day in a conflict that would eventually become the Paper War of
  29. As early as 1880,James had contributed an article in French to the, periodical ,La Critique philosophize, of Recover and Dillon, entitled Le Sentiment de
  30. Wesley was a champion of Arminian teachings, defending his soteriology in a, periodical ,titled The Arminian and writing articles such as Predestination Calmly
  31. Convincing readers of their position; they also featured heavily in the rise of, periodical ,literature, as seen in the works of Joseph Addison, Richard Steele and Samuel
  32. Of Waite's writings and editorials of other authors' writings. In his, periodical ,The Equinox, Crowley titled one diatribe," Wisdom While You Waite ", and his
  33. Clubs and founded a political newspaper (El Democrat) and a satirical, periodical ,(El Moscow," The Fly" ). Madero's preferred candidate was again defeated by
  34. Liberty," widely considered to be the finest individualist-anarchist, periodical ,ever issued in the English language. " * 1892,age 38 — moved Liberty from
  35. He edited during 1833,The Peaceful Revolutionist, was the first anarchist, periodical ,published, an enterprise for which he built his own printing press, cast his
  36. And sorrow.; Fullerton:" little leaf of paper ": a periodical , or part of a, periodical , consisting chiefly of non-political news and gossip, literature and art
  37. In social situations. In 1896,his poem" Madonna" appeared in a Viennese, periodical , In the autumn, Hesse released his first small volume of poetry, Romantic Songs
  38. Continuity of the franchise, it began publication in 1963 as a monthly, periodical ,and was published continuously until it was relaunched with a new numbering
  39. Of early printing. The latter publishes the Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, the leading, periodical ,in the field. Project Gutenberg, the oldest digital library, commemorates
  40. York by Washington Irving in the November 11, 1807 edition of his Salmagundi,a, periodical ,which lampooned New York culture and politics. Irving took the name from the
  41. Was his proudest accomplishment. In editing and publishing the anarchist, periodical ,Liberty, he published the original work of Stephen Pearl Andrews, Joshua K.
  42. But also in Argentina and Uruguay. In February 1923,she launched Renascence,a, periodical ,linked with the anarchist, progressive,and freethinking circles of the period.
  43. He edited during 1833,The Peaceful Revolutionist, was the first anarchist, periodical ,published, For American anarchist historian Eunice Dinette Schuster" It is
  44. These libraries hold over 760,000 volumes, more than 2,100 current print, periodical ,subscriptions and approximately 10,000 in electronic format,1,168,000
  45. And the year of 360 days divided into 12 equal parts of 30 days each with a, periodical ,intercalary month. ". Ayurveda is a system of traditional medicine that
  46. He was to produce The Dragon, I thought we would eventually have a great, periodical ,to serve gaming enthusiasts worldwide ... At no time did I ever contemplate so
  47. Lasted four issues. August 1881 to April 1908,age 27 to 54 — published the, periodical , Liberty," widely considered to be the finest individualist-anarchist
  48. Together during the Dadaist period. For seven years he also published the Dada, periodical ,391 in Barcelona, New York City, Zurich,and Paris from 1917 through 1924. By
  49. Already resulted, in pain and sorrow.; Fullerton:" little leaf of paper ": a, periodical , or part of a periodical , consisting chiefly of non-political news and gossip
  50. 2 for a bibliography,5 for a dictionary,6 for an atlas or maps,7 for a, periodical , 8 for a society or university publication,9 for a collection of works by

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