Examples of the the word, sally , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sally ), is the 7303 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Newcastle from 2 September until 11 October 1643,and by means of a brilliant, sally ,caused the siege to be raised. Fairfax was victorious at Shelby on 11 April 1644
  2. Backtracking. Notice that with the code as stated above, the query? - sibling (, sally , sally ). Also succeeds. One would insert additional goals to describe the
  3. To be proved is the leftmost one of this conjunction, i. e., parent_child (Z, sally ,). Two clause heads match this goal. The system creates a choice-point and
  4. Night jars and nighthawks. Reclusive ground-nesting birds that, sally ,out at night to hunt for large insects and similar prey. They are easily
  5. The town be sworn not to rob. " He was now on bad terms with Darby, and a witty, sally ,at that minister’s expense caused his dismissal from the council in January
  6. The fantail will remain at a perch and watch for Ariel prey which it will then, sally ,towards and snatch from the air before returning to the perch in order to
  7. Memory reclamation on failure. Example Here is a piece of PROLOG code: girl (, sally ,). Girl (Jane). Boy (B): - \+ girl (B). A WAM-based PROLOG compiler will
  8. But returned to lay siege to Gilbert, who drove off their superior force in a, sally , during which his horse was shot from under him and his buckler transfixed with
  9. In very high security applications this risk is minimized by using a, sally ,port, sometimes called a security vestibule or mantra where operator
  10. Notice that with the code as stated above, the query? - sibling ( sally , sally ,). Also succeeds. One would insert additional goals to describe the relevant
  11. Variable bindings in place, i. e., the conjunction (parent_child (Z, sally ,), parent_child (Z, erica) ). The next goal to be proved is the leftmost one
  12. A branch watching for prey and snatching it by reaching forward, where others, sally ,from a perch and snatch prey on the wing. For example, where Thamnomanes
  13. On occasion, siege castles would be built to defend the besiegers from a sudden, sally ,and would have been abandoned after the siege ended one way or another. If
  14. Mc Henry cannon Baltimore. JPG|Fort McHenry Image: FtMcHenrySallyPort. JPG|The, sally ,port (main entrance) into Fort McHenry. Artifacts are rocks that have been
  15. Siege and marched to Round way Down, hoping to defeat Wilmot before Horton could, sally ,from Devices against his rear. He deployed his infantry and artillery in the
  16. By the audience. Number after number was rapturously encored, and every droll, sally ,of dialogue was received with a shout of appreciative mirth. " The interval was
  17. Backtracking. For example: mother_child (trade, sally ,). Father_child (tom, sally ). Father_child (tom, erica). Father_child (
  18. Citadel was undertaken. The wall was extended again on the north-east, with a, sally ,port and also a secret passage through and under the wall, of corbeled
  19. The Great in Milan. * August 11 – Battle of Add: Theodoric fends off a, sally ,from Officer. By topic Religion Births * Deaths * Empress Fend, Chinese empress
  20. Chamber. About from the floor, the rope will have a woolen grip called the, sally ,(usually around 4 ft long) while the lower end of the rope will be doubled
  21. Lord Fairfax to... Robert, Earl of Essex (1643),describing the victorious, sally ,at Hull. Later life Fairfax resigned his command on the passing of the
  22. Renewed the siege in the spring of 1218. While attempting to fend off a, sally ,by the defenders, Montfort was struck and killed by a stone hurled from
  23. Z, sally ). This goal can be proved using the fact father_child (tom, sally ,), so the binding Z = tom is generated, and the next goal to be proved is the
  24. And moths) by hawking in the air. Birds sit in favored perches and, sally ,towards the prey when it is close enough. Only the Great Jamar varies from
  25. By the British with an ineffectual response from the Americans, or a weak, sally ,by the British, properly ignored by the Americans, depending on who related the
  26. Or incendiary substances. Arrow slits (also called arrow loops or loopholes), sally , ports (airlock-like doors) for sallies, and deep water wells were also
  27. Amount of her personal wealth) she took her show on the road. She made a, sally ,towards Europe, but her reputation preceded her, and she was denied entry at
  28. Their City, themselves,and Children, put on men's Clothes, and by a resolute, sally , forced the Moors to raise the Siege. The Earl, finding himself obliged, bythe
  29. A choice-point and tries the first alternative, whose body is father_child (Z, sally ,). This goal can be proved using the fact father_child (tom, sally ), so the
  30. Casualties on the landing infantry. The troops emerging one by one from the, sally ,ports on the River Clyde presented perfect targets to the machine guns in the
  31. Me some feat of arms? If there should be any such, here I am, quite ready to, sally ,forth completely armed and mounted, to tilt three courses with the lance, too
  32. Elephant ears, pea shooters, donkey rhubarb (although it is not a rhubarb), sally , rhubarb,Japanese bamboo, American bamboo, and Mexican bamboo (though it is
  33. After promising them immunity, although 4,000 rebel men escaped in a night, sally , The city surrendered on 2 August 932,after a siege of two years. In 921 the
  34. Of Leopardi's polemical war with the present, and above all an exceptional, sally ,into the territory of historical/political commentary, generally not confronted
  35. To the heaviest (tenor). To ring the bell, the ringer will first pull the, sally ,towards the floor, upsetting the bell's balance and causing it to swing on its
  36. As follows: Initially, the only matching clause-head for the query sibling (, sally , Erica) is the first one, so proving the query is equivalent to proving the
  37. For the speech before the half-starved and dead Crusaders which motivated their, sally ,from the gates of Antioch and their subsequent crushing defeat of the
  38. Mother_child (trade, sally ). Father_child (tom, sally ,). Father_child (tom, erica). Father_child (mike, tom ). Sibling (X, Y ): -
  39. Y). This results in the following query being evaluated as true:? - sibling (, sally , Erica). Yes This is obtained as follows: Initially, the only matching
  40. Firstly unwinding and subsequently winding the rope onto its wheel so that the, sally ,is now lifted towards the ceiling. This is the" hand stroke ". After a
  41. Was completed in 1949. The two wings surround two quadrangles connected by a, sally ,port. All rooms open onto porch-like stoops facing one of the quadrangles. A
  42. castle's garrison. The siege was lifted in November 1423 through a successful, sally , But because the burghers and peasants of Tyrol and the bishop of Brien
  43. Sand, pounded by boulders dropped from battlements or invested by a rapid, sally ,of troops. Some battering rams were not slung from ropes or chains, but were
  44. Technique is to perch motionless watching for prey, then to make a quick, sally ,towards the prey when observed. They will also forage from the air. Prey is
  45. At that time, Balland was to attack. Meanwhile, the Masseuse garrison was to, sally ,out. However, this part of the program miscarried. Even without the Masseuse
  46. Of the" Metaphysical" poets of whom the most famous is John Donne. The witty, sally ,of a Baroque writer, John Dryden, against the verse of Donne in the previous
  47. Attack, but he enjoyed total supremacy on water. Many of his castles included, sally ,ports which allowed resupply from the sea, but Harlech's is far more elaborate
  48. Finally, ABD Brahman gathered his men as he was" resolved on an audacious, sally ," 15. ABD Brahman hand-picked 700 fighters from his army and led them to
  49. Tail-end, causing the bell to swing back towards its starting position. As the, sally ,rises on what is now the" backstroke ", the ringer will catch it to pause the
  50. Valley from which the Romans would first enter, so that they could quickly, sally ,out and close the entrance, blocking the retreat route of the Romans. Then he

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