Examples of the the word, artillery , in a Sentence Context

The word ( artillery ), is the 7304 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Event of the late 19th century and early 20th century. Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish, artillery ,captain in the French army, was accused in 1894 of passing secrets to the
  2. Set at $4.46 billion USD. Azerbaijani defense industry manufactures small arms, artillery ,systems, tanks,armors and Activision devices, aviation bombs, pilotless
  3. Pursuing troops, and,if available, the egress may be covered by mortar or, artillery ,fire. Surviving By definition, the ambush contains the element of total
  4. Guns cannot reach, so despite the advantages of the self-propelled, artillery , towed guns remain in the arsenals of many modern armies. Anton Dealer (13
  5. Rafael Advanced Defense Systems designed to intercept short-range rockets and, artillery ,shells. The system was created as a defensive countermeasure to the rocket
  6. And 296th). The 4th Army also included missile and air defense brigades and, artillery ,and rocket regiments. The 75th Motor Rifle Division, part of the 7th Guards
  7. By a mercenary force estimated at 20,000 men and more than 2000 pieces of, artillery , Its greatest weakness being the unpopularity of the government of Sultan
  8. To Boston by Colonel Henry Knox, and placed on Dorchester Heights. Since the, artillery ,now overlooked the British positions,Howe's situation was untenable, and the
  9. III was originally fitted with a low-velocity gun, and was assigned to the, artillery ,arm for infantry fire support. Later, after encountering Soviet tanks, it was
  10. Similar roles. A modern main battle tank incorporates advances in automotive, artillery , and armor technology to combine the best characteristics of the historic
  11. With some success, although concentrated barrages of heavy anti-aircraft, artillery ,had greater success. The V-2,the first true ballistic missile, was impossible
  12. Successful German tank destroyers was actually designed as a self-propelled, artillery ,gun, the Sturmgeschütz III. Based on the Panzer III tank chassis, the
  13. Comprehensive limits on key categories of military equipment, such as tanks, artillery , armored combat vehicles, combat aircraft, and combat helicopters, and provides
  14. Oberleutenant Gunther Burst who, in 1911,proposed a design for" motor, artillery ," (Motorengeschütz) with a turret, but his design never progressed beyond a
  15. Francesco in the March. Alfonso, who was provided with the most impressive, artillery ,of the time, again besieged Naples. The siege began on 10 November 1441,and
  16. Defence against enemy infantry. The key advantage of self-propelled over towed, artillery ,is that it can be brought into action much faster. Before the towed artillery
  17. Painlessly for themselves in the West. While stationed in East Prussia as an, artillery ,officer, Solzhenitsyn witnessed war crimes against the civilian German
  18. However, command problems ensued, as the assault guns were considered to be, artillery ,by the Wehrmacht (despite that they were, and should be, employed as a tank. )
  19. Known by exactly the same collective term used for American self-propelled, artillery ,ordnance," Gun Motor Carriage ". The designs were intended to be very mobile
  20. They prepared a junk offered by Chinese merchants, filling it with men, artillery , sandbags. Commanded by António de Abreu it sailed upriver at high tide onto
  21. That the Marduk Sultan of Cairo had prepared a fleet at Suez with men and, artillery ,to fight the Portuguese in India and, especially,in Hormuz. Fearing the
  22. And the latter acting as specialized anti-tank vehicles. Modern self-propelled, artillery ,vehicles may superficially resemble tanks, but they are generally lightly
  23. Site for the camp (16 one-story buildings) had earlier served as Polish army, artillery ,barracks. It was first suggested as a site for a concentration camp for Polish
  24. Aircraft The development of effective anti-aircraft, artillery ,before the Second World War meant that the pilots, once the" knights of the
  25. Be able to fight without the heavy firepower of tanks. Artillery Self-propelled, artillery ,vehicles give mobility to artillery . Within the term are covered self-propelled
  26. 1916 (first to Canada, then the United States) to coordinate the shipment of, artillery ,to Russia. He also lectured to Polish-American audiences about the conflict
  27. Of AFIS that exist today, with most armies having vehicles to carry infantry, artillery ,and anti-aircraft weaponry by the end of World War II. Most modern AFIS are
  28. Indirect bombardment support on the battlefield. In the past, self-propelled, artillery , has included direct fire vehicles such as assault guns and tank destroyers.
  29. Used armored half-tracks in that they offer a higher level of protection from, artillery ,burst fragments, and greater mobility in more terrain types. The basic APC
  30. And brought — usually towed — to the new location. By comparison self-propelled, artillery ,can stop at a chosen location and begin firing almost immediately, then quickly
  31. Guerrilla, and these would then be attacked by the Hinds themselves, or by, artillery , using the aircraft as spotters. An enzyme (from antibody and enzyme),also
  32. Passive, acoustic sensing system for detecting and locating the source of, artillery ,fire and loud detonations, operated by the Royal Artillery * A type of
  33. Soldiers find themselves. The monotony between battles, the constant threat of, artillery ,fire and bombardments, the struggle to find food, the lack of training of young
  34. Of tanks. Artillery Self-propelled artillery vehicles give mobility to, artillery , Within the term are covered self-propelled guns (or howitzers) and rocket
  35. War. The Parthenon, which was being used as a gunpowder magazine, was hit by, artillery ,fire and severely damaged. In subsequent years, the Acropolis was a site of
  36. Artillery rather than the Royal Armored Corps and vehicles adapted to mount, artillery ,including anti-tank self-propelled guns such as the Deacon and Archer were
  37. Ships led by Union Admiral David Dixon Porter move through heavy Confederate, artillery ,fire on approach to Vicksburg, Mississippi. *1881 – In Dodge City, Kansas,Bat
  38. army's heavy military hardware includes: 316 tanks,324 armored vehicles,322, artillery , pieces of calibers over 122 mm,44 multiple rocket launchers, and a new
  39. Gun for self-defense (or no armament at all),whereas heavy self-propelled, artillery ,will carry large guns, mortars or rocket launchers. These weapons may be
  40. Within the term are covered self-propelled guns (or howitzers) and rocket, artillery , They are highly mobile, usually based on caterpillar track carrying either a
  41. Each with a mean strength of 1,000 and comprising infantry, tanks,APC, artillery , and AA units as required (KISS Military Balance 1990 or 1991). The Navy had
  42. Useful in a mobile conflict and particularly on the advance. Conversely, towed, artillery , was and remains cheaper to build and maintain. It is also lighter and can be
  43. Artillery is that it can be brought into action much faster. Before the towed, artillery ,can be used, it has to stop, unlimber and set up the guns. To move position
  44. The sole ground army of the United States,except one battery of, artillery ,guarding West Point's arsenal. However, because of continuing conflict with
  45. Had 74 tanks,17 battle infantry vehicles,148 armored personnel carriers,84, artillery , pieces,18 MiG-29 fighters, one battery of SA-6 and two batteries of S-300
  46. Armoured personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, and small caliber, artillery ,pieces. Another 2008 report mentioned Azerbaijan's desire to produce its own
  47. Has since emerged to a generally accepted pattern. This features a main, artillery ,gun, mounted in a fully rotating turret atop a tracked automotive hull, with
  48. Consists of 220 main battle tanks,595 armored combat vehicles and 270, artillery , systems. The air force has about 106 aircraft and 35 helicopters. Azerbaijan
  49. The first true ballistic missile, was impossible to destroy using aircraft or, artillery , Instead, the Allies launched Operation Crossbow to find and destroy V-2s
  50. Could cross large distances at much higher speeds than supporting infantry and, artillery , The need to provide the units that would fight alongside the tank led to the

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