Examples of the the word, zoom , in a Sentence Context

The word ( zoom ), is the 7030 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. One can play 3D video games and use enhanced DVD navigational tools such as, zoom ,and smooth scanning of DVD playback. One could also play CDs while the Non
  2. Copy of the Mandelbrot set called satellite may be recognized. Image: Manuel, zoom ,04 seahorse tail. JPG|The central endpoint of the" seahorse tail" is also a
  3. That support the plugin) * 3D modeling display applets, used to rotate and, zoom ,a model * Browser games can be applet-based, though some may develop into fully
  4. Faces when hit, as well as large character sprites in combination with, zoom ,effects to intensify the action. This zoom feature was also used in the
  5. Special telephoto group to be physically shorter than its focal length. Modern, zoom ,lenses may have some or all of these attributes. The absolute value for the
  6. JPG|On the left double-spirals; on the right" seahorses" Image: Manuel, zoom ,03 seahorse. JPG|"Seahorse" upside down The seahorse" body" is composed by
  7. Lens’s front nodal plane, which often is not easy to locate. Moreover, for many, zoom ,lenses and internal-focusing non- zoom lenses, the location of the front nodal
  8. As he was preparing to pull out a guitar and start to sing, the camera would, zoom ,out and the door swing shut. * Biggs, Shy,& Stir: This featured Gaylord
  9. Computerised maps are commercially available, allowing users to zoom in or, zoom ,out (respectively meaning to increase or decrease the scale),sometimes by
  10. Of the entrance pupil or change to a longer focal length (in the case of a, zoom ,lens, this can be done by simply adjusting the lens). Higher f-numbers also
  11. Seahorse valley" of the satellite. All the structures from the start of the, zoom ,reappear. Image: Manuel zoom 10 satellite seahorse valley. JPG|Double-spirals
  12. Possible long-term values of x. The bifurcation diagram is a fractal: if you, zoom ,in on the above-mentioned value r = 3.82 and focus on one arm of the three, the
  13. Satellite. Several satellites of second order may be recognized. Image: Manuel, zoom ,09 satellite head and shoulder. JPG|The" seahorse valley" of the satellite.
  14. Show an astronomical number of different fractal structures. Image: Manuel, zoom ,00 Mandelbrot set. JPG|Start. Mandelbrot set with continuously colored
  15. Of iterations is 31415928 and the product is 3.1415928. Image gallery of a, zoom ,sequence The Mandelbrot set shows more intricate detail the closer one looks or
  16. World, Hobbes,ol' buddy ... Let's go exploring! " Calvin exclaims as they, zoom ,off over the snowy hills on their sled, leaving,according to one critic ten
  17. English. Some other very common English-language examples include hiccup, zoom , bang, beep,and splash. Machines and their sounds are also often described
  18. TV is set to display full images without stretching (often called the, zoom ,setting) on images with an aspect ratio of 1.78:1 or less. The solution is to
  19. Better to roar down from above in a high-speed pass, fire a quick burst, then, zoom , back up to altitude. (A short burst of fire from heavy machine guns or cannon
  20. Never have I ever,Roman numerals, fuzzy duck, pennying, wine games, and, zoom , schwartz profiling. Trivia games, such as Trivial Pursuit, are sometimes
  21. 0.00003; 5000 Open this location in an interactive viewer. Image: Manuel, zoom ,07 satellites. JPG|Each of these crowns consists of similar" seahorse tails ";
  22. JPG|Start. Mandelbrot set with continuously colored environment. Image: Manuel, zoom ,01 head and shoulders. JPG|Gap between the" head" and the" body ", also
  23. Endpoint of the" seahorse tail" is also a Misiurewicz point. Image: Manuel, zoom ,05 tail part. JPG|Part of the" tail" — there is only one path consisting of
  24. Very smooth forward and reverse functionality and the ability to smoothly, zoom ,in and out of sections of the video image. In addition, Nuon provided a
  25. If they do not have the above characteristics, such as when it is possible to, zoom ,into a region of the fractal that does not exhibit any fractal properties. Also
  26. General Imaging released the Bridge Camera GE X5 with 14MP and 15x optical, zoom , In 2011,it is replaced by 16MP GE X500 with optional red color in Japan
  27. Street mapping services tiling systems display most of the world at the lowest, zoom ,level as a single square image, excluding the polar regions. Since the Mercator
  28. Which means there are no islands and no loop roads around a hole. Image: Manuel, zoom ,06 double hook. JPG|Satellite. The two" seahorse tails" are the beginning of
  29. Could dive in an attempt to intercept them. A typical Me 163 tactic was to, zoom ,through the bomber formations at, rise up to an altitude of, then dive through
  30. And quickly browse any genomic region via the simple and intuitive pan and, zoom ,controls; furthermore, data relevant to specific loci can be exported for
  31. Sprites in combination with zoom effects to intensify the action. This, zoom ,feature was also used in the following year's Samurai Showdown, whose even more
  32. Upon since Nielsen's complaints: * Text size can be controlled using full page, zoom , found in many modern browsers. * It has been possible for authors to include
  33. Of the cardioid to the top of the" antenna" on the" head ". Image: Manuel, zoom ,08 satellite antennae. JPG|"Antenna" of the satellite. Several satellites of
  34. The first prototype. The public soon discovered that speedy vehicles that could, zoom ,over snow were a lot of fun. Suddenly a new winter sport was born, centred in
  35. This may still be pan-and-scanned, but gives the compositor the freedom to ", zoom ,out" or" crop" the image to include not only the full width of the
  36. May be interpreted as a metamorphosis of the" antenna ". Image: Manuel, zoom ,12 satellite spirally wheels with Julia islands. JPG|In the outer part of the
  37. Documents can contain display settings, including the page display layout and, zoom ,level. Adobe Reader will use these settings to override the user's default
  38. Seehorse tail with Julia island. JPG|Part of the" double-hook" Image: Manuel, zoom ,14 satellite Julia island. JPG|Islands; see below The islands above seem to
  39. Position as the center of this image relative to the satellite shown in the 7th, zoom , step. Generalizations Multidrop sets are bounded sets found in the complex
  40. Position and then allowing a computer to randomly choose when to tilt, pan or, zoom , It was followed by an autobiographical film, De urge AR: Erik Nietzsche Sagan
  41. All the structures from the start of the zoom reappear. Image: Manuel, zoom ,10 satellite seahorse valley. JPG|Double-spirals and" seahorses" - unlike the
  42. Of rear diameter to front diameter (Shipman 1977,144). However, for many, zoom ,lenses and internal-focusing non- zoom lenses, the pupil magnification changes
  43. Of satellites of the order n, here for the simplest case n=1. Image: Manuel, zoom ,11 satellite double spiral. JPG|Double-spirals with satellites of second order
  44. Interactive, computerised maps are commercially available, allowing users to, zoom ,in or zoom out (respectively meaning to increase or decrease the scale)
  45. First tactical system using video disk (Laser disk) map technology providing, zoom ,and scroll over map imagery coupled with a point database of intelligence data
  46. Dissolve (film) - DMX (lighting) - Dolly grip - Dolly shot - Dolly, zoom ,- Double-system recording - Doused (lighting) - DPX film format - Drawn on
  47. Zoomed without either extreme blurring during the transition or a very slow, zoom , Another limit is that a shadow of an image may be visible after refreshing
  48. Be found in the center of the" double-hook" on the right side. Image: Manuel, zoom ,13 satellite seahorse tail with Julia island. JPG|Part of the" double-hook "
  49. Head" and the" body ", also called the" seahorse valley" Image: Manuel, zoom ,02 seahorse valley. JPG|On the left double-spirals; on the right" seahorses "
  50. Type of lens (normal, long focus, wide angle, telephoto,macro, fisheye, or, zoom , ) * Filters placed between the subject and the light recording material, either

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