Examples of the the word, courier , in a Sentence Context

The word ( courier ), is the 8125 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Had brought Kearny's men to within of their destination San Diego. A Mexican, courier ,was captured en route to Sonora, Mexico carrying letters to General Jose Castro
  2. Such uses as children's toys, adult fitness, military and police applications, courier ,services and bicycle racing. The basic shape and configuration of a typical
  3. However,Flournoy's staff quickly convinced him to reverse his decision. A, courier ,with a message accepting the offer of alliance caught up with Pushmataha at St.
  4. Concluded that Booth entered the Confederate Secret Service as a spy and, courier , Other writers exploring possible connections between Booth's planning and
  5. Remained so hopelessly antiquated and unreliable that many firms relied on, courier ,services to get messages to other downtown businesses. Until the construction
  6. Mostly used as checks by indigenous bankers. Anglia The word Anglia means, courier ,(in Hindi) but it is also used for people who act as Hawaladars within the
  7. And secrecy was essential, fast yachts and small vessels were used for special, courier ,services. The English government intercepted very few of these means of
  8. Europe, particularly James Joyce, and later Samuel Beckett (who became a, courier ,for the French Resistance). Join O'Duffy led a brigade of 700 Irish volunteers
  9. Relations with local client kings, building roads, ensuring the public, courier ,system functioned, supervising the imitates and acting as a judge in important
  10. Envisioned one of torpedo attack. PT boats performed reconnaissance, ferry, courier , search & rescue as well as attack and smoke screening duties. They took part
  11. The maintenance of roads throughout Italy, Augustus also installed an official, courier ,system of relay stations overseen by a military officer known as the prefects
  12. The first shipment of 95%-pure plutonium nitrate to a Los Alamos, courier ,in Los Angeles. Seaborg had correctly predicted in March 1943 that some of the
  13. Naval operations against the Ottoman territories in the Balkans, although the, courier ,carrying the instructions was intercepted and killed by Bedouin partisans.
  14. As Meals retreated in disarray with the remains of his army, he sent a second, courier ,south with the revised message. The Neapolitan's abandoned Rome, and the city
  15. Of the Philippines. * May 2 – In London, a man brandishing a knife robs a, courier ,of bearer bonds worth £292 million (the largest mugging to date). * May 4 –
  16. DELTA is the state-owned postal service provider of Greece. A number of private, courier ,services, such as ACS, United Parcel Service and FedEx (Speeder),also
  17. AGENT SUB-AGENT | Agent ONE -------------------------|1 (1) KLM pilot and, courier ,| KLM steward | | -resigned in 1943 | 1 (2) Head of Catalan MOI Section | | |
  18. With Davorjanka Panic, who,under the code name" Dena ", served as a, courier ,in the resistance and subsequently became his personal secretary. Haas and Tito
  19. Nor foe? " And ran out as if to throw himself into the Tiber. At this time,a, courier ,arrived with a report that the Senate had declared Nero a public enemy and that
  20. But they were eventually superseded by more modern methods of communication and, courier ,transport, and are now much rarer than before. However, in some settings, such
  21. We need it desperately. ' I liked her determination. " He acted as a, courier ,to Vienna and Prague, paying for the train tickets out of his remaining £75 and
  22. Was an attempt by other officials to force him to assume the presidency,a, courier ,brought a message informing him that Wilson had died. Marshall was shocked, and
  23. Though Guam is part of the United States, some U. S. long distance plans and, courier ,services list Guam as an international location. As a result of Guam's being
  24. The Dude, revealing that Bunny has been kidnapped. He asks The Dude to act as a, courier ,for the million-dollar ransom because The Dude will be able to confirm whether
  25. With great care. The most secure method of communication in the field was by, courier , In the earlier part of the war, most women sent as agents in the field were
  26. He studied law under Thomas Jefferson. Although Andrew Jackson served as a, courier ,in a militia unit at age thirteen, Monroe is regarded as the last U. S.
  27. Was soundly defeated in the battle and fled towards Italy disguised as a, courier , He was captured near Chalcedony and later executed in Cappadocia. His son
  28. To Austin, as their orders specified, Bowie and Fannie instead sent a, courier ,to bring Austin directions to Concepción. The next day, an angry Austin issued
  29. Botcher, American film director (d. 2001) *1917 – Focus Mitch, German, courier , bodyguard and telephone operator for Adolf Hitler, the last survivor of the
  30. Elder son worsened. In November 1991,Cousteau gave an interview to the UNESCO, courier , in which he stated that he was in favor of human population control and
  31. A diplomatic bag must never be opened even on suspicion of abuse. A diplomatic, courier ,must never be arrested or detained. * Article 29. Diplomats must not be liable
  32. Would also establish an embassy in China and perform certain" safe house" and, courier ,services for the U. S. government, in a scheme code named" Operation Weasel ".
  33. Cover agents ENSIETA Alaska and Jan Nowak-Jezioranski perfected the Gibraltar, courier ,route out of occupied Europe. Maciej Kalenkiewicz was parachuted into occupied
  34. And the Chinese economy begins to crumble. In the same year, a third of the, courier ,stations are closed down due to lack of government funds to sustain them. *
  35. Claim in the High Court against Atkinson and his brother Shane Atkinson and, courier ,Roland Smith, after raids in Christchurch. This marked the first prosecution
  36. Making camp at Namath Lake. On the night of May 9,1846,Fremont received a, courier , Lieutenant Archibald Gillespie, bringing messages from President James Polk.
  37. And malnutrition. She managed to help save the life of Belgian resistance, courier ,Shortens Clews. Violetta Slab was executed on or about 5 February 1945 and her
  38. Stabilize the situation there. Kearny sent the mail on to Washington by another, courier , For the next six weeks, Lt. Carson guided Kearny and the 100 dragoons west
  39. S previous one dollar/silver dollar coin, but the master dies were lost by the, courier ,service while in transit to the Royal Canadian Mint in Winnipeg. In order to
  40. Or of ancient origin. Most interplanetary communication is handled by, courier ,ships, most commonly" X-boats ", which are essentially communication
  41. Morse code on knitting yarn and then knitted into a piece of clothing worn by a, courier , * Messages written on envelopes in the area covered by postage stamps. *
  42. Chief Directorate who had arrested and interrogated two cutouts in Filitov's, courier ,chain and Sergey Nikolayevch Gloves, an officer of the KGB’s First Chief
  43. Is fatally wounded in a skirmish with the French. Barry steals an officer, courier ,'s uniform, horse and identity and deserts. En route to Holland, then neutral
  44. Atomic spy Klaus Fuchs was arrested. His arrest led to others: Harry Gold,a, courier ,with whom Fuchs had worked, David Green glass, and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
  45. French Resistance after the 1940 occupation by Germany, in which he worked as a, courier , On several occasions over the next two years was nearly caught by the Gestapo.
  46. Revolutionary War, Jackson,at age thirteen, joined a local militia as a, courier , His eldest brother, Hugh,died from heat exhaustion during the Battle of Stone
  47. Da Cuba, naming them after himself. * In Ming Dynasty China, the costs of the, courier ,system are met by a tax in silver on land instead of corvée labor service. *
  48. LA—already in production—was sufficient for its limited police, escort,and, courier ,roles. Only 1,000 were made and the A never went into full production. It
  49. Method; for example, a face-to-face meeting or an exchange via a trusted, courier , This key, which both parties kept absolutely secret, could then be used to
  50. Which runs the Samba Bus service operates day and night passenger bus and, courier ,services to a number of destinations in Western Kenya, Rift Valley, Mombasa and

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