Examples of the the word, evangelist , in a Sentence Context

The word ( evangelist ), is the 12218 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. While on a trip to England in Spring of 1872 that he became well known as an, evangelist , Some have claimed he was the greatest evangelist of the 19th century. He
  2. Without a heart filled with joy …? " Joseph Smith also identified the term, evangelist ,with the office of patriarch in 1839,stating that" an Evangelist is a
  3. An evangelist is an office in the Melchizedek Order of the priesthood. The, evangelist ,was originally called an evangelist –patriarch. This name derived from Latter
  4. Microsoft's ability to build a gaming platform in Windows. Alex St. John,the, evangelist ,for DirectX, staged an elaborate event at the 1996 Computer Game Developers
  5. Became a leader in blogging tools from 1999 onwards, as well as a" leading, evangelist ,of weblogs. " In June 2002 Wine had coronary artery bypass surgery to prevent
  6. Schneider, German musician (Freighter) * 1947 – Eliseo Soriano, Philippine, evangelist , *1949 – Mitch Daniels, American politician, governor of Indiana * 1949 – John
  7. In The Church of Jesus Christ (Bickertonite),the prescribed duties of an, evangelist ,are to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation, kindred,language
  8. Smith, Jr. Early Latter Day Saint movement The first references to the term, evangelist ,in Latter Day Saint theology were mainly consistent with how the term is used
  9. Actor (plays Jim McDonald in Coronation Street) *Edward Mooney (1867–1960), evangelist , and early leader of the Cognate and Go-Preachers * Brian D'Arcy (1945 –)
  10. Evangelists are often referred to as" ministers of blessing ". Ideally,an, evangelist ,is free from administrative responsibilities in the church in order to allow
  11. The gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation, kindred,language, and people. An, evangelist ,is part of the Quorum of Seventy Evangelists. Quorum of Seventy Evangelists The
  12. South—the latter a fictionalized treatment of the life of Methodist, evangelist , Robert Sayers Sheila. Beyond the Night closely follows an actual
  13. Chemist, two-time Nobel Laureate *1919 – Rex Hubbard, American television, evangelist ,(d. 2007) * 1919 – Sir George Shearing, British jazz pianist (d. 2011)
  14. To tradition, the church was established by Saint Mark the apostle and, evangelist ,in the middle of the 1st century (approximately AD 42). The head of the
  15. Ecuadorian politician (b. 1931) *2009 – Oral Roberts, American television, evangelist ,and author (b. 1918) *2010 – Blake Edwards, American film director (b. 1922
  16. Of an evangelist in the Community of Christ remains the giving of sacramental ", evangelist ,'s blessings "; it is for this reason that evangelist s are often referred to as
  17. RLDS Church changed the title of the local Evangelist–Patriarchs to simply ", evangelist ,". Similarly, it changed the title of the Presiding Patriarch to the "
  18. W. W. Phelps stated, : " Who is not desirous of receiving a father's or an, evangelist ,'s blessing? Who can read the ancient patriarchal blessings, recorded in the
  19. But this was after the phenomenon was already firmly established. Apple, evangelist ,Guy Kawasaki has called the brand fanaticism" something that was stumbled upon
  20. Center bomber Ramzi Yousef and $2.4 million. In July, a Filipino television, evangelist ,and 12 of his crew offered their help and went as mediators for the relief of
  21. Of Latter-day Saints In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,an, evangelist ,is considered to be an office of the Melchizedek priesthood. However, the term
  22. Whose status is disputed, both inside and outside Black Sabbath, is Christian, evangelist ,and former Joshua frontman, Jeff Felt. Felt has insisted that he was a
  23. Fundamentalists and neo-evangelicals represented by the newly prominent, evangelist ,Billy Graham. Graham had briefly attended Bob Jones College, and the university
  24. And member of Northern Ireland's 1982 World Cup squad. *Edward Mooney, evangelist ,and early leader of the Cognate and Go-Preacher sects, educated at Porter
  25. 5,1837 - December 22, 1899),also known as D. L. Moody, was an American, evangelist ,and publisher who founded the Moody Church, Northfield School and Mount Sermon
  26. The days of founder Joseph Smith, Jr. The most prominent reference to the term, evangelist ,in the denomination's literature is found in its Articles of Faith, derived
  27. Denominations, such as The Church of Jesus Christ (Bickertonite),have an, evangelist ,position independent of the original patriarch office instituted by the
  28. An ordained office of the ministry. In some denominations of the movement,an, evangelist ,is referred to as a patriarch (see Patriarch (Latter Day Saints) ). However
  29. High priest of the Melchizedek Order of the priesthood. The primary duty of an, evangelist ,in the Community of Christ remains the giving of sacramental" evangelist 's
  30. Position advocated by the Remonstrants, and Arminius's system was revived by, evangelist ,John Wesley and is common today, particularly in Methodism. Comparison among
  31. Hill house. His 1817 marriage to Henrietta Edwards, granddaughter of the famed, evangelist ,Jonathan Edwards, daughter of Pierpont Edwards, head of the Democratic Party in
  32. Is considered to be an office of the Melchizedek priesthood. However, the term, evangelist ,is rarely used for this position, the church retaining the term Patriarch, the
  33. The title of the Presiding Patriarch to the" Presiding Evangelist ". To be an, evangelist , a person must already be a high priest of the Melchizedek Order of the
  34. Later demand cash multimillion-dollar ransoms. * July 1 - Filipino television, evangelist ,Wilde Alameda of the Jesus Miracle Crusade (J. M. C.) and 12 of his followers
  35. He became well known as an evangelist . Some have claimed he was the greatest, evangelist ,of the 19th century. He preached almost a hundred times and came into communion
  36. Rock'n'roll beat. Following his temporary exit from secular music to become an, evangelist ,in 1957,some of Little Richard's band members joined Brown and the Famous
  37. In 1839,stating that" an Evangelist is a Patriarch ". The necessity of an, evangelist ,office in the church organization has been reinforced repeatedly, based on the
  38. Several smaller denominations. It is not known who first identified the term, evangelist ,with the office of patriarch. However, in an 1835 church publication, W. W.
  39. His biographer Karl Beneath to justify him, and to represent him as a fervent, evangelist ,and at the same time as a speculative thinker with a passion for free inquiry
  40. Most visible spokesmen have been figures like Jerry Falwell and the television, evangelist ,Pat Robertson. * Centrist evangelicals are described as socially conservative
  41. Whose grammar and vocabulary might improve and mature into those of the, evangelist , It is the pidgin Greek of someone who appears to know exactly what he is about
  42. The university was founded in 1927 by Bob Jones, Sr. (1883–1968),an, evangelist ,and contemporary of Billy Sunday. The current president, Stephen Jones, is the
  43. Of statistics in the United States at Iowa State University * Billy Sunday, evangelist ,and Major League Baseball player; born in Ames in 1863 * Jamal Tinsley, NBA
  44. Ring of Time" - (essay by E. B. White) In the Latter Day Saint movement,an, evangelist ,is an ordained office of the ministry. In some denominations of the movement
  45. How much God loved him. His conversion sparked the start of his career as an, evangelist , However, his first application for church membership, in May 1855,was rejected
  46. American electrical engineer (d. 1990) *1909 – William M. Bran ham, American, evangelist , ( d. 1965) * 1909 – Hermann Lang, German race car driver (d. 1987) *1911 –
  47. George Eliot, English writer (b. 1819) *1899 – Dwight L. Moody, American, evangelist , ( b. 1837) *1902 – Richard von Krafft-Ebing, German psychiatrist (b. 1840)
  48. The church archives at Independence, Missouri. A recipient may receive multiple, evangelist ,'s blessings in their life. All evangelist s belong to the Order of Evangelists
  49. Known as the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,an, evangelist ,is an office in the Melchizedek Order of the priesthood. The evangelist was
  50. Message was always first heard in the synagogue and, for cultural reasons,the, evangelist ,would have spoken in Aramaic, else " he would have had no hearing. " Terra

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