Examples of the the word, outsource , in a Sentence Context

The word ( outsource ), is the 8126 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As what was once cheap to produce in Niagara Falls was now far cheaper to, outsource ,to other countries. Several factories closed, and the population has since
  2. E. S.),a subsidiary of the Enron Corporation responsible for providing energy, outsource ,solutions. According to his original Department of Defense biography White was
  3. As extensions to IDEs). Free tools, like those based on the xUnit framework, outsource ,to another system the graphical rendering of a view for human consumption.
  4. Represented by the Irish Airline Pilots Association. Ryanair's response was to, outsource ,employees from other European countries. Though in later years, CEO Michael
  5. Or services (e.g. e-commerce). They are commonly used by larger companies to, outsource ,network infrastructure to a hosting company. Reliability and uptime The
  6. Vineyard. Investors purchase a piece of land within a vineyard, and, outsource , the grape maintenance and production operations to an outside grape grower or
  7. Are focused on developing the core business. For example often organizations, outsource ,their IT support to specialized IT services companies. *Cost restructuring —
  8. Higher capability at managing or reducing risks. For example, a company may, outsource ,only its software development, the manufacturing of hard goods, or customer
  9. Democratic U. S. presidential candidate John Kerry criticized U. S. firms that, outsource ,jobs abroad or that incorporate overseas in tax havens to avoid paying their "
  10. Paint. Some toy factories, when projects become too large for them to handle, outsource ,production to other less known factories, often in other countries. Recently
  11. Jobs overseas, possibly in the form of increased taxes on companies that, outsource , Union busting is one possible cause of outsourcing. As unions are
  12. For the increase in the quantity of American animation was the ability to, outsource ,the actual physical animation work to cheaper animation houses in countries in
  13. Or decrease in production. *Creating leisure time — Individuals may wish to, outsource ,their work in order to optimize their work-leisure balance. *Liability —
  14. Those activities in the value chain where it has a distinctive advantage, and, outsource , everything else. This movement has been particularly evident in logistics where
  15. Need for a product or service. Starting in the 1990s several companies chose to, outsource ,the logistics aspect of supply chain management by partnering with a 3PL
  16. By the daily newspaper Fol ha de S. Paulo. In 2008,Halliburton agreed to, outsource ,its mission-critical information technology infrastructure to a Dallas/Fort
  17. Flight Outsourcing On September 3,2008,Midwest Airlines announced its plan to, outsource ,all of its flight operations to Republic Airways. Republic will operate 12 new
  18. With little training. This has enabled Dutch and Belgian companies to, outsource ,their call center operations to South Africa. Future of Afrikaans
  19. Over taxes between the CEO and the governor of Wisconsin. Business process, outsource ,organizations have also contributed to the economic health of the city, such as
  20. Solely a U. S. phenomenon as corporations in various nations with low tax rates, outsource ,as well, which means that high taxation can only partially, if at all, explain
  21. The capabilities of low-wage offshore workers, making it more feasible to, outsource ,knowledge work. Was deeply misguided. Feigenbaum was also bothered that AI
  22. Only a few of them design equipment in house. Shredding services Some companies, outsource ,their shredding to shredding services. These companies either shred on-site
  23. Hot water dispensers, made in Australia, used worldwide. *Zip (net-staff) to, outsource ,it; turn it over to be completed; be relieved of it as your virtual assistant
  24. Either General Electric or Pratt & Whitney. One option presented was potential, outsource ,of the RB-211 production to Canadian manufacturer Brenda Engines. The British
  25. Services at vastly reduced end customer prices. Reasons Organizations that, outsource ,are seeking to realize benefits or address the following issues: *Cost savings
  26. Of journals. By digitizing many journal titles, JSTOR allowed libraries to, outsource ,the storage of these journals with the confidence that they would remain
  27. Usually off-network sitcoms in that time slot. Some small market Fox affiliates, outsource ,their newscasts to a Big Three station in the market (either situation may
  28. Have now been bought out by TOPS Friendly Markets. " The Connection" an, outsource ,phone call center has become a major employer on the corner of Second and
  29. The overall number of small email servers out there who have instead opted to, outsource ,to paid services or Gmail instead, exacerbating the problem for those not
  30. e.g. IT services),through outsourcing contracts; some water companies, outsource ,a considerable proportion of their operations. The extreme case is Welsh Water
  31. No matter what the profit margins. When Schwinn was forced by economics to, outsource ,bicycles built overseas, they chose the Panasonic World series, a successful
  32. By partnering with a 3PL,Third-party logistics provider. Companies also, outsource ,production to contract manufacturers. Technology companies have risen to meet
  33. Or platforms, governments have the choice to internally develop and manage, outsource , or sign a self-funding contract. The self-funding model creates portals that
  34. Of services and payments. Of recent concern is the ability of businesses to, outsource ,to suppliers outside the nation, sometimes referred to as offshoring or
  35. Across the globe loyalty programs are increasingly finding the need to, outsource ,strategic and operational aspects of their programs, given the size and
  36. Systems were outsource d to Amadeus in the early 1990s. Following a decision to, outsource ,all components of the Passenger Service System, the functions were outsource d
  37. Cities. " Haywood is now billing itself as the first American city to, outsource ,all of its city services. The population was 27,395 at the 2010 census. History
  38. Favoritism to a strategic group of workers. Employers also find it easier to, outsource ,the struck work of a craft union. Arguments for industrial unionism Savage
  39. Sector. Without this money creation benefit, it is actually more expensive to, outsource ,the IT operations as the outsourcing adds a layer of management and increases
  40. And gaming analysts. Casinos do not have in-house expertise in this field, so, outsource , their requirements to experts in the gaming analysis field, such as Mike
  41. Years in-house, Channel 4 will now become the last terrestrial broadcaster to, outsource ,its transmission and layout operations (to Red Bee Media). The requirement
  42. Enjoy the lion's share of the proceeds of the album. Gabriel is expected to, outsource ,CD production for worldwide release through Warner Bros. Records. The new album
  43. Airfield. On 4 March 2008,in announcing a partnership with Magna Steyr to, outsource ,manufacture of 2000+ cars annually at Graz, Austria,the company stated The
  44. But less so in others. Spammers take advantage of this fact, and frequently, outsource ,parts of their operations to countries where spamming will not get them into
  45. Form of government. However, it is the first city in the nation to, outsource ,services to such a great extent to a private sector company. The city's police
  46. Of steel. In 1981, it was decided to close all the local mines and quarries and, outsource ,the iron ore from abroad, the local ore being around 20 % iron and the foreign
  47. In the loss of Bashkirian 2937 and DHL Flight 611,because it is illegal to, outsource ,flight surveillance. *2007 – Phoenix News Helicopter Collision: news
  48. Lack of enough skilled workers in Hong Kong and Macau, the Universal decided to, outsource ,its die casting in mainland China. April 1984,the first Hong Kong-Shanghai
  49. Knowledge to build these services, and the decision of the administrators to, outsource ,information services. Keyhole states:" It’s not that expensive. For the cost of
  50. Services or Gmail instead, exacerbating the problem for those not wishing to, outsource , List of MTA software for Unix-like operating systems * Dragonfly Mail Agent -

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