Examples of the the word, auburn , in a Sentence Context

The word ( auburn ), is the 12219 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Was tall for his age, with " a long, finely chiseled face, delicate features, auburn ,hair with a coppery glint, and large Grable eyes like his mother," Though
  2. Troupe in Bridgewater. She had just recently shorn her hair down to a defiant, auburn ,stubble, and I was impressed by the hostility she had created by this
  3. Turned into a horse because her father was a centaur, and because she had long, auburn ,hair. *Overshoe, a nymph. She was the mother, by Hiatus, of Char ops, Socus
  4. And thick, insulating fur. Another example is the red fox which has a typical, auburn ,pelt, the tail normally ending with white marking. Litter sizes can vary
  5. For her second solo album, giving up her California Girl blonde bob for a long, auburn ,style for 1987's Heaven on Earth. The musical style eschewed the
  6. Painting (which in its normal-sized resolution shows Columbus's hair as, auburn ,) so often that it has become the iconic image of Columbus accepted by popular
  7. Of William D. Connor, the Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin, and named after the, auburn ,hair of the Connor children. Geography According to the United States Census
  8. For her husband. She was a little over five feet tall, with a lithe figure, auburn ,hair, and hazel eyes. She played the keyboard and the guitar, and she was an
  9. Franchise has brown eyes and hair, though in most earlier games they were, auburn , Most Latin American actors and actresses in telenovelas have Northern European
  10. Hair is a hair color which is a reddish shade of brown hair. In contrast to, auburn ,hair, the reddish shade of chestnut is darker. Chestnut hair is common among
  11. Mary shows that she had a small, well-shaped head, a long, graceful neck, bright, auburn , hair,hazel-brown eyes, under heavy lowered eyelids and finely arched brows
  12. Voiced by Kath Source) is the intellectual of the group. She has medium-length, auburn ,hair, wears glasses, and dresses conservatively. She is also the most
  13. She greatly desired to Recognize Sky wise, but eventually gave up. She had, auburn ,hair and green eyes. *Wind kin male. Recognized son of Tilda and Dew shine.
  14. Two copies of the red-haired allele will have red hair, but it will be either, auburn ,or bright reddish orange depending on whether the first gene pair gives brown
  15. Turning his face red. In keeping with descriptions of Columbus having had, auburn ,hair or (later) white hair, textbooks have used the Sebastiano del Promo
  16. Close friend of the Duchess of Windsor and nicknamed" Foxy" for her abundant, auburn ,hair - continued to spend some time at Crockett. She became the last member of
  17. Golfer. Character outline Holly Short is a talkative and sarcastic elf with an, auburn ,crew cut and hazel eyes, as well as the pointy ears and nut-brown skin typical
  18. As accomplished and beautiful; having a slender figure, hazel eyes, and, auburn , hair. Both shared a love for music; Jefferson had bought her a piano to be
  19. Described as" age 27,height 5' 6-1/2" tall, light complected, gray eyes, auburn ,hair, occupation—teacher. " He was elected sergeant-major of the regiment, and
  20. Chestnut brown - medium brunette to dark brown with dark, auburn ,tones. * auburn brown - reddish shade of brown hair. *
  21. Short. Their hair may be any color ranging from blonde (Mary Goodnight) to, auburn ,(Gala Brand) to brown (Tatiana Romanov) to black (Vesper Land),though
  22. Look ", some indigenous Filipino men and women of all classes dye their hair, auburn ,(reddish-brown),golden brown, or blond, and/or changing their noses to
  23. The second dye. With repeated use the orange color builds up into red and then, auburn , While" natural" henna is generally a red color, variations exist. These
  24. To attend parties and events like Max's birthday, and beach parties. She has, auburn ,fur and wears a green tartan dress. Physically, she looks similar to Ruby
  25. By starting an extensive program for the relief of the poor. With long golden, auburn ,hair, wide blue eyes, a round face, and a fair complexion. She was descended
  26. A fair complexion, blue eyes and her hair color was between reddish-blonde and, auburn ,; these were typical traits in the Trastámara family which descended from Peter
  27. Untouched, sister of Teeth, aunt of Sun stream and Ember. Midwife. She has, auburn ,hair and green eyes. *Shushed male. Love mate and soul-brother of Dart. He was
  28. By family and friends, also acquired the nickname" Blondie" due to her light, auburn ,hair and fair complexion that reflected her mixed heritage. In 1958,Ballard
  29. The end of their lives. Tatiana was described as tall and slender, with dark, auburn ,hair and dark blue-gray eyes, fine,chiseled features, and a refined, elegant
  30. Albion, saw a photograph and asked the young girl with haunting eyes and long, auburn ,hair, whose nickname was" Rusty," to pose for him. The Albion photographs were
  31. Described as" age 27,height 5' 6-1/2" tall, light complected, gray eyes, auburn ,hair, occupation—teacher. " He was elected sergeant-major of the regiment, and
  32. Her powers over life and death and the moral implications that arise. She has, auburn ,hair and green eyes. *Baleen female. Love mate of Purdah
  33. Exiled and penniless. King's mistress Tall, voluptuous,with masses of, auburn ,hair, slanting,heavy-lidded blue-violet eyes, alabaster skin, and a sensuous
  34. Autumn Hop Ale is a complex, richly flavored autumn hop ale. With an autumnal, auburn ,hue, this premium beer achieves a balance between rich, dark malt flavors, and
  35. But one partial torso was that of a Caucasian woman as indicated by, auburn ,hair on a partial skull, and one partial body was of an Asian child (with
  36. AD) described Ligurian tribes as being long-haired, and their hair a shade of, auburn ,(a reddish-brown): History The Figures seem to have been ready to engage as
  37. Is chivalrous as well, possessing a pronounced weakness for pretty women with, auburn ,hair (a fact that gets him and Poirot into trouble more than once). Despite
  38. Highest percentage; as many as 10 per cent of the Irish population has red, auburn , or strawberry blond hair. It is thought that up to 46 percent of the Irish
  39. Difference that is characteristic of the two poets:::: When Heretics with his, auburn ,mane::: :ran like the wind::: beside the eddies of broad Alphas, ::: :EOS
  40. Had blue eyes, and had a hair color that was between reddish-blonde and, auburn ,; these were typical in members of the House of Trastámara, a family of
  41. Medium brunette to dark brown with dark auburn tones. *, auburn , brown - reddish shade of brown hair. * medium brown -
  42. Exist numerous portraits of Southampton, in which he is depicted with dark, auburn ,hair and blue eyes, compatible with Shakespeare's description of" a man right
  43. For" Fine the third in succession" — but unlike his royal kin, Maedhros had, auburn ,hair inherited from his maternal grandfather, Mahtan, whom Maestros was said to
  44. Had blue eyes, and had a hair color that was between reddish-blond and, auburn ,; these were typical in members of the Trastámara family who were descendants of
  45. Off, like slate or brownish tone. Underneath the bottom of this warbler is, auburn ,brown or pink salmon also off, the throat is speckled with white spots and the
  46. From an anagram-esque use of the letters in" Delia" and a reference to her, auburn ,hair),were later used on the seventies ITV science fiction rivals to Doctor
  47. Alvin grows into bets. This often establishes the plot of the episode. She has, auburn ,hair which is seen in a stylized ponytail, blue eyes, and her signature color
  48. Pink dress shoes, but in Twilight Princess she is a tall and pale girl with, auburn ,hair, blue-gray eyes, and has a more womanly figure, and wears a purple and
  49. Gets him and Poirot into trouble more than once). Despite his preference for, auburn ,hair, and his Victorian ideas about not marrying outside one's class, he
  50. Along a spectrum of light to dark red-brown shades. The chemicals which cause, auburn ,hair are melanin (brown) and pheomelanin (red),with a higher proportion

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