Examples of the the word, percentile , in a Sentence Context
The word ( percentile ), is the 12220 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Functions in the same way as the other Basic Role-Playing games, by rolling, percentile ,dice against skills. Lower rolls than needed can cause increased effect from
- Limit membership to people who have scores as high as or higher than the 98th, percentile , on some IQs test or equivalent. Mensa International is perhaps the most well
- Score" at" some percentile , or between two percentile s, but not" in" some, percentile , Perhaps by this example it is meant that the student scores between the 80th
- Well-reviewed community theater companies. Oklahoma is in the nation's middle, percentile ,in per capita spending on the arts, ranking 17th,and contains more than 300
- Spent reading in two days, was the amount of time a child in the 10th, percentile , spent reading all year. Print exposure can also be a big factor in learning
- 50th percentile read books about 5 minutes a day, while a student in the 20th, percentile , read books for less than a minute a day. This same study found that the amount
- Of out-of-school reading of fifth graders, found that a student in the 50th, percentile , read books about 5 minutes a day, while a student in the 20th percentile read
- Saw a 32 % increase in its population since 2000. The city seeing the largest, percentile ,growth was Kalispell with 40.1 %. The city with the largest actual growth was
- Of 100. * Many scores are derived from the normal distribution, including, percentile , ranks (" percentile s" or" quantiles" ), normal curve equivalents, stanines
- Is mainly concentrated in Montana's seven largest counties, with the heaviest, percentile ,growth in Gallatin County, which saw a 32 % increase in its population since
- Fights. System Attributes Most game situations are resolved by rolling, percentile ,dice and comparing the results against a column of the colorful" Universal
- Actual hundred-sided dice are large, almost spherical, and difficult to read, percentile ,rolls are instead handled by rolling two ten-sided dice together, using one as
- Which originated in the fantasy-oriented Request role-playing game rules. A, percentile ,skill-based system, BRP was used as the basis for most of the games published
- Average number of countries that the attacker can take over, as well as the 90, percentile , starting with a certain number of attacking armies in the first battle. A
- One foreign-born parent. SAT scores for the class of 2011 are in the 25th-75th, percentile , range of 990 to 1180,meaning that 75 % of students scored higher than 990 on
- Quartile (designated Q1) lower quartile cuts off lowest 25 % of data = 25th, percentile , * second quartile (designated Q2) median cuts data set in half = 50th
- Of his tibia estimated his height as 1.84 m. This puts him in the 99th, percentile , of tall people of his period, given that average male height of his time was
- A zero, unless both are zeros or tens, in which case this is 100. Some sets of, percentile ,dice explicitly mark one die in tens and the other in units to avoid ambiguity.
- 33 % (20 % for transfer students) and average SAT scores falling in the 95th, percentile , for the fall of 2011. U. S. News and World Report, in their popular National
- Q3) upper quartile cuts off highest 25 % of data, or lowest 75 % = 75th, percentile , The difference between the upper and lower quartiles is called the
- Minute a day. This same study found that the amount of time a child in the 90th, percentile , spent reading in two days, was the amount of time a child in the 10th
- Radon concentration in uranium mines under the" working level ", with 95th, percentile , levels ranging up to nearly 3 WE (546 PCI 222Rn per liter of air; 20.2 BBQ/m3
- Including Microsoft Excel) regard the minimum and maximum as the 0th and 100th, percentile , respectively; however, such terminology is an extension beyond traditional
- Be broadly applied, in this case an attempt to roll under a certain number with, percentile ,dice. Each incarnation of the BRP rules has changed or added to the core ideas
- The number of people (or percentile s),and the income of each person (or, percentile ,). Princeton's development economist Angus Eaton (1997,139) simplified the
- For Creative Anachronism. In the Request system, an attack is rolled using, percentile ,dice. If the number rolled is equal to or less than the character's skill
- If there can also be a statement of what constitutes the maximum allowable 95, percentile , response time, then an injector configuration could be used to test whether the
- Widehat is the MLE estimate, is the true value of the parameter, and is the, percentile ,of the chi squared distribution with degrees of freedom. Bayesian inference The
- For people 20 and older. People under 20 with a BMI between the 85th and 95th, percentile , are considered to be overweight. Recent studies in Britain have indicated that
- Average homeschooled student outperformed his public school peers by 30 to 37, percentile , points across all subjects. The study also indicates that public school
- Second quartile (designated Q2) median cuts data set in half = 50th, percentile , * third quartile (designated Q3) upper quartile cuts off highest 25 % of data
- Figures included the whole population, yielding ratios in the ninetieth, percentile , but that after that time the male military population was excluded from
- In a skill, the player must roll under the relevant skill with modifiers on, percentile ,dice. Another critique of the game system has been the large effect of
- Each game's universe. Pen dragon used a 1-20 scale and 1d20 roll instead of a, percentile ,scale and 1d100. In combat, it used a single STR-based damage value where
- This methodology uses bundles of residual quantile functions, also called, percentile ,residual life functions, which characterize many types of
- y) = \inf_ \. *Example 2: Put \tau = FM (0.95). Then we call \tau the 95th, percentile , The inverse of the CDF is called the quantile function. The inverse of the CDF
- Is an interval to score" in," which it is not; one can score" at" some, percentile , or between two percentile s, but not" in" some percentile . Perhaps by this
- 25 on a D100,the character has succeeded. Rules for skill advancement rely on, percentile ,dice and were a key feature of the system: to improve a character's abilities
- Or clever thinking. Non-combat activities are also determined via, percentile ,roll. As an example, if a character has climbing at 35 % and her player rolls
- As a student scoring" in the 80th percentile ," for example, as if the 80th, percentile , is an interval to score" in," which it is not; one can score" at" some
- Request was notable for its original gaming system (designed around a, percentile ,die and with an early implementation of skill rules) and for its
- Of rolls easily, dice notation is frequently used. A common special case is, percentile ,rolls, referred to as 1d100 or 1d %. Since actual hundred-sided dice are large
- Service (ETS) rated the Business and Accounting undergraduates in the 95th, percentile , amongst American colleges. Geneva offers a Degree Completion Program (DCP)
- One standard formula for locating the position of the observation at a given, percentile , y, with n data points sorted in ascending order is:: L_y = n \dot \COFRAC. *
- Test results are commonly misinterpreted as a student scoring" in the 80th, percentile ," for example, as if the 80th percentile is an interval to score" in," which
- With children of the same sex and age. A BMI that is less than the 5th, percentile , is considered underweight and above the 95th percentile is considered obese for
- Is less than the 5th percentile is considered underweight and above the 95th, percentile , is considered obese for people 20 and older. People under 20 with a BMI between
- Age. Instead of set thresholds for underweight and overweight, then,the BMI, percentile ,allows comparison with children of the same sex and age. A BMI that is less
- Well known of these. There are other groups requiring a score above the 98th, percentile , Reference charts IQ reference charts are tables suggested by test publishers
- Column of the ACT is used for that action. The character's player then rolls, percentile ,dice; the result is compared to appropriate column, determining a degree of
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