Examples of the the word, connectivity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( connectivity ), is the 7305 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Circuit layout * SCHEMATIC to describe the schematic representation and, connectivity ,of a cell * STRANGER to describe an as yet unknown representation of a cell The
  2. To Bermuda; the East Caribbean Fiber System (CFS) submarine cable provides, connectivity ,to 13 other islands in the eastern Caribbean (2007) Radio broadcast stations:
  3. Recorded account, so that machines accepting the card need no network, connectivity ,) are in use throughout Europe since the mid-1990s,most notably in Germany (
  4. For writing chemical formulas. Molecular geometry and structural formulas The, connectivity ,of a molecule often has a strong influence on its physical and chemical
  5. Less power consumption for the same performance level * greater, connectivity ,to build larger, more parallel systems * more specialization to aid in specific
  6. Spaces consisting of sets with collections of connected subsets satisfying, connectivity ,axioms; their morphisms are those functions which map connected sets to
  7. Web Chrysler LLC Connect Web is a system that brings wireless Internet, connectivity ,to any Chrysler, Dodge,or Jeep vehicle, via a Wi-Fi" hot-spot ". According to
  8. Using that connection). The accounting is hence the recording of this, connectivity ,service consumption for subsequent charging of the service itself. Accounting
  9. Into medial and lateral regions with three bands with distinct properties and, connectivity ,running perpendicular across the whole area. A distinguishing characteristic of
  10. 237; landing point for the SAT-3/WAS fiber-optic submarine cable that provides, connectivity ,to Europe and Asia; satellite earth stations - 2 Intelsat (Atlantic Ocean) (
  11. Simply connected space does not need to be connected. *Yet stronger versions of, connectivity ,include the notion of a contractible space. Every contractible space is path
  12. Link. Net is owned by Osasco telecom. On January 27, 2011,almost all internet, connectivity ,to Egypt was shut off by the Egyptian government. Wireless Internet Egypt is
  13. Signals. In combinatorics, an expander graph is a sparse graph that has strong, connectivity ,properties, quantified using vertex, edge or spectral expansion as described
  14. Social or nonsocial tasks. In autism there is evidence for reduced functional, connectivity ,of the default network, a large-scale brain network involved in social and
  15. European Eagle-owl. The latter is considered an indicator of old-growth forest, connectivity , and has been declining because of landscape fragmentation. The most common
  16. On process, equipment,and vendor solutions. Direct integration—ERP systems, connectivity ,(communications to plant floor equipment) as part of their product offering.
  17. Park focused on grizzly bear conservation, factors such as habitat quality and, connectivity ,to other habitat patches are considered. The Refuge for Endangered Wildlife
  18. Equipment, such as a" dungeon ". In the contemporary era of technological, connectivity , sessions may also be conducted remotely by phone, email or online chat. Women
  19. GPRS network installed by the Scandinavian company allows faster and permanent, connectivity ,for all mobile users, as well as providing high-speed picture and video
  20. Slot (two on the 2000/2100). This allows native modem and even Ethernet, connectivity ,; Newton users have also written drivers for 802.11b wireless networking cards
  21. Extensions to APL include: * Support for. Net, operating system resources &, connectivity ,* APL as a native. NET language using Visual Studio 2008 * Integrated charting
  22. From the vehicle in all directions, and will combine both Wi-Fi and 3G cellular, connectivity , Connect is available on several current and was available on several
  23. And Russia; a combination submarine cable and land fiber-optic system provides, connectivity ,to Italy, Albania,and Macedonia; satellite earth stations – 3 (1 Intersputnik
  24. May be written (CH3)3CH. This semi-structural formula implies a different, connectivity ,from other molecules that can be formed using the same atoms in the same
  25. 2006,blanketing several square miles of University Circle with wireless, connectivity , Government and politics Cleveland's position as a center of manufacturing
  26. Radio relay * International: country code – 359; submarine cable provides, connectivity ,to Ukraine and Russia; a combination submarine cable and land fiber-optic
  27. The" path connectedness" requirement is dropped from the definition of simple, connectivity , a simply connected space does not need to be connected. *Yet stronger versions
  28. They employ a plethora of stains that reveal neural structure, chemistry,and, connectivity , In recent years, the development of immunostaining techniques has allowed
  29. IPv4 hosts may use link-local addressing to achieve limited local, connectivity , History DHCP was first defined as a standards track protocol in RFC 1531 in
  30. Their customers operate. ERP vendors must be expert in their own products, and, connectivity , to other vendor products, including competitors. Database integration—ERP
  31. Useful, as it illustrates which atoms are bonded to which other ones. From the, connectivity , it is often possible to deduce the approximate shape of the molecule. A
  32. Molecular memory is 10 terabits per square inch. Related technologies Network, connectivity ,A secondary or tertiary storage may connect to a computer utilizing computer
  33. From independent, disconnected nation-states to a world of increased global, connectivity ,with worldwide institutions, environmental challenges, economic systems, and
  34. Blossomed. Beginning with a Satellite link and widespread undersea leased line, connectivity , Estonia connected with the rest of the world. The concession for packet
  35. Forward and back navigational buttons. Some file managers provide network, connectivity ,via protocols, such as FTP, NFS,SMB or WebDAV. This is achieved by allowing
  36. Is to the public switched telephone network or telephone jack, although, connectivity , with newer technologies such as Voice over IP has become available. There are
  37. Internet business Gibraltar offers a favorable tax system, good internet, connectivity ,along with a well-developed regulatory system. All gambling operations in
  38. Types of neurons, each with its own unique dendritic structure and pattern of, connectivity , In the first half of the 20th century, advances in electronics enabled
  39. Other ports was also discovered. In addition, all Newton devices have infrared, connectivity , initially only the Sharp ASK protocol, but later also IRA, though the Sharp
  40. With Lucius and Epicurus, proposed the earliest views on the shapes and, connectivity ,of atoms. They reasoned that the solidness of the material corresponded to the
  41. In the study of Eros and Deny of the asymptotic probability of graph, connectivity , gave rise to yet another branch, known as random graph theory, which has been
  42. Their own network, and sells high Internet bandwidth services and internet, connectivity ,competing directly with Telecom. GNC Networks, a wholly owned subsidiary of
  43. Another factor which limited the early Newton devices' appeal was that desktop, connectivity ,was not included in the basic retail package, a problem that was later solved
  44. Brain network involved in social and emotional processing, with intact, connectivity ,of the task-positive network, used in sustained attention and goal-directed
  45. One or more of the steel. Satellite Internet access can provide high speed, connectivity ,to remote locations, however these are significantly more expensive than
  46. Mazarin Sharif, and Jalalabad, providing international and domestic voice/data, connectivity , The international calling code for Afghanistan is +93. The following is a
  47. If fine distinctions are made on the basis of neural structure, chemistry,and, connectivity , thousands of distinguishable areas can be identified within the vertebrate
  48. In popularity thereafter, and were replaced by systems using the Internet for, connectivity , Some larger commercial BBSes, such as Exec PC BBS, became actual
  49. Analysis, auditing,billing, or cost allocation. For example when a user uses a, connectivity ,service paid with a pay-per-view approach the accounting process is based on a
  50. As a peripheral bus, but it also sees some use as a networking utility and for, connectivity ,between different computers, again blurring the conceptual distinction. Bus

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