Examples of the the word, roundabout , in a Sentence Context
The word ( roundabout ), is the 12207 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Three or more roads are joined by a circular section of road. Traffic 'on the, roundabout ,' has priority over traffic on approach roads, unless indicated otherwise. In
- Apprentice into the workshop. Scene 2 Power arrives with Eva, engaging in a, roundabout ,conversation: Eva is hesitant to ask about the outcome of Walther's
- And the junction with the Bundesautobahn 100 (Starting) at the Rathenauplatz, roundabout , featuring the long disputed 1987" Benton Cadillacs" sculpture by Wolf Costello
- Around an African waterhole, ships in the Panama Canal, traffic at a local, roundabout ,or monitor their own premises, live and in real time. Video chat rooms and
- Europe. France, for instance, had more than 30,000 roundabout s in 2010. Modern, roundabout ,A" modern roundabout " is a type of circular junction that was developed by
- Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames. At the end of the high street there is a, roundabout ,known as the Fountain Roundabout because it has a fountain which was originally
- There is Macumba Square Mall at the intersection of Northern Bypass and Buses, roundabout , Transportation In early 2007,it was announced that Kampala would remove
- At higher speeds, and often give priority to entering traffic. But generally ", roundabout ," is used by engineers. In countries where vehicles keep to the right, the
- Exit at the Charles de Gaulle—Étoile station. Because of heavy traffic on the, roundabout ,of which the Arc is the center, it is recommended that pedestrians use one of
- To be the only UK town with a railway station and a pub in the middle of a, roundabout , A. J. Cronin's paternal grandparents owned a pub in Bridge Street. Alexandria
- The mosque is a 21st-century take on Istanbul's Ottoman Mosques. Located on a, roundabout ,on the city's northern entrance, the mosque is an architectural gem that dots
- Each other. In order to cross these without getting wet, while avoiding tedious, roundabout ,journeys over bridges, a stack of jumping poles was kept at every house and
- The rest of Europe to join the pound (£) *Drivers can go straight over a, roundabout ,when there's no traffic coming" to make driving through Milton Keynes more
- There are many instances of traffic circles in the US that predate the modern, roundabout , like the ones that can be found in Atherton California. At the beginning of
- Parts During this time, Nesmith created a video clip for" Rio" which, in a, roundabout ,way, helped spur Nesmith's creation of a television program called Pop Clips
- Interchanges take the form of roundabout s spaced approximately 7 km apart. Each, roundabout ,contains unique features to enliven the streets cape. The roundabout s are named
- Batsman. Where Independence Square is bisected by Frederick Street there is a, roundabout ,with a statue of Captain A. A. Ciprian, the early 20th-century populist
- Yorkshire and the Humber, the regional strategic health authority, is at the, roundabout ,at the bottom of Kirk stall Road in Leeds, with another office ion the north of
- Close to Fresh brook, are Synergy Health and WE power, near the A3102/B4534, roundabout , Triumph International UK is in Brunson St Andrew. Dyson is in Amesbury. In
- Just hours after the six-metre (20 ft) statue was erected in the middle of a, roundabout ,near Kinshasa's central station, it was taken down again without explanation.
- So-called because the members would get on and off the band, like a musical, roundabout , Impressed with the plan, Edwards agreed to finance the venture with two
- Where a waiter's service is intangible, but the food is tangible. A, roundabout ,is the name for a road junction in which traffic moves in one direction around
- It is lined with palm trees and stone pines, instead of being the rectangular, roundabout ,of sorts it had become over the years. Since its construction, the Place
- And migration routes, the land of Afghanistan is called the" Central Asian, roundabout ," since routes converge from the Tigris-Euphrates Basin via the Iranian Plateau
- Just outside Aberdeen, on the Gravestone Estate. This is situated beside the, roundabout ,for Aberdeen Airport on the A96. The college provides three services - Learning
- Of England is next door to the headquarters of T-Mobile UK in Hatfield, at the, roundabout ,of the A1057 and the A1001 on the Bishops Square Business Park. The region's
- If he would receive a new trial. David Harris famously confessed, in a, roundabout ,manner, to killing Wood. Although Adams was finally found innocent after years
- Is so chaotic that French insurance companies deem any accident on the, roundabout ,to be equal liability. Priority to the right where used in continental Europe
- Started a rearrangement of the increasing traffic flows laying out a, roundabout , accompanied by two buildings along the Stadtbahn viaduct, Alexanderhaus and
- View, this ball's path is curved sideways by the Coriolis effect. Suppose the, roundabout ,spins counter-clockwise when viewed from above. From the thrower's perspective
- 1985. It is currently exceeding its designed capacity from the North Hyena, roundabout ,(A1434) to the B1378 Skellingthorpe Road roundabout , especially in the summer
- Where priority à wrote is not overridden, traffic on what would otherwise be a, roundabout ,gives way to traffic entering the circle. Most French roundabout s now have
- In 1959,city planners in Stockholm, Sweden announced a design challenge for a, roundabout ,in their city square Serge ls Torn. Paid Hein's winning proposal was based on a
- Reference. For example, consider two children on opposite sides of a spinning, roundabout ,(carousel),who are throwing a ball to each other (see Figure 1). From the
- The restoration of the main part of town (between the Marques de Pombal, roundabout ,and Ferraro do Paco),the creation of many bike lanes, as well
- Unless indicated otherwise. In countries where traffic drives on the left the, roundabout ,is travelled in a clockwise direction. Also known as an island in parts of the
- As 'The Handsomest Train in the World ', perhaps to compensate for its, roundabout ,route to Buffalo. It was named after the railroad's largest commodity
- Worlds first Garden City. Home of the first planned Green Belt, the UK's first, roundabout , and a number of experiments in early town planning and house and factory
- Welcome) statue stands on the fountain in the center of Hotel Indonesia, roundabout , Other landmarks include the Still Mosque, the Jakarta Cathedral, and the
- The carriageway or a location for signs, barriers or lights—a synonym for, roundabout ,in some parts of the UK * Traffic light - Also known as a traffic signal, stop
- Things had to happen. First, Jackson had to make a 12-mile (19 km) march via, roundabout ,roads to reach the Union right, and he had to do it undetected. Second, Hooker
- Iraqi logistical problems as to supply their troops, Iraq was forced to use the, roundabout ,route from Ahead far to the south. On 20 May 1982 the Iranians began the drive
- In society at least since Chang Tau in ancient China. A classic traffic, roundabout ,is a good example, with cars moving in and out with such effective organization
- In Managua. File: Rotunda Rigoberto Lopez Perez. JPG|The Rigoberto Lopez Perez, roundabout , File: Monument a Roosevelt Managua. JPG|Monument to Former President of the
- Soft wedder (weather),' six horsemen would scour the countryside two miles, roundabout ,for intruders. Poets wrote his own nursery rhymes, advising him on royal
- Had more than 30,000 roundabout s in 2010. Modern roundabout A" modern, roundabout ," is a type of circular junction that was developed by the UK's Transport
- The Fountain Roundabout has The Fountain Public House on one corner. From the, roundabout ,are four exits; one to the high street, one to Kingston upon Thames, and two
- Located on Doe boom Lam in the southern-central part of the city near the main, roundabout ,and Indian Military Hospital. The shorten that dominates the skyline of Thimphu
- P. Ramsey, who held that the use of words like fact and truth was nothing but a, roundabout ,way of asserting a proposition, and that treating these words as separate
- From the North Hyena roundabout (A1434) to the B1378 Skellingthorpe Road, roundabout , especially in the summer on weekends. For many decades Lincoln was barely
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