Examples of the the word, lucid , in a Sentence Context

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  1. They are indeed dreaming. A pilot study was performed in 2006 that showed that, lucid ,dreaming treatment was successful in reducing nightmare frequency. This
  2. Content of dreams, while understandings about life—and even characters—from, lucid ,dreams could be invoked in" real" life with marked therapeutic benefits.
  3. Perform while lucid dreaming. However, a 1995 study in Germany indicated that, lucid ,dreams can also have varied time spans, in which the dreamer can control the
  4. Bore abundant fruit in the subsequent centuries of the Middle Ages. His simple, lucid , but not classical style discloses most imperfections peculiar to all ages of
  5. With rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep). Green was also the first to link, lucid ,dreams to the phenomenon of false awakenings. Philosopher Norman Malcolm's
  6. Times more closely than with his own. Conrad's was, indeed,a starkly, lucid ,view of the human condition – a vision similar to that which had been offered
  7. Press published these in French in the same year. His talks were concise and, lucid , leading students and the general reader to his other longer writings. Oxford
  8. Influence. It marked the beginning of Latin historical writings. Hailed for its, lucid ,style, Julius Caesar's (100 BC–44 BC) Vellum Gallium exemplifies
  9. In this strange geography of shipwrecks, only one character, the extremely, lucid ,Vi tangelo Mascara, protagonist of Pirandello's last novel UNO, Nessuno e
  10. Developments in the storyline. Some of these signs and portents resemble, lucid ,dreams, but many are quite bizarre and" dreamlike," frequently in a spiritual
  11. 1944. * Russell, by A. J. Layer, London: Fontana,1972. ISBN 0-00-632965-9. A, lucid ,summary exposition of Russell's thought. * The Lost Cause: Causation and the
  12. Scientific history The first book to recognize the scientific potential of, lucid ,dreams was Celia Green's 1968 study Lucid Dreams. Green analyzed the main
  13. From Perpetual Orgy, which is solely devoted to Flaubert's art, one can find, lucid ,discussions in Vargas Llosa's recently published Letters to a Young Novelist.
  14. Symptoms may also include anxiety, agitation,excessive sleep, vivid or, lucid ,dreams, deep REM sleep and suicidal ideation. Side effects Contraindications
  15. The Senor hunter-gatherers of Malaysia were reported to make extensive use of, lucid ,dreaming to ensure mental health, although later studies refuted these claims.
  16. Hematoma. According to a hospital spokesman, Coleman was" conscious and, lucid ," the next morning, but his condition subsequently worsened. By mid-afternoon
  17. He documented more than twenty years of his own research into dreams. The term, lucid ,dreaming was coined by Dutch author and psychiatrist Frederik van Eden in his
  18. Without the capacity for the other; also, in some dreams where the dreamer is, lucid ,and aware they could exercise control, they choose simply to observe. In a
  19. What might be occurring in the brain while lucid . The first step to, lucid ,dreaming is recognizing one is dreaming. This recognition might occur in the
  20. Direction the dreamer" looks" at in the dreamscape. This has enabled trained, lucid ,dreamers to communicate with researchers while dreaming by using eye movement
  21. During the 1980s,further scientific evidence to confirm the existence of, lucid ,dreaming was produced as lucid dreamers were able to demonstrate to researchers
  22. Real and vivid. A lucid dream can begin in one of two ways. A dream-initiated, lucid ,dream (DID) starts as a normal dream, and the dreamer eventually concludes
  23. Tend to have periods of a simple integer ratio, due to their interaction. A, lucid ,dream is a dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming. The term was
  24. Was used by van Eden in its sense of" having insight ", as in the phrase a, lucid ,interval applied to someone in temporary remission from a psychosis, rather
  25. Be overwhelming during dream or the death experience. An early recorded, lucid ,dreamer was the philosopher and physician Sir Thomas Browne (1605–1682).
  26. Subject and incorporating new data from subjects of her own. She concluded that, lucid ,dreams were a category of experience quite distinct from ordinary dreams, and
  27. Alternative term conscious dreaming avoids this confusion. However, the term, lucid ,was used by van Eden in its sense of" having insight ", as in the phrase a
  28. By part of the bridge crushing a limb or torso. Some had been conscious and, lucid , talking to rescuers, but died of crush syndrome soon after the weight was
  29. World ". The commingling, deliberately not amalgamated, of ancient and new, of, lucid , torments of reason and of desperate desires for immemorial resting places
  30. These similarities, EEG studies do not suggest an equivalence between Ones and, lucid ,dreams. Lucidity is strongly associated with stage 1 REM sleep but Ones are far
  31. Motor activity and found deep knee bends took 44 % longer to perform while, lucid ,dreaming. However, a 1995 study in Germany indicated that lucid dreams can also
  32. In Barrett's book, The Committee of Sleep, she describes how some experienced, lucid ,dreamers have learned to remember specific practical goals such as artists
  33. Browne was fascinated by the world of dreams and described his own ability to, lucid ,dream in his Religion Medici:" ... yet in one dream I can compose a whole
  34. And the dreamer eventually concludes it is a dream, while a wake-initiated, lucid ,dream (WILD) occurs when the dreamer goes from a normal waking state directly
  35. Dutch psychiatrist and writer Frederik (Willem) van Eden (1860–1932). In a, lucid ,dream, the dreamer can actively participate in and manipulate imaginary
  36. Isidore's Latin style in the Etymologize and elsewhere, though simple and, lucid ,but not classical style, revealing increasing local Visigothic traditions. It
  37. This philosophy is the thesis that mathematics is not created but discovered. A, lucid ,statement of this is found in an essay written by the British mathematician G.
  38. Light of bliss and emptiness. Meditating on the throat chakra is important for, lucid ,dreaming and the practices of dream yoga. And meditating on the crown chakra is
  39. Actions agreed upon during waking life could be recalled and performed once, lucid ,in a dream. The first evidence of this type was produced in the late 1970s by
  40. Scientific evidence to confirm the existence of lucid dreaming was produced as, lucid ,dreamers were able to demonstrate to researchers that they were consciously
  41. A melody. And when the sense ratios alter in any culture then what had appeared, lucid ,before may suddenly become opaque, and what had been vague or opaque will
  42. Of the two approaches is generally attributed to Paul Dirac, who wrote a, lucid ,account in his 1930 classic Principles of Quantum Mechanics, being the third
  43. Dreams as a secondary effect—in contrast to Dream Yoga, which aims primarily at, lucid ,dreaming. According to Buddhist teachers, the experience of lucid ity helps us
  44. Looking for inspiration seeking a show of their own work once they become, lucid ,or computer programmers looking for a screen with their desired code. However
  45. Contact with a greater spiritual or cosmic order. Users claim to experience, lucid ,sensations where they have" out of body" experiences. Some users report
  46. Explored the application of principles from narrative therapy with clients ', lucid ,dreams, to reduce the impact not only of nightmares during sleep, but also
  47. With the Douches practice of natural light. This practice only achieves, lucid ,dreams as a secondary effect—in contrast to Dream Yoga, which aims primarily at
  48. Experiences in the dream environment. Lucid dreams can seem real and vivid. A, lucid ,dream can begin in one of two ways. A dream-initiated lucid dream (DID)
  49. A pilot study which showed that time perception while counting during a, lucid ,dream is about the same as during waking. Lucid dreamers counted out ten
  50. J. Allan Hobson has hypothesized what might be occurring in the brain while, lucid , The first step to lucid dreaming is recognizing one is dreaming. This

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