Examples of the the word, ironic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ironic ), is the 7306 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Gwapp/a respectively. While the former means" handsome ", the latter gives an, ironic ,sense of" clumsy ". The Latin root of concur has several meanings;" to meet (
  2. 248,and a memory complexity of 232. In July 2010 Vincent Risen published an, ironic ,paper on" chosen-key-relations-in-the-middle" attacks on AES-128. The first
  3. Sectional ", for which Sting Anderson wrote lyrics. The latter - a cabarét-style, ironic ,song about the 1960s – was submitted for the 1969 Swedish heats for Eurovision
  4. Often. This approach provides only limited success since it fails to recognize, ironic ,and humorous combinations. Some anagrammatizes indicate the method they used.
  5. Manchester Town Hall depicting the history of the city. These present a partly, ironic ,and satirical view of Mancunian history. Family Brown was married twice. His
  6. Opinion holds that this speech, in the mouth of the Prioress, represents an, ironic ,inversion of Chaucer's own sentiments: that is, the Prioress is seen as a
  7. Cyrano de Bergerac, extraterrestrial societies are presented as humanistic or, ironic ,parodies of earthly society. The didactic poet Henry More took up the classical
  8. Reliance of Christianity upon testimony of miraculous occurrences and makes an, ironic ,remark that anyone who" is moved by faith to assent" to revealed testimony "
  9. In Sam Peckinpah's Cross of Iron, Feldwebel Steiner (James Cob urn) has an, ironic ,conversation in the trenches in gaps in hostilities with the advancing Red Army
  10. Di Giannettino, a series which explored the re-unification of Italy through the, ironic ,thoughts and actions of the character Giannettino. Lorenzo became fascinated
  11. Poems, were not concerns shared by her sisters. Anne's subtle prose has a fine, ironic ,edge; her novels also reveal Anne to be the most socially radical of the three.
  12. Home Elvis. Elvis Presley's appearance after his army discharge was somewhat, ironic ,; Sinatra had been scathing about him in the mid-fifties, saying:" His kind of
  13. Own imprisonment would be dissolved via Divine intervention. There is thus an, ironic ,contrast between Paul's own temporal imprisonment and Philemon's temporal
  14. In it being banned until 1956. The Ninth Symphony (1945),in contrast, is an, ironic ,Haydnesque parody, which failed to satisfy demands for a" hymn of victory. "
  15. Status subject to continued monitoring; Acevedo Vila stated that it was, ironic ,that this is the position taken by the Government of Iran and that the Governor
  16. Punch's face is the letter Q and the new title" cartoon" was intended to be, ironic , a reference to the self-aggrandizing posturing of Westminster politicians.
  17. His theoretical and critical writings are remarkable for their often witty and, ironic ,style and their unerring polemics. Hereby the stylistic device of dialogue met
  18. Where her combination of deep understanding and powerlessness exemplify the, ironic ,condition of mankind. History Apollo's cursed gift became a source of endless
  19. A colorized version of the film on DVD on April 20, 2004,a reference to its, ironic ,appeal (see 420 (cannabis culture) ). The World War II-era Department of
  20. Iliad (frequently by Achilles). Achilles' role as the hero of grief forms an, ironic ,juxtaposition with the conventional view of Achilles as the hero of Leos (
  21. Opus. He uses the tales and the descriptions of the characters to paint an, ironic ,and critical portrait of English society at the time, and particularly of the
  22. Were considered original and Charles was described as having a natural, ironic ,wit which appealed to talent scouts. Charles began to appear on television
  23. N't understand what was going on in class and was too disruptive. (This was an, ironic ,in-joke—in real life Max Beyer Jr, has a Bachelor's Degree in Business
  24. Humorously to dispel cabal-like organizational conspiracy theories, or as an, ironic ,statement, indicating one who knows the existence of" the cabal" will
  25. With whom he was working on Drunken Angel, to use" The Cuckoo Waltz" as, ironic ,accompaniment to the scene in which the dying gangster, Matsunaga, sinks to his
  26. System Natural of 1758,would have known this and may have intended the, ironic ,double meaning. Herman Melville called this species sulphur-bottom in his novel
  27. Title," Letter on the Blind from the Use of Those Who See ", also evoked some, ironic ,doubt about who exactly were" the blind" under discussion. In the essay a
  28. Of modern architecture. There are some exceptions. Postmodernism introduced an, ironic ,use of the orders as a cultural reference, divorced from the strict rules of
  29. According to the Oxford English Dictionary).; tree: very (often, ironic ,in English);: very beautiful; tree bone: very good (feminine form).;
  30. Huts carefully reproduced. However, the plot doesn't involve Enigma, which is, ironic , since in another mission of the same game the player is tasked with stealing
  31. Experimented with a form of" sound counterpoint" by exploiting tensions and, ironic ,dissonances between sound elements and the image track. And in Alexander Nevsky
  32. Is modelled on the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen and is, ironic ,in formulation and exposes the failure of the French Revolution, which had been
  33. The film also humanized the title character, giving him personal foibles,an, ironic ,sense of humor, and a rough peasant charm. These qualities endeared him to the
  34. Notes," Dylan's singing on Love and Theft shifts artfully between humble and, ironic ,... 'I'm not quite as cool or forgiving as I sound,' he sings in 'Floater,'
  35. His onstage persona, that of an egotistical, narcissistic,nervous comic,an, ironic ,showbiz insider who punctured himself before an audience by disassembling his
  36. Fast interceptor vessel Moira in deference to the Godzilla character and as an, ironic ,comment on the Japanese whalers' activities. Its purpose is to target and
  37. Its social and political commentary, always timely, and peppered with wry and, ironic ,humor. It is currently syndicated in approximately 1,400 newspapers worldwide.
  38. Season began with a brief mention of Pearl having moved back to the hills,an, ironic ,departure, as it was Pearl who had urged Jed to move to California. The change
  39. To frequent midnight movie showings. According to activist writer Naomi Klein, ironic ,enjoyment of the film initially arose among those with the video before MGM
  40. Was to produce Surrealism. Tzara's last attempt at a Dadaist drama was his ", ironic ,tragedy" Handkerchief of Clouds in 1924. Netherlands In the Netherlands the
  41. The dying gangster, Matsunaga, sinks to his lowest point in the narrative. This, ironic ,approach to music can also be found in Stray Dog, a film released a year after
  42. The dramatic and controversial" The Thunder Rolls" and the philosophically, ironic ," Unanswered Prayers ". Each of these songs, as well as the affectionate" Two
  43. Environment; mile en table: table setting;:" me "; often used in English as an, ironic ,reply to an accusation; for example," Pretentious? Moi? "; moi Aussie:" me too
  44. Emily, author of Withering Heights. Anne's two novels, written in a sharp and, ironic ,style, are completely different from the romanticism followed by her sisters.
  45. Of Burke's quality of writing. Some reviewers failed to notice the, ironic ,nature of the book, which led to Burke writing in the preface to the second
  46. The show's final 20 minutes, when we ascend with the main characters into an, ironic ,vaudeville dreamscape of assorted neuroses - the most intoxicating articulation
  47. In two of his most remarkable pieces, this interest is not sympathetic, but, ironic , Jacques LE fatalist (written in 1773,but not published until 1792 in German
  48. Of this elemental encounter is heightened by the music. " Nor was Kurosawa’s ", ironic ," use of the soundtrack limited to music. One critic observes that, in Seven
  49. Stories in the Historian and calls its account of Alboin's demise" a suitably, ironic ,tale of the doings of depraved humanity ". Skull cup Elements present in Marius
  50. All expressed in highly ordered verse, sometimes through a cynical and, ironic ,voice. Formally, the use of sound to create atmosphere, and of 'symbols ', (

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