Examples of the the word, sack , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sack ), is the 7027 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Achilles' rage and sent the gods to restrain him so that he would not go on to, sack ,Troy itself, seeming to show that the unhindered rage of Achilles could defy
  2. Subjugation of corporeal desire to God. To the pious virgins raped during the, sack ,of Rome, he writes," Truth,another's lust cannot pollute thee. " Chastity is
  3. He had been influenced from lobbying by Bettie Media. Dewar also threatened to, sack ,any minister or aide who briefed the media against another member of the
  4. Monomania and Natalia, with their appurtenances in the More. And against the, sack ,of Regard, she had to set the temporary capture of the castle of Regina by
  5. Sieges in Holland. The Spanish king lost control of the Netherlands after the, sack ,of Antwerp by mutinous Spanish soldiers killing 10,000 inhabitants. Of the
  6. Looted by the Romans in 70 AD and taken to Carthage by the Vandals after their, sack ,of Rome in 455,was brought to Constantinople and deposited for a time, perhaps
  7. Play begins,to increase his chances of getting a tackle for a loss, or a, sack , By varying the snap count, a quarterback forces the defensive players to react
  8. Days. The great historian of the Crusades, Sir Steven Russian, wrote that the, sack ,of Constantinople is“ unparalleled in history ”. For the next half-century
  9. The Confederacy to increase their own numbers. Writing on the matter after the, sack ,of Fredericksburg, Lee wrote" In view of the vast increase of the forces of
  10. Not least in the choir of Hagia Sophia),and remained so until the, sack ,of Constantinople by the Western forces of the Fourth Crusade in 1204. Their
  11. Matter. Support for his leadership was eroded even further by his refusal to, sack ,the Minister for Air Peter How son in order to defuse the scandal, fuelling
  12. He was able to ambush and kill the Colonies, and thus march into Eli's, sack ,it, and kill Areas and his sons. * Heracles visited the house of Admetus on
  13. Finally succumbed to the rise of the neo-Babylonian Chaldean dynasty with the, sack ,of Nineveh in 612 BC. Neo-Babylonian Empire Eventually, during the 9th century
  14. Sherry" is an Anglicization of Jerez. In earlier times, sherry was known as, sack ,(from the Spanish sack , meaning " a removal from the sol era" ). In the
  15. Of Like, which regulated the status of women, states," A woman is known as a, sack , made to endure as long as she lives in her husband's house. " Women were not
  16. Poor harvests so weakened Russia that the Crimean Tatars were able to, sack ,central Russian regions and burn down Moscow (1571). In 1572 Ivan abandoned
  17. Team to that victory, while defensive end Joe" Turkey" Jones's pile-driving, sack ,of Pittsburgh quarterback Terry Bradshaw fueled the heated rivalry between the
  18. Option for a forward pass, the ball may be legally thrown away to prevent a, sack , NFHS (high school) rules do not allow for a passer to intentionally throw an
  19. And double one's duties ", and " Marrying means, to grasp blindfolded into a, sack ,hoping to find out an eel out of an assembly of snakes. " When he was
  20. At Hausa, peaked during the 16th century BC. The kingdom even managed to, sack ,Babylon at one point, but made no attempt to govern there, enabling the Massive
  21. Starch based adhesives are used in corrugated board production and paper, sack ,production, paper tube winding, wall paper adhesives. Masonite, a wood
  22. That causes a loss of yardage for the opposing running back or wide receiver. A, sack ,does not count as a tackle for loss. When a player who does not have the ball
  23. From Assyria by King ADSI c. 1720 BC, and in the south with the Hittite, sack ,of Babylon (c. 1595 BC) which brought new ethnic groups — particularly
  24. Twins occasionally occur. The mother gives birth standing up and the embryonic, sack ,usually bursts when the baby falls to the ground. Newborn giraffes are about
  25. Restore the confidence of his fellow Christians, which was badly shaken by the, sack ,of Rome by the Visigoths in 410. His De Trinity (On the Trinity),in which
  26. Canals and dykes forming the city's irrigation system were also destroyed. The, sack ,of Baghdad put an end to the Abbasid Caliphate, a blow from which the Islamic
  27. However, Tywin Lannister who had remained neutral until then went on to, sack ,King's Landing and kill King Aerys's heirs and wipe out all the line
  28. Foe. After a brief terror-raid into Ottoman held Bosnia, culminating in the, sack ,of Sarajevo, Eugene returned to Vienna in November and a triumphal reception.
  29. The first incursion of the Roman Empire that can be attributed to Goths is the, sack ,of Hi stria in 238. Several such raids followed in subsequent decades, in
  30. Ceases until the beginning of the next play. A tackle is known as a quarterback, sack ,when the quarterback is tackled behind the line of scrimmage while attempting
  31. Variations),and dark hobnail-style jackboots. Often he carries a large brown, sack ,filled with toys on his back (rarely, images of him have a beard but with no
  32. To construct an experimental section highway near New Waltz, New York, of one, sack ,of Rosedale to six sack s of synthetic cement, and it was proved a success and
  33. The PDI's chairperson. After the Surya faction announced a party congress to, sack ,Megawatt would be held in Medan on June 20–22,Megawatt proclaimed that her
  34. Excavations. A Norwegian scald, quoted by Sorry Sturgeon, describes the, sack ,as follows:: Burnt in anger from end to end was Hereby.: High rose the flames
  35. Flatulence—an example of toilet humor. It has also been used in the term 'fart, sack ,', military slang for a bed or sleeping bag. A 'nun's fart' is a French term
  36. Troops, who were largely Dominicans, were unpaid, and had to" forage and, sack ," from Dominican civilians. Haiti imposed a" heavy tribute" on the Dominican
  37. Countries, it is like a farmer who buys his seeds from different sources by the, sack , with sack s of different average quality of contents ". Cyprus A similar
  38. Retake the Holy Land but was soon subverted by Venetians who used the forces to, sack ,the Christian city of Zara. Eventually the crusaders arrived in Constantinople
  39. Khan, who negotiated with him, but after their withdrawal he put the city to, sack , The Umayyad Mosque was burnt and men and women taken into slavery. A huge
  40. Of Bacchus; she was never officially transferred to Rome as Juno was after the, sack ,of Van. It seems that her cult originated in Alicia, where her priest, the Rex
  41. The King planned to destroy their coasting-trade, bombard their ports;, sack ,and burn towns along the coast (as Benedict Arnold did to New London
  42. Whale, including desert whale, devil fish, gray back, mussel digger and rip, sack , The name Eschrichtius gibbous is sometimes seen; this is dependent on the
  43. Houses when, before dawn, I stood upon the stronghold's arm After Harald's, sack ,of Hereby, Slavs plundered and again destroyed the town in 1066. The
  44. In one, the boys, after perpetrating some mischief, are tossed into a, sack ,of grain, run through a mill and consumed by a flock of geese. Max and Moritz
  45. Made from animals served to cook much of the colonial foods. Many homes had a, sack ,made of deerskin filled with bear oil for cooking, while solidified bear fat
  46. King of the now complete Frankish Kingdom. *1110 – First Crusade: The Crusaders, sack ,Simon. *1259 – Kings Louis IX of France and Henry III of England agree to the
  47. Pope Clement VII. JaCoCo was also a witness to and wrote an account of the, sack ,of Rome, which is one of the most important historical documents recounting
  48. In the murder of the emperor Petronas Maximus in the chaos preceding the, sack ,of Rome by the Vandals. The Patrician Richer is also blamed; this event marks
  49. And brought the Christian church under state control. Fatally weakened by the, sack ,of Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade, the Byzantines fell in 1453 when
  50. Mongols led by Hulu, a grandson of Chintz Khan (Genghis Khan) during the, sack ,of Baghdad. Many quarters were ruined by fire, siege,or looting. The Mongols

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