Examples of the the word, priesthood , in a Sentence Context
The word ( priesthood ), is the 12221 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The word substitution was a fundamental change in Anglican understanding of the, priesthood , It is Roman Catholic doctrine that the teaching of Apostolic Curve is a
- That“ the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron. ” Under the influence of the, priesthood ,which shaped the destinies of the nation under Persian rule, a different ideal
- The son of Aaron, a chief of one of the twenty-four orders into which the, priesthood ,was divided by David (1 CHR. 24:10). The order of Elijah was one of those
- The trauma of the earthquake,Vivaldi's mother may have dedicated him to the, priesthood , Vivaldi's official church baptism (the rites that remained other than the
- The 2nd century is defined also as the only clergy to whom the ordination to, priesthood ,(presbyter ate) and diagonal is entrusted:" a priest (presbyter) lies on
- Of administering the sacraments. Since Protestants frequently hold to the, priesthood ,of all believers, they reject the need for a special episcopal class to
- Of their brother was the sin of Miriam and Aaron. The validity of the exclusive, priesthood ,of the family of Aaron was attested after the ill-fated rebellion of Torah, who
- Sacerdotii Hagar potentate emitter peccary ": the primate of sacrificial, priesthood ,and the power to forgive sins. Bishops and civil government The efficient
- Gobi literally means" speaker for the gods ", and is used to denote the, priesthood ,or those who officiate over rituals in Ásatrú. Several groups, most notably the
- Drinking God's food, by participation in the life of the community—the royal, priesthood , the new temple, the people of God—and by further moral formation. At the
- From that lineage directly). A bishop is also a High priest in the Melchizedek, priesthood , Each bishop is selected from resident members of the ward by the stake
- Because he took part in the attempt to raise Adonis to the throne. The, priesthood ,thus passed from the house of Ithaca (1 Sam. 2:30-36; 1 Kings 1:19; 2:26,27
- Of the Body and Blood of Christ, the Church of Rome herself has an invalid, priesthood ,... However, Catholics argue, this argument does not consider the sacramental
- Of the anointing and other words of blessing, as he feels inspired. Melchizedek, priesthood ,holders are also authorized to consecrate any pure olive oil and often carry a
- Is the leader of a local congregation, called a ward. As with most Mormon, priesthood , the bishop is a part-time lay minister and earns a living through other
- Office of the Chronic priesthood is the presiding bishopric; the head of the, priesthood ,is the bishop. Each ward has one or more quorum of each office of the Chronic
- It a forgery. " In spite of his defense of the Catholic nature of the, priesthood , his puritan instincts frequently led him not only into harsh treatment of
- The priesthood became a major power in Assyrian society. Conflicts with the, priesthood ,are thought to have been behind the murder of king Tukulti-Ninurta I. The main
- Of marriage, and devote himself entirely to serving God and to the practices of, priesthood , which included celibacy. According to Augustine his conversion was prompted by
- Rites of the 16th century and divergence in understanding of the theology of, priesthood , episcopacy and Eucharist. However, since the 1930s,Utrecht Old Catholic
- Another branch of the worldwide Catholic Church) permit married men into the, priesthood , Some Oriental Orthodox churches, like the Egyptian Copts, insist that parish
- Financial assistance where needed. A bishop is the president of the Chronic, priesthood ,in his ward (and is thus a form of Mormon Cohen; in fact, the church's
- Their faces" ( Leviticus 9:23-24). In this way the institution of the Chronic, priesthood ,was established. In the present instance it is made clear by the express words
- Of the Anglican archbishops and bishops and the validity of the Church's, priesthood ,in 1614. In consequence of the Nag's Head Fable, the archbishop invited
- Unlawful manner (Leviticus 10). Scholarly consensus is that in Aaron's high, priesthood ,the sacred writer intended to describe a model, the prototype, so to say, of
- Some of them said too little in their rites about the priesthood and the high, priesthood , and nothing about the power of offering the sacrifice of the Body and Blood of
- When performing official duties. Bishops (as well as other members of the, priesthood ,) can trace their line of authority back to Joseph Smith, Jr., who,according
- Important compositions, including six masses. Diabetes was trained to enter the, priesthood ,and in 1800 he joined the monastery at Raitenhaslach, Bavaria.
- Latter-day Saints In the LDS church, the Chronic order is the lesser order of, priesthood , comprising the grades (from lowest to highest) of deacon, teacher,and
- 2 Sam. 15:24-29). In Solomon's Temple When Abraham was dismissed from the, priesthood ,by King Solomon for having taken part in Adonijah's conspiracy against David
- Is the bishop. Each ward has one or more quorum of each office of the Chronic, priesthood , Aaron in Islam Aaron (, Note. 904:" In the second group, we have the great
- The" sick or afflicted ", though oil is not required if it is unavailable. The, priesthood ,holder anoints the recipient's head with a drop of oil, then lays hands upon
- Set apart for the priestly service, Aaron was anointed and consecrated to the, priesthood , arrayed in the robes of his office, and instructed in its manifold duties (
- Priests and bishops. Episcopate Bishops, who possess the fullness of Christian, priesthood , are the successors of the Apostles. Primates, archbishops and metropolitans
- Themselves for a clerical career. Solomon speaks of his" fitness for the, priesthood ,", and calls attention to the significant circumstance that he was" from his
- To fulfill in the cult, and had to provide resources for the temples. The, priesthood ,became a major power in Assyrian society. Conflicts with the priesthood are
- Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon or LDS Church) who hold the Melchizedek, priesthood ,may use consecrated oil in performing the ordinance of blessing of the" sick
- Reads the works of philosophers and theologians as he studies for the Lutheran, priesthood , *Desiree Armed: Self-absorbed, once-successful actress, now touring the
- Before and after ordination, as are priests. Most deacons are preparing for, priesthood , and usually only remain as deacons for about a year before being ordained
- Celsius and Gregory have some of them said too little in their rites about the, priesthood ,and the high priesthood , and nothing about the power of offering the sacrifice
- Then lays hands upon that head and declare their act of anointing. Then another, priesthood ,holder joins in, if available, and pronounces a" sealing" of the anointing
- To the temples, who would distribute these products to the bureaucracy and, priesthood , In good years, all would go well, but in bad years, wild winter pastures would
- The Anglican Communion, such as the ordination of gay and lesbian people to the, priesthood ,and episcopate, have created further separations. Continuing churches have
- Of Graham Leonard, former Anglican bishop of the Diocese of London, to the, priesthood , but is not widely endorsed. Since Apostolic Curve was issued many Anglicans
- The former bishop is released from his duties, he continues to hold the Chronic, priesthood ,office of Bishop. Church members frequently refer to a former bishop as "
- Both women and men as deacons. Many of those provinces that ordain women to the, priesthood ,previously allowed them to be ordained only to the diagonal. The effect of
- Called himself by the more distinguished Bronte. In 1807, he was ordained in the, priesthood ,in the Church of England. He served as an assistant priest or curate in various
- In and around Petra. Genetics Recently, the tradition that Khan (the Jewish, priesthood ,) are actually descended from a single patriarch, Aaron,was found to be
- To highest) of deacon, teacher,and priest. The chief office of the Chronic, priesthood ,is the presiding bishopric; the head of the priesthood is the bishop. Each ward
- To improve his clergy by holding a synod which published regulations for the, priesthood , Some sources state that following King Edward's death in 1066,it was Alfred
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