Examples of the the word, resultant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( resultant ), is the 12230 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As a waste product. But in darkness photosynthesis cannot occur, and during the, resultant ,respiration small amounts of carbon dioxide are produced. Carbon dioxide also
  2. In quality. The coming to be is a change where nothing persists of which the, resultant ,is a property. In that particular change he introduces the concept of
  3. Service and militant factions. The outbreak of the Second Intifada and the, resultant ,decrease in tourism has also affected the Christian minority, leaving many
  4. Down the crater walls and drainage of impact melts into the deeper cavity. The, resultant ,structure is called a simple crater, and it remains bowl-shaped and
  5. Paradox (1897),the Russell paradox (1902–03),and the Richard Paradox. The, resultant ,considerations led to Kurt Gödel's paper (1931)—he specifically cites the
  6. Marketable product. Thus,Palomino's goals of lowered power consumption (and, resultant ,heat produced) allowed AMD to increase performance within a reasonable power
  7. Age drops his or her hips lower than those of use, then flips use over the, resultant ,fulcrum. * or a throw that locks the arms against each other (The kanji for "
  8. And which we call the ground or reason, or more accurately the motive, of the, resultant ,action. " Choices are not made freely. Our actions are necessary and determined
  9. Case, but rather a process of healing, through creative acts, is sought. The, resultant ,piece of artwork may also offer insight into the troubles experienced by the
  10. With him troops from the Danube frontier, in order to depose Philip in 249. The, resultant ,military vacuum would inevitably attract invaders. The course of events is not
  11. Hearst's pet name for an intimate part of Marion Davies' anatomy. " A, resultant ,joke noted, with heavy innuendo, that Hearst and/or Kane died" with 'Rosebud '
  12. Case was shortened, the result of which was the lighter 7.92x33mm Kurt. The, resultant ,rifle was the Sturmgewehr 44 (StG44). An earlier firearm, the Italian
  13. To have been getting. He has had two surgeries to remove them and believes his, resultant ,voice is an improvement over how it was prior to the surgeries. He said he did
  14. A 64-bit all-zero block is then encrypted with the algorithm as it stands. The, resultant ,ciphertext replaces P1 and P2. The same ciphertext is then encrypted again with
  15. Moss Plateau in north central Burning faces encroachment from the Sahara. The, resultant ,southward migration means heightened competition for control of very limited
  16. Elements act as an electrolyte and the zinc/iron combination as electrodes. The, resultant ,current ensures that the zinc coating is sacrificed but that the base iron does
  17. Be usually formed from imperfection ones by suffixation or predication, but the, resultant ,verb often deviates in meaning from the original. In the pair examples above
  18. And local councils. Following the internal conflict over GST (1998–2001) and, resultant ,leadership changes, a dramatic decline occurred in the Democrats' membership
  19. From vector addition of the normal force and the force of gravity. The, resultant ,or net force on the ball found by vector addition of the normal force exerted
  20. The agricultural biotechnology issue. It includes increased herbicide usage and, resultant ,herbicide resistance," super weeds," residues on and in food crops, genetic
  21. And helps him to defeat the suitors. She also plays a role in ending the, resultant ,feud against the suitors' relatives, although she seems strange to readers.
  22. The theory of numbers. He introduced the word determinants (Laplace had used, resultant ,), though not in the present signification, but rather as applied to the
  23. Made extension. This often yields unsatisfactory results, though,as the, resultant ,I can be quite sharp. The idea of using low A was begun by Richard Wagner, who
  24. Only the throne of the United Kingdom, but,following British colonialism,the, resultant ,doctrine of reception, and independence, also to those of the other
  25. When a laser beam illuminates a rough surface. They add together to give a, resultant ,wave whose amplitude, and therefore intensity varies randomly. Patterns Several
  26. Its singles were Top Ten hits and when the group finally reformed in 1998 the, resultant ,album was also a major hit and the follow-up tour sold out almost immediately.
  27. That may be called a" chemo perm ". Damage to specific organs may occur, with, resultant , symptoms: * Cytotoxicity (damage to the inner ear),producing vertigo
  28. Form in bidirectional wind regimes. The long axes of these dunes extend in the, resultant ,direction of sand movement. Linear less hills known as paras are superficially
  29. Algebraic numbers are again algebraic (this fact can be demonstrated using the, resultant ,), and the algebraic numbers therefore form a field, sometimes denoted by A (
  30. Broadest sense, it is the study of how differences in an input can affect the, resultant ,difference at the output. In the case of a block cipher, it refers to a set of
  31. In the radio field, the dB is usually referenced to a 50 ohm load, with the, resultant ,voltage being 0.224 volts. There are times when spec sheets may show the
  32. Actions. It asks who gains and who loses from economic activity, and is the, resultant ,distribution fair or just, which are central ethical issues. BBS may refer to:
  33. Producing a gamma ray, an alpha particle, and a lithium-ion. These, resultant ,decay products may then irradiate nearby semiconductor 'chip' structures
  34. Peel hoped that the repeal of the tariff on wheat (the Corn Laws) and the, resultant ,influx of cheaper wheat into Britain, would remedy the suffering in Ireland
  35. Large enough to carry the water, which caused it to back up when opened. The, resultant ,flood washed out a large gladiatorial exhibition held to commemorate the
  36. Part of their errors. The backward nature of expectation formulation and the, resultant ,systematic errors made by agents (see Cobweb model) was unsatisfactory to
  37. May have interacted prior to the spread of Indo-Aryans southwards and the, resultant ,intermixing of languages. States that the most plausible explanation for the
  38. And Paul Murder in 1972. Some doubt, however,remained due to the uncertainties, resultant ,from the companion star being much heavier than the candidate black hole.
  39. Frac \franc \, which clearly becomes larger as r increases. To ensure that this, resultant ,is normal to the surface of the water, and therefore can be effectively pulled
  40. Where g is the acceleration due to gravity. These two forces add to make a, resultant ,at an angle φ from the vertical given by: \tan \var phi \franc \franc \, which
  41. Several villages and portions of large coastal communities, mainly by the, resultant ,tsunamis and landslides. It was the third most powerful earthquake in the
  42. The derivative saying The rate of change of momentum of a body is equal to the, resultant ,force acting on the body and is in the same direction. Commonly expressed today
  43. Which during ionization deflects ions away from the electric field normal. The, resultant ,deflection means that in these regions of high curvature, atomic terraces are
  44. 1964 to build an IndyCar chassis powered by an American Offenhauser engine. The, resultant ,BT12 chassis was raced by Jack Graham as the" Zink-Urschel Track burner" at
  45. And low-pressure veins. It can be extremely fragile and prone to bleeding. The, resultant ,sign, audible via stethoscope, is a rhythmic, whooshing sound caused by
  46. To chronic lymphocytes leukemia (CLL) through folic acid" depletion" and, resultant ,high levels of folic acid in the mutant lymphocytes that characterize CLL.
  47. Shaped to implicitly provide a highly curved electric potential to induce the, resultant ,magnification, as opposed to direct use of lending, such as via magnetic lenses
  48. Index than acrylic dispersion, imparting a unique" look and feel" to the, resultant ,paint film. Not all pigments in oil are available in acrylic. Prussian blue has
  49. Law):: \math bf m\math bf \quad \to \quad \math bf \math bf/m where F is the, resultant ,force acting on the body’m is the mass of the body, and an is its acceleration.
  50. Against the outside world, which the members called" the System," as well as, resultant ,controversy. In 1974,it began a method of evangelism called Flirty Fishing

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