Examples of the the word, compass , in a Sentence Context

The word ( compass ), is the 8119 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Phlegmatic temperament, the feminine, the brain and the western point of the, compass , In alchemy, the chemical element of mercury was often associated with water
  2. Cube, the impossibility of the construction originates from the fact that the, compass ,and straightedge method involve first- and second-order equations, while
  3. In machining the bore compared to the one-piece Duncan. He also extended the, compass ,down to B by adding two keys. An alternate view maintains Hotteterre was one of
  4. Public may not be as informed, and think there is something mysterious about a, compass ," changing" across an area as large as the Triangle, which it naturally will.
  5. For diurnal migrants, the sun is used to navigate by day, and a stellar, compass ,is used at night. Birds that use the sun compensate for the changing position
  6. Has been described variously as a baritone and a tenor. An extraordinary, compass ,... and a very wide range of vocal color have something to do with this
  7. And eraser, and for ink drawing, blotting paper. Other tools used are circle, compass , ruler, and set square. Fixative is used to prevent pencil and crayon marks
  8. Of computing tools arrived in start of XVII century: Geometric-military, compass ,by Galileo, Logarithms and Napier Bones by Napier, slide rule by Edmund Günter.
  9. Interference, such as sites being supported by scaffolding. Additionally, a, compass ,can only measure the azimuth to a precision of a half a degree. A theodolite
  10. Observations and new surveying techniques. The invention of the magnetic, compass , telescope and sextant enabled increasing accuracy. In 1492,Martin Belief, a
  11. Woodblock printing and movable type printing, the early lodestone and needle, compass , gunpowder, toilet paper, early seismological detectors, matches,pound locks
  12. Equipment available to observation teams has progressed from just prismatic, compass , hand-held or tripod mounted binoculars and sometimes optical range-finders.
  13. El-az ", short for" elevation and azimuth" ), the horizontal component of a, compass ,direction * Ministry of General Affairs, or Minister van Element Taken, the
  14. Of scoring and reference, each player is identified by one of the points of the, compass ,and thus North and South play against East and West. The game consists of
  15. From Tasmania to New Zealand. In one of his diary entries Tasman credits his, compass , claiming it was the only thing that kept him alive. Mauritius In accordance
  16. And changes in the magnetic field of the Earth. He observed the variations of a, compass ,needle and found that larger deflections correlated with stronger Aurora
  17. In Euclidean geometry. For example, the problem of trisecting an angle with a, compass ,and straightedge is one that naturally occurs within the theory, since the
  18. Things exist, but are also given methods for creating them with no more than a, compass ,and an unmarked straightedge. In this sense, Euclidean geometry is more
  19. Heptadecagon (17-sided polygon) can be constructed with straightedge and, compass , In that same year, Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazza discovered the dwarf
  20. From the purely geometrical point of view: the analog of the Greek ruler and, compass ,construction. Ultimately, the analytic geometry of Descartes and Fermat won out
  21. They are idiomatic on the pedal clavichord. As Spectra and also note,the, compass ,of the keyboard parts of Bach's six organ trio sonatas BWV 525–530 rarely go
  22. By the yellow bile humor); the masculine; and the eastern point of the, compass , In alchemy the chemical element of sulfur was often associated with fire and
  23. Forces was first noted by Hans Christian Listed who, in 1820,observed a, compass ,needle was deflected from pointing North when a current flowed in an adjacent
  24. Of the horizon it faces The azimuth is usually measured using a theodolite or a, compass , A compass is easier to use, though the deviation of the Earth's magnetic
  25. Or a key point in House of Thunder. * Characters who follow an unwavering moral, compass , but do not conform to organized religion or depend on the law. * The ideal
  26. Coordinates, whereas letter boxing clues tend to consist of grid references and, compass ,bearings. Whitewater kayaking and canoeing are popular on the rivers due to the
  27. In 1820 that an electric current produces a magnetic field which will deflect a, compass ,needle. In the same year Johann Schweitzer invented the galvanometer, with a
  28. Conjugation. This has the effect of transforming geometric questions about, compass ,and straightedge constructions into algebra. This transformation leads to the
  29. And were limited in distribution. The advent of magnetic devices, such as the, compass ,and much later, magnetic storage devices, allowed for the creation of far more
  30. Of unit length),the point can be constructed with ruled straightedge and, compass , A complex number is a constructive number if its corresponding point in the
  31. A random number generator into giving out pre-selected results, or causing a, compass ,needle to change its heading. Spoon bending through Psi would also be a form of
  32. Segment of unit length, a line segment of length | r | can be constructed with, compass ,and straightedge. It can also be shown that a complex number is constructive
  33. Year Johann Schweitzer invented the galvanometer, with a coil of wire around a, compass , which could be used as a sensitive indicator for an electric current. In 1821
  34. Beginning at the north, Antlia is bordered by Hydra the sea snake, Pyxis the, compass , Vela the sails, and Centaurus the centaur. History Anglia was created by the
  35. Can be shown that it is not possible to construct a regular nonage using only, compass ,and straightedge–a purely geometric problem. Another example are Pythagorean
  36. Step in producing a realistic rendition of the subject. Tools such as a, compass ,can be used to measure the angles of different sides. These angles can be
  37. Considered optional. A menu of map elements includes the neat line (border), compass , rose or north arrow, overview map, bar scale, projection and information about
  38. Magnetic poles, a fact which navigators have known for centuries. Magnetic (, compass ,) north and geographic (true) north are only exactly the same for a small
  39. Those that, starting with a unit, can be constructed with straightedge and, compass , e.g. the square root of 2). *The quadratic curds (roots of a quadratic
  40. Of heat with the feminine quality of moisture); and the northern point of the, compass , The alchemical symbol for air is an upward-pointing triangle, bisected by a
  41. Shropshire in England along with Flint shire and Wrexham in Wales, arranged by, compass ,directions as shown in the table. Below. Cheshire also forms part of the North
  42. Origami. Some classical construction problems of geometry are impossible using, compass ,and straightedge, but can be solved using origami. As a description of the
  43. By the black bile humor); the feminine; and the southern point of the, compass , In alchemy, earth was believed to be primarily cold, and secondarily dry, ( as
  44. Significant in this respect were advances within the fields of navigation. The, compass ,and astrolabe along with advances in shipbuilding, enabled the navigation of
  45. Magnetic south to its magnetic north pole. The north pole of a bar magnet in a, compass ,points north. However, this means that Earth's geomagnetic North Pole is the
  46. At the first school that he attended. His father once showed him a pocket, compass ,; Einstein realized that there must be something causing the needle to move
  47. It faces The azimuth is usually measured using a theodolite or a compass . A, compass ,is easier to use, though the deviation of the Earth's magnetic field from true
  48. Has γ and δ, Puppis has ζ, and so on. The constellation Pyxes (the mariner's, compass ,) occupies an area which in antiquity was considered part of Argo's mast (
  49. In terms of analytic geometry, the restriction of classical geometry to, compass ,and straightedge constructions means a restriction to first- and second-order
  50. Sophisticated culture, saying that Atlantes invented gunpowder and the, compass ,thousands of years before the rest of the world invented written language.

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