Examples of the the word, stitch , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Threads of various kinds may also be used. A recent style of contemporary cross, stitch ,is termed urban cross stitch , which uses retro images or contemporary sayings
  2. Turned and worked in rows, or joined to the beginning of the row with a slip, stitch ,and worked in rounds. Rounds can also be created by working many stitch es into
  3. It is softer and more pliable than fishing line, which permits the beads of the, stitch ,to sit straight without undue tension bending the arrangement out of place.
  4. In fact, it is not uncommon for cross stitch patterns to be beaded in peyote, stitch ,technique. Peyote stitch patterns are very easy to depict diagrammatically
  5. More yarn for a comparable project than knitted items do, since each crochet, stitch ,is composed of several loops versus a single loop as in knitting.
  6. Is also different: a single crochet stitch is twice the height of a knit, stitch ,in the same yarn size and comparable diameter tools, and a double crochet
  7. For the whole work, sometimes for accents and embellishments. Hand dyed cross, stitch ,floss is created just as the name implies - it is dyed by hand. Because of this
  8. The Nez Perce perfected contour-style bead work, in which the lines of beads are, stitch ,to emphasize the pictorial imagery. Plains tribes are master leaders, and today
  9. Of bead weaving, which can be further divided into right angle weave and peyote, stitch , Most 3D beading patterns are done in right angle weave, but sometimes both
  10. Hand embroidery, especially in the use of chain stitch es, but the" satin, stitch ," and hemming stitch es of machine work rely on the use of multiple threads and
  11. Earliest work—chain stitch , buttonhole or blanket stitch , running stitch , satin, stitch , cross stitch —remain the fundamental techniques of hand embroidery today.
  12. And the fishing line is pulled tight after each bead circle is made. Peyote, stitch ,is stitch ed using only one end of the nylon thread. The other end of the string
  13. Techniques or stitch es of the earliest work—chain stitch , buttonhole or blanket, stitch , running stitch , satin stitch , cross stitch —remain the fundamental techniques
  14. Embroidery is that the basic techniques or stitch es of the earliest work—chain, stitch , buttonhole or blanket stitch , running stitch , satin stitch , cross
  15. Tools, and a double crochet stitch is about four times the height of a knit, stitch , Crochet produces a thicker fabric than knitting, and tends to have less" give
  16. For cross stitch patterns to be beaded in peyote stitch technique. Peyote, stitch ,patterns are very easy to depict diagrammatically because they are typically
  17. Of the earliest work—chain stitch , buttonhole or blanket stitch , running, stitch , satin stitch , cross stitch —remain the fundamental techniques of hand
  18. The double cross- stitch , also known as a Leviathan stitch or Smyrna cross, stitch , combines a cross- stitch with an upright cross- stitch . Berlin wool work and
  19. Age Northern Europe and Zhou Dynasty China. Examples of surviving Chinese chain, stitch ,embroidery worked in silk thread have been dated to the Warring States period (
  20. Are only supported by and support the stitch es on either side of it. If a, stitch ,in a finished crocheted item breaks, the stitch es above and below remain intact
  21. Or contemporary sayings. It is linked to a concept known as 'subversive cross, stitch ,', which involves more risqué designs, often fusing the traditional sampler
  22. By the corresponding stitch in the row above, and it supports the corresponding, stitch ,in the row below, whereas crochet stitch es are only supported by and support
  23. And crochet. In knitting, each stitch is supported by the corresponding, stitch ,in the row above, and it supports the corresponding stitch in the row below
  24. Or more loops through each loop of the chain. At any one time at the end of a, stitch , there is only one loop left on the hook. Tunisian crochet, however,draws all
  25. While the first end of the thread progresses through the stitch . In peyote, stitch , beads are woven into the piece in a very similar fashion to knitting or cross
  26. Also be used. A recent style of contemporary cross stitch is termed urban cross, stitch , which uses retro images or contemporary sayings designed to shock or rebel
  27. The hook one or more times. Crochet differs from knitting in that only one, stitch ,is active at one time (exceptions being Tunisian crochet and Broomstick lace)
  28. A second structural difference between knitting and crochet. In knitting, each, stitch , is supported by the corresponding stitch in the row above, and it supports the
  29. Needles. Additionally, crochet has its own system of symbols to represent, stitch ,types. History Origins Li's Paladin theorizes that crochet evolved from
  30. Fashion to knitting or cross stitch ing. In fact, it is not uncommon for cross, stitch ,patterns to be beaded in peyote stitch technique. Peyote stitch patterns are
  31. Lara Standish, daughter of Captain Myles Standish and pioneer of the Leviathan, stitch , circa 1653. Multicolored, shaded,painting-like patterns as we know them
  32. Right angle weave lends itself better as a technique to 3D beading, but peyote, stitch ,offers the advantage of more tightly-knit beads, which is sometimes necessary
  33. Bead stitch es, including: * brick stitch , also known as Comanche or Cheyenne, stitch ,Brachiopoda is a class of crustaceans. It is the sister group to the remaining
  34. Cross- stitch and Montenegrin stitch . Italian cross- stitch and Montenegrin, stitch ,are reversible, meaning the work looks the same on both sides. These styles
  35. e., how many stitch es and rows are required to cover a given area for a given, stitch ,pattern. Thicker yarns generally require large-diameter crochet hooks, whereas
  36. And adventurous stitch er. The double cross- stitch , also known as a Leviathan, stitch ,or Smyrna cross stitch , combines a cross- stitch with an upright cross- stitch .
  37. In the same yarn size and comparable diameter tools, and a double crochet, stitch ,is about four times the height of a knit stitch . Crochet produces a thicker
  38. Embroidery. In a departure from the traditional designs associated with cross, stitch , there is a current trend for more postmodern or tongue-in-cheek designs
  39. File: Crochet-round. JPG|Most crochet uses one hook and works upon one, stitch ,at a time. Crochet may be worked in circular rounds without any specialized
  40. Height of knitted and crocheted stitch es is also different: a single crochet, stitch ,is twice the height of a knit stitch in the same yarn size and comparable
  41. When tugged upon. On the other hand, nylon thread is more suited to peyote, stitch ,because it is softer and more pliable than fishing line, which permits the
  42. Cross Stitch, long-armed cross- stitch , Ukrainian cross- stitch and Montenegrin, stitch , Italian cross- stitch and Montenegrin stitch are reversible, meaning the work
  43. Back stitch es. Cross- stitch is often used together with other stitch es. A cross, stitch ,can come in a variety of rotational forms. It is sometimes used in crewel
  44. Above and below remain intact, and because of the complex looping of each, stitch , the stitch es on either side are unlikely to come loose unless heavily stressed
  45. Of the piece, while the first end of the thread progresses through the, stitch , In peyote stitch , beads are woven into the piece in a very similar fashion to
  46. Uses two needles. In most crochet, the artisan usually has only one live, stitch ,on the hook (with the exception being Tunisian crochet),while a knitter
  47. United States and Europe which offer classes, collaborate on large projects, stitch ,for charity, and provide other ways for local cross- stitch ers to get to know
  48. Roughly 300–700 CE, the edges of bands of trimming are reinforced with running, stitch , back stitch , stem stitch ,tailor's buttonhole stitch , and whip stitch ing, but
  49. There are a number of different off-loom bead stitch es, including: * brick, stitch , also known as Comanche or Cheyenne stitch Brachiopoda is a class of
  50. Designed to shock or be incongruous with the old-fashioned image of cross, stitch , Games available in most casinos are commonly called casino games. In a casino

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