Examples of the the word, lag , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lag ), is the 7028 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The amount of data that needs to be sent to and from the server, reducing, lag , The Realm Online was the first MMORPG to begin to use a rudimentary form of
  2. Be expected to be in the middle of their respective seasons, but temperature, lag ,(caused by the thermal latency of the ground and sea) means that seasons
  3. Its privatization process favored insider purchasers and prescribed long, lag ,time on share trading, complicated by a cultural wariness of being" bought up
  4. Might include common components such as integrator, differentiator,wire, time, lag , and gain, and the terminal set might contain reference, signal,and plant
  5. Of the complaints about these hotlines is the response time, there is often a, lag ,time between a property owner calling about the graffiti and the actual removal
  6. That usually they would have been used for local labor.: b) There is a time, lag ,between the time a slave is captured and the time he or she is bought. Thus
  7. 5,app. 3); Jesus Christs, unser Haaland (Vol 6,31 (Leipzig 15) ); Christ, lag ,in Todesbanden (Vol 5,5); Erschienen is her Ehrlich' Tag? (Vol 5,15).
  8. Beginning in Italy, and spreading to the north and west during a cultural, lag ,of some two and a half centuries, its influence affected literature, philosophy
  9. As 1504. Patterns for these panels followed fashions in silk damask, at some, lag ,in time, since the high-relief wooden molds were laborious to make. After the
  10. Since the rule is that the prize is not awarded posthumously. Recognition time, lag ,Nobel's will provides for prizes to be awarded in recognition of discoveries
  11. Is in contrast to a typical credit card transaction; though it can also have a, lag ,time of a few days before the transaction is posted to the account, it can be
  12. Of the cross in the crucifixion. Other examples are found in BWV. 4,Christ, lag ,in Todesbanden,Handel's Messiah and the Fare Requiem. Popular music Musical
  13. Defined as the continuous cross-correlation integral of f (t) with itself, at, lag , \tau.: R_ (\tau) (f (t) * \overlie (-t) ) (\tau) \int_^\nifty f (
  14. Which had begun in the second half of the 18th century, Russia began to, lag ,ever farther behind, creating new problems for the empire as a great power.
  15. And a dedicated support staff. Insufficient resources for maintenance lead to, lag ,and frustration for the players, and can severely damage the reputation of a
  16. Rising from 15.6 % in 1897 to 37 % by 1930; however, Bessarabia continued to, lag ,behind the rest of the country, the national literacy rate being 60 %. On 1
  17. Increasingly inept Habsburg dynasty. But despite the progress, it continued to, lag ,in the political and mercantile developments then transforming other parts of
  18. Mid-range and microcomputers. Around this time, Oracle technology started to, lag ,technically behind that of Base. In 1990–1993 Base became the
  19. Was a 50 performance hit called The Elves in 1857. New York runs continued to, lag ,far behind those in London, but Laura Keene's" musical Burnett" Seven
  20. Incompetent faculty with questionable credentials; and textbooks that, lag ,behind the current state of the law by two or three decades. Earning the right
  21. Especially those with the Broad accent, the vowel in words like dad, back and, lag ,will be shifted toward ɛ. **In some varieties of Australian English, bad (with
  22. Resulting in a journey of over one hundred thousand kilometers. This time, lag ,is easily noticeable. Even though the signal travels at the speed of light, it
  23. Organizations separated by great distances, as it will result in excessive, lag ,to database users. SQL backend should be considered in these circumstances.
  24. Over time would then allow researchers to detect regional differences in the, lag ,between a decline in rainfall and its effect on vegetation. GIS technology and
  25. Also speculation that an essentialist education helps in promoting the cultural, lag , This philosophy of education is very traditional in the mindset of passing on
  26. As a function of the time- lag , and that this would be an even function of the, lag ,τ = s − t. This gives the more familiar form: R (\tau) = \franc, \,and the
  27. Cultures regard the autumnal equinox as" mid-autumn ", others with a longer, lag ,treat it as the start of autumn. Meteorologists (and most of the temperate
  28. On load. This technology increases both performance and fuel economy. Boost, lag ,is reduced as turbo impeller inertia is compensated for. Accelerometer pilot
  29. Rates from a low base; but output growth slowed in 2000-02. Part of the, lag ,in output was made up in 2003-05. National-level statistics are limited and do
  30. Many languages including Chinese and Japanese. There is, however,a protracted, lag ,in translation; as of September 2005,the Chinese version of Book 11 is in
  31. Mischievous" and" imitative ". Fine motor skills are delayed and often, lag ,behind gross motor skills and can interfere with cognitive development. Effects
  32. Of the incident light so long as the latter is not too high # The time, lag ,between the incidence of radiation and the emission of a photoelectron is very
  33. Because of their higher resolution per initial cost, lowest possible input, lag , fast response time, and multiple native resolutions. Health concerns Ionizing
  34. Lithosphere with respect to the mantle, and,therefore, tidal forces or tidal, lag ,or" friction" due to the Earth's rotation and the forces acting upon it by
  35. 10 %, the bank can create 400 million USD in additional loans (there is a time, lag , and the bank has to expect to recover the loaned money back into its books).
  36. Continue to transfer heat to the interior for several hours due to the time, lag ,effect. Thus, a well-planned adobe wall of the appropriate thickness is very
  37. In U. S. currency). Despite this high level of funding, U. S. public schools, lag ,behind the schools of other rich countries in the areas of reading, math,and
  38. So diagnosis may sometimes be delayed for over 10 years. The treatment, lag ,is apparently not decreasing, even though there is increased public awareness
  39. System and live status, which alleviates problems with processing, lag ,on transactions that may only issue online debit cards. Some online debit
  40. Mouse serves for aiming, a mouse that tracks movement accurately and with less, lag ,(latency) will give a player an advantage over players with less accurate or
  41. For a real function, \overlie = f. The discrete autocorrelation R at, lag ,j for a discrete signal x_n is: R_ (j) = \sum_n x_n\, \overlie_. The above
  42. Link for some time, causing greater delays to following packets and increasing, lag ,and minimum latency. For example, a 1500-byte packet, the largest allowed by
  43. Input changes faster than the system can respond to it. When this happens,the, lag ,in arrival of the correcting signal results in unintended positive feedback
  44. Is followed by carbon dioxide levels with only a 5 months delay. The time, lag ,has been used to argue that the current rise in CO2 is a result of warming and
  45. Orbit the orbiting object is moving faster than the body's surface the bulges, lag ,a short angle behind it. The gravity of the bulges is slightly off of the
  46. Later than dates calculated from a purely astronomical perspective. The actual, lag ,varies with region. Some cultures regard the autumnal equinox as" mid-autumn "
  47. Fortification building in the River Somme estuary and let the work in Normandy, lag , By D-Day on 6 June 1944 virtually all German officers, including Hitler's
  48. To be streamed, rather than buffered. HTTP pipe lining further reduces, lag ,time, allowing clients to send multiple requests before a previous response has
  49. In the 2005–06 school year. Funding and staffing levels in California schools, lag ,behind other states. In expenditure per pupil, California ranked 29th (of the
  50. A call. Used primarily for pay phones, stored value systems avoid the time, lag ,and expense of communication with a central database, which would have been

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