Examples of the the word, importation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( importation ), is the 12217 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Pay and by the attempts to curb the growing import trade in opium. By 1800,its, importation ,was forbidden by the imperial government. However, the opium trade continued to
  2. Drugs and Psychotropic Substances. In the United States the manufacture, importation , possession, and distribution of cocaine is additionally regulated by the 1970
  3. Third of the entire Atlantic slave trade). Between 1764 and 1771,the average, importation ,of slaves varied between 10 000–15 000,by 1786 about 28 000,and, from 1787
  4. System, how unnecessary it is to lay extraordinary restraints upon the, importation ,of goods from those countries with which the balance of trade is supposed to be
  5. Of this Bill can hardly be said to raise revenue, because it prohibits the, importation ,of something upon which we have hitherto collected revenue. " Later Harrison
  6. Of 1970. The CSA is the federal U. S. drug policy under which the manufacture, importation , possession, use and distribution of certain substances is regulated. The Act
  7. Sold for medical purposes. In 1924 the United States Congress banned its sale, importation ,or manufacture. It is now a Schedule I substance, which makes it illegal for
  8. The northern part of the colony and planting tobacco in the Ciao Valley, and, importation , of slaves was renewed. The population of Santo Domingo grew from about 6,000 in
  9. Grow well in the colonies. Hops only grew wild in the New World, and as such, importation ,from England and elsewhere became essential to beer production. In addition to
  10. Laws in June 1846. Repeal of the Corn Laws had removed the tariffs on the, importation ,of cheap corn/wheat into Britain. Thus, the price of wheat had fallen. Farmers
  11. Loads for smuggling across the U. S. – Mexico border. The primary cocaine, importation ,points in the United States are in Arizona, southern California, southern
  12. Fair use. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act prohibits the manufacture, importation , or distribution of devices whose intended use, or only significant commercial
  13. Under this title alleging infringement of copyright based on the manufacture, importation , or distribution of a digital audio recording device, a digital audio recording
  14. Rhode Island becomes the first of Britain's North American colonies to ban the, importation ,of slaves. *1777 – American Revolutionary War: Marquis de Lafayette lands near
  15. The U. S. *1806 – The French Republican Calendar is abolished. *1808 – The, importation ,of slaves into the United States is banned. *1810 – Major-General Lachlan
  16. Over free trade was famine in Ireland, which Peel hoped might be remedied by, importation ,of grain. The term" corn" did not refer to raise as it does in the United
  17. 1,) was a United States federal law that regulated and taxed the production, importation , and distribution of opiates. The act was proposed by Representative Francis
  18. Over during much of the winter. Detroit became the leader in the illegal, importation ,of alcohol, which found its way all over the country. The Detroit River, Lake
  19. The effect of cocaine. Congress responded by tightening up the Harrison Act-the, importation ,of heroin for any purpose was banned in 1924. After other complementary laws (
  20. 18th century. The Dutch West India Company introduced slavery in 1625 with the, importation ,of eleven black slaves into New Amsterdam (present-day New York City). All
  21. Of reselling books in second-hand bookstores. Some countries may have parallel, importation ,restrictions that allow the copyright holder to control the resale market. This
  22. Discharge or disposal of pollutants into Antarctica or Antarctic waters *the, importation ,into the U. S. of certain items from Antarctica Violation of the Antarctic
  23. Fleet. *1793 – The Act Against Slavery is passed in Upper Canada and the, importation ,of slaves into Lower Canada is prohibited. *1807 – The Treaties of Tilsit are
  24. NAFTA) such as Chapter 11. One ongoing and complex trade issue involves the, importation ,of cheaper prescription drugs from Canada to the United States. Due to the
  25. The Somoza family administrations (1933 through 1979) and the considerable, importation ,between 1979 and the present of USA culture and institutions. Israel (1948)
  26. Indigo, cotton,and cacao on the fertile northern plain, thus prompting the, importation ,of African slaves. Slave insurrections were frequent and some slaves escaped to
  27. Many rural communities in Alaska are considered" dry," having outlawed the, importation ,of alcoholic beverages. Suicide rates for rural residents are higher than urban
  28. Had become popular. In 1700 an Act of Parliament was passed to prevent the, importation ,of dyed or printed calicoes from India, China or Persia. This caused gray cloth
  29. Name. The Irish Government has sought, with mixed success, to prevent the, importation ,of weapons and ammunition through its territory by illegal paramilitary
  30. To suppress freedom of inquiry and the right to dissent is basically a foreign, importation ,into Jewish life.: Fourth, the rich body of Galahad and Agenda and the later
  31. Assessing environmental and food safety and prepares guidelines for transport, importation ,and field experiments involving GM products. The Council of Ministers evaluates
  32. Was further complicated in 1989 when all UK beef and lamb was banned from, importation ,to the US due to the BSE crisis. On October 8,2008,competitive eater Eric "
  33. State, but acts were passed by our Colonial Legislature, prohibiting the, importation , of more slaves, into the Colony. These were rejected by the Crown. " To the
  34. Morpheme inventory and word-formation techniques, and against unnecessary, importation ,of neologisms from European languages. He also presents the idea that, once one
  35. Others. *1959 – The steel strike of 1959 begins, leading to significant, importation ,of foreign steel for the first time in United States history. *1966 – Vietnam
  36. Law by virtue of their being" substantially similar" to GHB or GBL and; so, importation , sale, possession and use of these compounds is also considered to be illegal.
  37. Evergreen tree, which does not lose its leaves in the winter. And represents an, importation ,from the German language. The modern Christmas tree tradition is believed to
  38. Should be left to free competition, so there should be no restrictions on the, importation ,of agricultural products from abroad. The benefits of comparative advantage are
  39. Active, presenting the Virginia Assembly with legislation to ban the, importation ,of goods from Great Britain. In 1754 Lieutenant Governor Dinwiddie had promised
  40. Makes a country more self-sufficient and politically independent, because food, importation ,is reduced. Making non-arable land arable often involves digging new irrigation
  41. Whites by a ratio of almost 20 to 1. Even though England had outlawed the, importation ,of slaves, some were still smuggled into the colonies. The British government
  42. Growing demands of sugar cane cultivation led to an exponential increase in the, importation ,of slaves over the following two decades. The sugar mill owners soon formed a
  43. To the rapid decline in the populations of the animals that produce it,the, importation ,and sale of ivory in many countries is banned or severely restricted. In the
  44. Electronic colonialism as the dependency relationship established by the, importation ,of communication hardware, foreign-produced software, along with engineers
  45. Of note that the Convention places a general prohibition on the exportation or, importation ,of wastes between Parties and non-Parties. The exception to this rule is where
  46. And his right, if he so chooses, not to publish at all. " Yet some view this, importation ,of certain aspects of France's of the artist) into American copyright law as
  47. Who had or acquired the means to emigrate often did so. Planters expanded their, importation ,of African slaves to cultivate sugar cane. Barbados eventually had one of the
  48. At a relatively low cost. At the same time, there was a substantial clandestine, importation ,of the rival Douay-Rheims New Testament of 1582,undertaken by exiled Roman
  49. Curry house in. Curry grew increasingly popular in Britain as a result of, importation ,from the British Raj and with immigration from South Asia from the 1950s
  50. 10 % of capacity due to the chronic shortage of foreign exchange to cover the, importation ,of required raw materials and replacement parts. Economic conditions

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