Examples of the the word, scholastic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( scholastic ), is the 12229 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Set a world record at the event in 1997. Famous people *Henry of Ghent, scholastic ,philosopher (c. 1217–1293) *Jacob van Reveled, statesman and political
  2. To be eligible for selection to international competition. In the United States, scholastic ,diving is almost always part of the school’s swim team. Diving is a separate
  3. With the Islamic laid. " Other English legal institutions such as" the, scholastic ,method, the license to teach ", the " law schools known as Inns of Court in
  4. Newton, and Boyle, but viewed their work through a lens heavily tinted by, scholastic ,notions. Yet it remains the case that Leibniz's methods and concerns often
  5. In the French secondary schools, and thus classify and select them according to, scholastic ,performance. According to Gwen Terrence, writing in Eugenics in France (
  6. By establishing schools in every town and by freeing serfs who adopted a, scholastic ,life. In 1544,in spite of some opposition, he founded Königsberg University
  7. In kind, is no longer dismissed out of hand. That modern science includes a ", scholastic ," as well as a" radical empiricist" element is more accepted now than in the
  8. At the collegiate and Olympic levels. High school diving In the United States, scholastic ,diving at the high school level is usually limited to one meter diving (but
  9. Of the language of Adam. In particular, the chief Hebrew name for God in, scholastic ,tradition, El,must be derived of a different Adamic name for God, which Dante
  10. Of indulgence gave no sanction whatever to this proposition. It was a vague, scholastic ,opinion, rejected by the Sorbonne in 1482,and again in 1518,and certainly not
  11. Te Ching is ascribed to Nazi, whose historical existence has been a matter of, scholastic ,debate. His name, which means" Old Master ", has only fueled controversy on
  12. Psychometric ability and social outcomes may be indirect. Children with poor, scholastic ,performance may feel alienated. Consequently, they may be more likely to engage
  13. In the mystic reaction of the second half of the 12th century against the, scholastic ,philosophy. His mysticism, however,is far from being as absolute as that of
  14. Many philosophers have chosen instead to leave some terms undefined. The, scholastic ,philosophers claimed that the highest genera (the so-called ten generalissimo
  15. Systematic approaches by theologians such as Thomas Aquinas are called, scholastic ,Christology. The existing terms and structures available to them were often
  16. And views and also her own individualized and protofeminist approach to the, scholastic ,learned tradition of mythology, legend,and history she inherited from clerical
  17. Great, and though we find in his system many gaps which are characteristic of, scholastic ,philosophy, his protracted study of Aristotle gave him a great power of
  18. And had no equal in scholastic discipline, he belongs with the series of great, scholastic ,philosophers and theologians in which England in the Middle Ages was so rich –
  19. Or lesser degree throughout the history of Calvinism. Agrarianism Within, scholastic ,Calvinist theology, there are two schools of thought over when and whom God
  20. Modern logic and analytic philosophy, but his philosophy also looks back to the, scholastic ,tradition, in which conclusions are produced by applying reason to first
  21. By Protestants. At Leuven, he made extensive studies in the Church Fathers and, scholastic ,theologians, which gave him the material for his book De scriptoribus
  22. Of haphazardly concepts drawn from the Metaphysics of Aristotle. A medieval, scholastic ,In doing so, he elevated Lombard's work from a major theological resource to
  23. a hundred volumes from which he was able to draw upon classical, patristic,and, scholastic ,works. He exchanged scholarly letters with a circle of Swiss humanists and
  24. Middle Ages, and it continues to influence Christian theology, especially the, scholastic ,tradition of the Catholic Church. His ethics, though always influential, gained
  25. Colleges usually refer to institutions of learning that grant degrees but whose, scholastic ,fields are not as diverse as that of a university (University of Santa Tomas
  26. Distinction, along with the debates and censure that they raised in, scholastic ,Europe. This was particularly the case in Paris, where Avicenna was later
  27. Or Aquino (c. 1225 – 7 March 1274) was a philosopher and theologian in the, scholastic ,tradition, known as" Doctor Angelic us, Doctor Universalism ". He is the
  28. Exist. # Therefore, the Universe had a cause. Argument from contingency In the, scholastic ,era, Aquinas formulated the" argument from contingency ", following Aristotle
  29. A new interpretation of Aristotle, intended to warrant his deconstruction of, scholastic ,and philosophical tradition. Ayn Rand accredited Aristotle as" the greatest
  30. Was in philosophy the superior of his contemporaries and had no equal in, scholastic ,discipline, he belongs with the series of great scholastic philosophers and
  31. Step in that direction. This view was strongly opposed by Averroes and by many, scholastic ,philosophers who supported Aristotle. However, this view did not go unchallenged
  32. Leibniz had a thorough university education in philosophy. His lifelong, scholastic ,and Aristotelian turn of mind betrayed the strong influence of one of his
  33. Date. Henry Knight on says that in philosophy he was second to none, and in, scholastic ,discipline incomparable. If this pronouncement seems hardly justified, now that
  34. Of all apples is something that is. To deny that universals exist is the, scholastic ,variant of nominalism. Relations An apple sitting on a table is in a relation
  35. Around the world today. Many schools host chess clubs, and there are many, scholastic ,tournaments specifically for children. Tournaments are held regularly in many
  36. Square of the distance between them. This refuted the traditional assumption of, scholastic ,physics that the power of gravitational attraction remained constant with
  37. There was a period in his life when he devoted himself exclusively to, scholastic ,philosophy:" when I was still a logician," he used later to say. The first "
  38. Annual Virginia is for Lovers collegiate speech tournament, the Patriot Games, scholastic ,speech competition (which in 2009 had over 1,000 entries),and also will host
  39. Or ecclesiastical-political, and the method of discussion was academic and, scholastic , The kind of men with whom Wycliffe dealt included the Carmelite monk John
  40. As well as Christian; # a work entitled The Psalmist; # a treatise in, scholastic ,form On the Soul; and # the Dialogue with Trophy. Eugenics implies that other
  41. History she inherited from clerical scholars and to the genres and courtly or, scholastic ,subjects of contemporary French and Italian poets she admired. Supported and
  42. Saw much important scientific work being done, largely within the framework of, scholastic ,commentaries on Aristotle's scientific writings. William of Occam introduced
  43. Are situated in central London, near the Royal Courts of Justice. They perform, scholastic ,and social roles, and in all cases, provide financial aid to student barristers
  44. Company is based. Writings and edition Leibniz mainly wrote in three languages:, scholastic ,Latin, French and German. During his lifetime, he published many pamphlets and
  45. Of people believed to have been affected by bipolar disorder By occupation By, scholastic ,area By achievement or status * Michael H. Hart's list of the 100 most
  46. And theft, and in 40 years of records whose sources have inspired volumes of, scholastic ,exegesis, Dylan has never embraced that truth so warmly. Jokes, riddles
  47. Is a fabricated recreation of the Old English epic Beowulf in the form of a, scholastic ,translation of Ahmad in Fadlan's tenth century manuscript. Many of his other
  48. Writings (Metaphysics). This had been a very important to the ideals of, scholastic ,thought. He had also steered scholastic ism in a more systematic direction with
  49. Assessment (PISA),a worldwide evaluation of 15-year-old school pupils ', scholastic ,performance. The quality of Chinese colleges and universities varies
  50. Tower to determine the All-American team. College diving In the United States, scholastic ,diving at the college level requires one and three meter diving. Scores from

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