Examples of the the word, poisonous , in a Sentence Context
The word ( poisonous ), is the 12224 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- As respiratory metabolites, and are arsenic-tolerant. Arsenic is notoriously, poisonous ,to multicellular life because of the interaction of arsenic ions with protein
- The of ethanol in rats is 10.3 g/kg. Other alcohols are substantially more, poisonous ,than ethanol, partly because they take much longer to be metabolized and partly
- Killed Wanna, Yueh provides the captive Let with a fake tooth filled with, poisonous ,gas as a means to kill the Baron (though Let would die as well). De Vries
- Drugs existed, beyond opium and quinine. Folklore cures and potentially, poisonous ,metal-based compounds were popular treatments. Modern medicine was
- Then to his vestments. Census knew that his blood had become tainted by the, poisonous ,blood of the Hydra, and would burn through the skin of anyone it touched. Later
- Found on the Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Moreira and Homeric are two genera of, poisonous ,plants which are a problem in sheep and cattle producing regions, notably in
- To phosphorus Arsenic, which is chemically similar to phosphorus, while, poisonous , for most life forms on Earth, is incorporated into the biochemistry of some
- Of, the indigenous peoples of these islands. *But we absolutely reject the, poisonous , Politically Correct, anti-indigenous fiction that they are English, or
- Are now routinely chlorinated. It is often impractical to store and use, poisonous ,chlorine gas for water treatment, so alternative methods of adding chlorine are
- Had a field trial with hog cholera. During the Mau Uprising in 1952,the, poisonous ,latex of the African milk bush was used to kill cattle. Unconnected with
- In ozone depletion. The elemental chlorine is extremely dangerous and, poisonous ,for all lifeforms; however, chlorine is necessary to most forms of life
- But visually similar mountain laurel and cherry laurel, have leaves that are, poisonous ,to humans and livestock. While these plants are not sold anywhere for culinary
- To produce applejack. Unlike distillation, freeze distillation concentrates, poisonous ,conveners rather than removing them. *Adiabatic distillation is the
- From about 0.15 to 12 micrometers. Precautions Soluble barium compounds are, poisonous , At low doses, barium acts as a muscle stimulant, whereas higher doses affect
- Domitian Marcus, whose collection 'CICTA' ( now lost) was named after the, poisonous ,plant CICTA for its biting wit, and Lucas, more famous for his epic Phrasal.
- For imaging the human gastrointestinal tract. Soluble barium compounds are, poisonous ,due to release of the soluble barium ion, and have been used as rodenticides.
- Keen pleasure in the scene where the Wicked Witch immerses her apple in the, poisonous ,brew. " Epitaph Recognition and tributes A biography published by the Royal
- Lips can easily sort even the smallest grains. Horses generally will not eat, poisonous ,plants. However, there are exceptions and horses will occasionally eat toxic
- Of maize, genetically altered to express the bacterial BT toxin, which is, poisonous ,to insect pests. In the case of corn, the pest is the European corn borer.
- Impacts on sulfur-rich rocks could have emitted sulfur oxides precipitating as, poisonous ,acid rain, contributing further to the collapse of food chains. Such impacts
- That, when starved of phosphorus, may be capable of incorporating the usually, poisonous ,element arsenic in its DNA. This discovery may lend weight to the long-standing
- Of adulteration was, in substance, that the product contained an added, poisonous ,or added deleterious ingredient: caffeine, which might render the product
- Communication between battalions. Chemical warfare also emerged with the use of, poisonous ,gas during World War I. By World War II, the use of the smaller divisions
- Provide reason for seeking further medical examination. Flatulence is not, poisonous ,; it is a natural component of various intestinal contents. However, discomfort
- Caterpillars. These are mainly of noctuid moths – noted for feeding on many, poisonous ,plants without harm – like Cabbage Moth (Maestro brassiere),Dot Moth (
- Used that the chemical is never mixed into any liquid containing bleach, or a, poisonous ,gas may result. Mixing with chlorine-containing products or strong oxidants
- Uses often contains additives that make it unpalatable (such as Bitter) or, poisonous ,(such as methanol). Ethanol in this form is known generally as denatured
- Few cats will eat chocolate. Large amounts of onions or garlic are also, poisonous ,to cats. Such as Philodendron species and the leaves of the Easter Lily, which
- Are numerous other instances of the use of plant toxins, venoms, and other, poisonous ,substances to create biological weapons in antiquity. In 184 B. C, Hannibal of
- Belief bay leaves should be removed from food after cooking because they are, poisonous , This is not true - bay leaves may be eaten without toxic effect. However, they
- Wood alcohol),for instance, is oxidized to formaldehyde and then to the, poisonous ,formic acid in the liver by alcohol dehydrogenase and formaldehyde
- Regulations),the mixture of business and government eventually proves, poisonous , In his book The Myth of the Robber Barons, Burton W. Folsom, Jr. distinguished
- Will then have time to be excreted through the kidneys. Methanol itself, while, poisonous , has a much weaker sedative effect than ethanol. Some longer-chain alcohols
- S pesticide factory exposed more than half a million local people to, poisonous ,gas. He spent time in Bhopal with the people, to listen to their stories. In a
- Together under the dragon label. Some dragons are said to breathe fire or to be, poisonous , such as in the Old English poem Beowulf. They are commonly portrayed as
- And is explained by many early alchemists being monks, and antimony being, poisonous , So does the hypothetical Greek word ἀντίμόνος antimony," against one "
- Greeks believed that the blood of the gods, ichor, was a substance that was, poisonous ,to mortals. As a relic of Germanic Law the orientation, an ordeal where the
- Left and must work inside it, much as I hate Russian totalitarianism and its, poisonous ,influence in this country. " Orwell joined the staff of tribunes as literary
- And in gastric mucosa as an antioxidant reducing species that can detoxify, poisonous ,reactive oxygen species, such as hydrogen peroxide. History Chinese physicians
- Safe if consumed in small quantities. The plant's seeds and roots are highly, poisonous ,however, and contain cardiogenic toxins which cause both severe gastroenteritis
- Is still in the water. Angry, Heracles shoots him with his arrows dipped in the, poisonous ,blood of the Bernstein Hydra. Thinking of revenge, Nessus gives Dania his
- However, there are exceptions and horses will occasionally eat toxic amounts of, poisonous ,plants even when there is adequate healthy food. Movement All horses move
- A merchant in Amsterdam after his parents died on August 14, 1701 from eating, poisonous ,mushrooms. However,Fahrenheit's interested in natural science led him to begin
- Can secrete distasteful or toxic substances to make them unpalatable or even, poisonous , These same species often exhibit aposematic, where bright or contrasting
- In Dutch," gift" means a gift, but " GIF" and" gifting" mean poison and, poisonous ,respectively. The latter two meanings also apply for the Afrikaans language
- Head in the other and rolling like a hoop. The fangs of the amphisbaena are so, poisonous ,that anything successfully bitten by it dies instantly. Cultural references *
- Wanted to honor the birthplace of Zeus by removing all" harmful" and ", poisonous ," animals from Crete. Later, Cretans believed that the island was cleared of
- Groups. Botany began with early human efforts to identify edible, medicinal and, poisonous ,plants, making it one of the oldest sciences. Today botanists study over
- And hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, is of special importance because it is a, poisonous ,gas, but also economically useful for the production of syn gas. Solid fuels
- Greeks attributed the lack of large mammals such as bears, wolves,jackals, and, poisonous , snakes,to the labor of Hercules (who took a live Cretan bull to the
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